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mike cunningham's blog

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I wanted to make sure that everyone read my latest entry to my blog. Since most of you read my really bad entry, it is important to me that you all read this really good entry.I thank each and everyone one of you who emailed me, posted on my blog, and posted on this website in support of me. It meant a lot and was extremely helpful.I started the blog to be real to share my expereiences of going pro. I extremely appreciate Dan N.'s blog and showign the big time going pro story, so I wanted to show the not so big time, grinder mentality of going pro. With that comes good and bad times. That was a bad tiem that got a lot of talk, so I wanted to make sure the good times got some talk too.Again, for all of you that responded on my behalf, thank you again. It means the world to me that so many 'strangers' care that much for their fellow human being.mc

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I checked your blog today, but it was the entry about the hand you wanted feedback on.If this is the entry, then I would suggest you post it in the NL strat section.I didn't respond to your question, because I thought it was a terrible play. You won the pot, but how often would that work? I think almost never. also, i am sending you a PM on a totally unrelated topic.

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Damn, you made another post today. Please ignore my reply above.Glad to see you are going to spend time with loved ones over the holiday.good luck with your quest and I will continue to follow your success.

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