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kings preflop in a nl cashgame.

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I think i'm done playing big pots with KK preflop in a nl cash game.Its rare someone will go all in with QQ or worse. I mean i really haven't seen to many people make that play in a very long time.against another big stack i really dont think most people are gonna gamble with anything except another KK or AA. I'm starting to think in a cash game its just not worth it unless your opponent is a wild player or has a short stack. of course in a tournament this is completley different but does anyone share my opinion that in a cash game it might not be worth gambling with KK as much as most think?

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How are you playing them? There is only one hand that is petter preflop. I don't know what kind of had you want when you are playing for a big pot, but that is one of the best. Remember you have to protect your pocket pair. You don't want someone to limp with two live cards and catch... IMO you are better off playing them and making the tough laydow after the flop if you need to.

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I belive I once read that statistically, an oponent will hold AA once in every 242 times that you hold KK. If they're holding Ax, the ace will hit about 17% of the time. Sure, other times the miracle straight or 4 flush comes against a lower pocket pair, but odds are pretty good for you Kings the majority of the time all in pre-flop. If you're pushing your Kings, and someone comes over the top and you know they'd only do it with AA, then I could see laying it down, but to lay it down every time is silly.Also, if you're not willing to lose your stack with KK preflop in a NL Cash game, you're playing out of your limits, IMHO.

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On the 1/2 NL games, you'll see people go all-in preflop with all sorts of crap. I've seen people call all-ins with pocket 10s. If you're playing against a bunch of tournament players who watch TV too much, you'll get called by much lesser hands than your pocket Kings.It depends on your read of the table exactly how to play it, but you should definitely be trying to get all your money in before the flop.

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All-in preflop:  no-brainer.
that's almost as stupid as the original post :shock:
OK, u toss em to a big raise pre-flop and a big bet on river and see where it gets you. If someone calls your all in pre-flop there is one hand that beats you (AA obviously). If you get to the flop you have a multitude of hands that will take your money (3 sets of two pair, three sets of trips, and AA). Get all of your money in pre-flop, if u r beat (which is VERY rarely pre-flop) then shake their hand and say 'nice cards'. You have a 20% chance of making trips against AA, if you run into 2 pr or trips on flop with an overpair you are drawing VERY slim.
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As I was reading this post this hand came up... I laughed at the re-raise and thought about folding as his holding might be painfully ironic... Then I thought NO, only a fish would pass in this spot and called*Hand History for Game 3076988461 *****$200 NL Texas Hold'em - Tuesday, November 22, 12:47:45 EDT 2005Table Table 69122 (6 max) (No DP) (Real Money)Seat 3 is the buttonTotal number of players : 6 Seat 5: B ( $482.76 )Seat 4: S ( $498.91 )Seat 1: SN ( $118.53 )Seat 6: O ( $110.80 )Seat 2: Oi ( $200 )Seat 3: B ( $216 )S posts small blind [$1].B posts big blind [$2].** Dealing down cards **Dealt to B [ Kh Kd ]O calls [$2].SN calls [$2].Oi calls [$2].B folds.S folds.B raises [$9].O is all-In [$108.80]SN folds.Oi folds.B: This could start u offB: SO funnyB: I was just reading about this scenarioB calls [$99.80].** Dealing Flop ** [ Qc, 8s, Kc ]** Dealing Turn ** [ 7c ]** Dealing River ** [ 8d ]B shows [ Kh, Kd ] a full house, Kings full of eights.O doesn't show [ Ac, Jc ] a flush, ace high.B wins $223.60 from the main pot with a full house, Kings full of eights.

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I belive I once read that statistically, an oponent will hold AA once in every 242 times that you hold KK. If they're holding Ax, the ace will hit about 17% of the time. Sure, other times the miracle straight or 4 flush comes against a lower pocket pair, but odds are pretty good for you Kings the majority of the time all in pre-flop. If you're pushing your Kings, and someone comes over the top and you know they'd only do it with AA, then I could see laying it down, but to lay it down every time is silly.Also, if you're not willing to lose your stack with KK preflop in a NL Cash game, you're playing out of your limits, IMHO.
I just want to concur with you here. If there is any way to get all my chips in (in a lower limit NL cash game, I can 't speak for the big games), then I am doing it.Heck, some games have a culture where a first-in all-in raise is MORE likely to be called, than say an 8x BB bet. There is *something* that makes some players call an all-in. Maybe its greed, or a suspicion that any bet that large is NOT looking for a call.
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