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2/4 6-max pt stats (ft)

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I've completed 5000 hands now and I wanted an introductory checkup. I'm no master of Pokertracker so I need help interpreting my stats, especially for 6-max tables. These 5000 hands began with a terrible downswing after which I reworked my game and began an ultra agressive battle to get in the green, so don't make fun of my win rate. I plan on continuing my aggressiveness but I aware that my game has some holes I would like to fix. I would like to hear other’s analyses on the data.VPIP - 38.19VPISB - 48.64saw flop - 41.93saw flop/not blind - 33.52FSBtS - 73.78FBBtS - 56.05FBBtSHU - 54.71Blind DefenseFold % BB - 41.28Fold % SB - 41.86Ww/oSD BB - 12.84Ww/oSD SB - 16.28Att. to Steal blinds - 46.43Won $ When saw flop - 37.9Amount won - 342.50win rate/100 hands - 6.74BB/100 - 1.68WTS - 35.46Won $ at SD - 56.22raised pre-flop - 21.99limp/call reraise preflop - 0.04First action on flop after a preflop raiseraise - 8.5bet - 41.86call - 6.26check - 20.48check/raise - 1.25fold - 5.28no flop - 16.37PreFlop - 5546 poss actions, 20.38 raise, call 19.37, check 7.01, fold 48.56, AF - 1.05Flop - 3069 poss actions, 9.94 raise, bet 21.77, call 12.38, check 31.05, fold 18.51, AF 2.56Turn - 1857 poss actions, raise 7.11, bet 21.97, call 13.19, check 35.00, fold 15.46, AF 2.2River - 1171 poss actions, raise 3.67, bet 22.72, call 18.28, check 36.98, fold 11.78, AF 1.44Total - 11643 poss actions, raise 13.83, bet 11.53, call 16.43, check 20.83, fold 31.66, AF 1.54bet/raised/checkraised (preflop, flop, turn, river)Ww/oSD - 35.42, 33.26, 29.84, 23.75Fold - 27.46, 16.69, 5.93, 0.33WSD - 37.12, 50.06, 64.23, 75.92W$SD - 56.39, 56.67, 61.85, 80.18Called (preflop, flop, turn, river)Ww/oSD - 10.92, 6.34, 2.66, 0Fold - 60.07, 45.15, 18.09, 0.53WSD - 29.00, 48.51, 79.26, 99.47W$SD - 59.00, 64.62, 57.05, 38.62Folded to river bet - 41.72 When folds hand no fold - 27.51preflop - 52.96flop - 11.17turn - 5.64river - 2.71check raises - 1.79flop - 59.63turn - 36.70 river - 3.67winning sessions - 62.07%avg pot - 17.66AP - 5.0ASF - 45.83too lazy to include positional stats and stuff.

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VPIP - 38.19 yikesVPISB - 48.64 yikesAtt. to Steal blinds - 46.43 yikesWon $ When saw flop - 37.9 you are running extremely hotWTS - 35.46Won $ at SD - 56.22raised pre-flop - 21.99 yikeslimp/call reraise preflop - 0.04
um, if these stats are >4 handed, you need to realize that as soon as you stop running super hot, you are going to hemmorage. 38-20 is maniacal, although your postflop numbers are more reasonable. unless you know something i dont about 2-4...
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ah I was worried about these responses. Preflop raise is staying almost as high as it is now. Try it for a session or two and find out why. Perfecting a preflop maniacal strategy works wonders. Not saying I've perfected it, but I'm working on it. It's six max, sometimes tables aren't gonna be full, VPIP is gonna be high. Is there a standard for 6 handed tables?

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Perfecting a preflop maniacal strategy works wonders.
Perfecting a controlled manical strategy works even better. You've gone too far.You are getting too much money in as an underdog too often.Standard for 6 max is a VPIP of around 25%. 30% if you are very strong post flopPreflop raising 22 is going to cost you a fortune over time, although if you have a VPIP of 38%, that's where your problem is. Drop that to a tighter range and the raising will follow suit.FBBtSHU - 54.71 is extremely weak. BB can be defended with all sorts of handscheck after a preflop raise - 20.48 also a bit weak, but given the amount of preflop raising your doing thsi is explained.5k hands are nothing to go by of course but a good player with good table selection can acheive 3-4BB/100There are a lot of players at 6-max who don't/can't adjust their games so at lower levels the average table should be softer (This corrects very quickly as you go up in levels)
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ah I was worried about these responses. Preflop raise is staying almost as high as it is now. Try it for a session or two and find out why. Perfecting a preflop maniacal strategy works wonders. Not saying I've perfected it, but I'm working on it.  It's six max, sometimes tables aren't gonna be full, VPIP is gonna be high. Is there a standard for 6 handed tables?
i am playing exclusively 6 max with a style that pushes the extremes of controlled aggression. I am 27-17-3. your style is going to get you killed once you reach a limit where people start 3 betting you.
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I'm looking to fix these holes while still maintaining the maniac image. Any help? Not just, don't raise as much, something more along the lines of what I should restrict my raising hands to from which positions and calling hands. thanks.

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I'm looking to fix these holes while still maintaining the maniac image. Any help? Not just, don't raise as much, something more along the lines of what I should restrict my raising hands to from which positions and calling hands. thanks.
well, whats your raising ranges?
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I am 27-17-3
If I see those stats at a table the other 4 players need to be soft for me to sit down. 2 players like that and I move on to better tables.Your (OP) stats of 38-22-1.5 though will get me joining the waitlist. If I can get on your left, I'm taking your money all the time. If I can only get on your right I have to work harder, but I will still make a profit over time.Have a look here for a good guide to preflop play at 6 maxhttp://www.mrfixitonline.com/readTopic.asp...869#Post1701869
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I've completed 5000 hands now
First, 5k hands is way to little to give any comment/advice even an introductury one. Wait until you get like 40k-50k hands or so.There is an excellent thread you should read and you can find it herehttp://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...pic.php?t=12767and also this one is very goodhttp://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat...rt=&PHPSESSID=/(its linked from the first thread link is called Ishmaels Analysis)My advice is, read those threads and wait a bit more before posting stats.Peace :club::D:D:D
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