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So the 80/160 was juicy.unfortunately, the player (BB) in this hand is pretty solid. I havnt seen him get out of line.hero gets delt K :) ,J :club: in middle position somewhere and opens with a raise. Only the BB calls.Flop is A :D ,K :D ,T :D (4.5sb)BB checks, hero bets, BB calls.Turn is the A :) (3.25BB)BB checks, hero bets, BB raises, hero fold.At first thought this seemed standard...

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Why not check behind the turn?A solid player is not calling the flop with a gutshot. A flush draw may put you in a tough spot an semi-bluff raise the turn. Same goes for hands like QT/JT. You may also induce a bluff/value bet on the end from these hands. Also, a weaker king is drawing dead, and a smaller pair usually only has 2 outs. The pot is small enough where you don't particularly mind giving free cards to these types of hands.If you don't know how to handle a raise, wouldn't a check be the smartest play?

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Turn is interesting...I guess it boils down to whether you think BB would think he could knock you off of a K with a c/r here. If so, I think checking behind is best on the turn. But if you doubt BB would make a play here, nh.I think the b/f is probably good; that looks like a dangerous board for him to be semibluffing with a flush draw, or check-raising Kx. And I can't imagine him peeling on the flop with anything else that you beat.

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Why not check behind the turn?
I thought the same thing.
A solid player is not calling the flop with a gutshot.  
A flush draw may put you in a tough spot an semi-bluff raise the turn.
What hands piucked up the flush draw on the turn?
Same goes for hands like QT/JT.  You may also induce a bluff/value bet on the end from these hands.  
Right, but I also give them a free card. But with my own gutshot is it really tghat bad?
Also, a weaker king is drawing dead, and a smaller pair usually only has 2 outs.  The pot is small enough where you don't particularly mind giving free cards to these types of hands.
He dont have a small pair. I hope he doesnt.
If you don't know how to handle a raise, wouldn't a check be the smartest play?
I thought I handled the raise fine. :club:
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What hands piucked up the flush draw on the turn?
Kd9d. That's what he has. Kd9d...
Right, but I also give them a free card. But with my own gutshot is it really tghat bad?
I don't think it is. After villian peels the flop, I think you're getting c/red on this turn a lot. (I hate the HU flop peel). If you are ahead of villian, he is usually drawing to 2 outs. Occasionally he will be drawing to 6 outs with QT, and sometimes he will have 2 wins and 4 split outs with JT. He will rarely have 9 outs with two diamonds.Basically, you will get c/red if you are behind, and you will get c/red occassionally when you are ahead. Also, when you are ahead, your opponent is usually drawing pretty slim.
I thought I handled the raise fine.
I would break down if someone c/red me $160. :club:
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i had a feeling I messed up on this one.

I would break down if someone c/red me $160.
The 80/160 is a 4-8 chip structure that uses $20 chips. Stack of 20 chips is $400 bucks. When the guy check/raised he just pulled out a stack and took 4 chips off the top. I threw up a little when he did it like that.
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These are hands I used to leak on, and I've figured out exactly how I like to play them. The board is draw-light. I don't think a free card hurts us much here. If we bet the turn, we're not inducing a bluff from a hand that doesn't cripple us enough to justify planning to bet/call-call. This turn WILL go bet/scoop quite often, no? I think a lot of players give up on this pot when they're behind. I DO think we induce a river bluff A LOT if we check behind.I'm checking behind and calling the river, and betting for value if he checks, or maybe just checking behind. It would be tough for him not to bet a king/straight/ace after we check the turn, no?I think, considering the board and size of the pot, we can maximize value taking that line. Ice

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i totally agree. And if the turn went check/check and BB checks the river, i bet.
Since you posted this hand and I posted my preferred (/everyone's preferred) way of playing the hand, I've been in similiar situations 4 times.Twice, I picked off a bluff from a solid player that is auto-folding the turn if I bet. Once I bet the river for value and was called by a very strong player with bottom pair. Once I called a river bet from a player that had me hammered on the turn.I MIGHT have been able to win 2 bets on the hand when I was called by bottom pair, but not likely.Net gain from checking behind on the turn = +3BBIce
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nice.i think this thread should be stickied.can we do that? have a rotating group of stickied thread that have the best content in them?aseem

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I DO think we induce a river bluff A LOT if we check behind.I'm checking behind and calling the river, and betting for value if he checks, or maybe just checking behind. It would be tough for him not to bet a king/straight/ace after we check the turn, no?
yes. i think i tend to do this a lot.
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