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pokertracker, does it help?

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one more thingFor those that think pokertracker helps, is it worth paying for or do you use the free version?
The free version only allows you to import 1000 hands. You need to buy the version for it to be effective.
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You can get the full version for free through pokersourceonline.com. They give you good bonuses and free gifts for just signing up and playing at new poker rooms that you never played at. They have a lot of other good things to choose from other than Pokertracker. If you sign up, I'd love the referral: shinychicken

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PT is very helpful.At a minimum, it will help you keep track of your winnings/losings.At the next step, it will allow you to look at a scrolling list of your dealt pocket cards in HE and see over the lifetime of your play, which are profitable and which aren't. You can isolate by position as well, so it might be good to ditch the BB and maybe SB and look at those another way.So as your hand database increases you can identify trends like "wow, I'm not winning playing AJo, maybe I need to modify my post-flop strategy." or "limping Ace-rag suited from early position isn't winning me any money." etc.

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PT is very helpful.At a minimum, it will help you keep track of your winnings/losings.At the next step, it will allow you to look at a scrolling list of your dealt pocket cards in HE and see over the lifetime of your play, which are profitable and which aren't. You can isolate by position as well, so it might be good to ditch the BB and maybe SB and look at those another way.So as your hand database increases you can identify trends like "wow, I'm not winning playing AJo, maybe I need to modify my post-flop strategy." or "limping Ace-rag suited from early position isn't winning me any money." etc.
thanks for the detailed response, time to head over to PSO to get it for free i suppose.
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I think it's close to essential for anyone who multi-tables. Get it with PokerAce HUD and you're in business. Really useful on so many levels.
yes! PokerAce HUD is a must-have. it rocks.
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I'm not even going to submit my vote because to be frank, the poll is not worthwhile. Poker is a game of incomplete information. PT gives you some extra information. If that doesn't help, there's something wrong with you. I mean that literally. If you cant make use of extra information in your game there is undeniably something wrong with you. Also, I'm a bit flabbergasted that someone who has been a forum member for almost a year has only recently heard of PT.

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I'm not even going to submit my vote because to be frank, the poll is not worthwhile.  Poker is a game of incomplete information.  PT gives you some extra information.  If that doesn't help, there's something wrong with you.  I mean that literally.  If you cant make use of extra information in your game there is undeniably something wrong with you.  Also, I'm a bit flabbergasted that someone who has been a forum member for almost a year has only recently heard of PT.
:roll: The question was about the softwares functionality and if it was worth purchasing. I just started playing online recently and have traditionally been a live player. Of course extra information will help my game, I was asking JUST HOW MUCH information this program provides and if it is worth $50.It was an innocent question.Your response was highly offensive.Go find some other post to rip and flame for no reason.go to hell.
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I think it's close to essential for anyone who multi-tables. Get it with PokerAce HUD and you're in business. Really useful on so many levels.
yes! PokerAce HUD is a must-have. it rocks.
Is PokerAceHud better than gametime +, and is it a similar program?I currently use gametime+ w/ my pokertracker and love it. Thanks in Advance, mb5322
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Is PokerAceHud better than gametime +, and is it a similar program? I currently use gametime+ w/ my pokertracker and love it.
I've only used GT+ sparingly, but I prefer the PokerAce interface. I'm sure they both work well, but I just preferred the one.
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It was an innocent question.Your response was highly offensive.
You're right. I was a curmudgeon yesterday. My apologies.
go to hell.
If there is one, I'm on my way...A better response:PT is awesome. 1) I use the BR tracking constantly. I used to write my wins and losses on pieces of paper. Now I know exactly what my win-rate is at various games and limits. I know I have a solid win-rate at limit, and I frequently get ravaged in PL/NL. Without PT I'm not sven sure I'd know this much about my game.2) I use it to mine past-performance. My best example is early on when I realized I was a losing player from 2 off the button (MP3? MP4?). PT thrust this into my attention, and I dug through my hands to find out why. I played "late position" starting hands from what is essentially middle position. Corrected my behavior, and now I win everywhere out of the blinds. Yay pokertracker! I also found I play AQo too often, and hold it too long. I have used it to find hands with huge losses and replay the hand to see what went wrong. Very cool.3) In conjunction with Gametime+ to obtain/maintain reads. After 20 hands, I look at table averages to decide wether to stay or go. Without, I'd have to track PFR and VPIP/players to flop manually for all tables I'm on at all times. Loose tables turn tight sometimes, and it's easy to miss the transition and end up in a game where you have little or no edge. PT/Gametime+ really helps me with this. Also individual reads. Who's dead money, who's raises deserve respect, who's blinds can be stolen. etc.It's made me many times it's cost I'm sure in the 6 months I've had it, AND, I got it as a bonus from PSO. Again, sorry for being an ass. Hope this helps.
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It was an innocent question.Your response was highly offensive.
You're right. I was a curmudgeon yesterday. My apologies.
go to hell.
If there is one, I'm on my way...A better response:PT is awesome. 1) I use the BR tracking constantly. I used to write my wins and losses on pieces of paper. Now I know exactly what my win-rate is at various games and limits. I know I have a solid win-rate at limit, and I frequently get ravaged in PL/NL. Without PT I'm not sven sure I'd know this much about my game.2) I use it to mine past-performance. My best example is early on when I realized I was a losing player from 2 off the button (MP3? MP4?). PT thrust this into my attention, and I dug through my hands to find out why. I played "late position" starting hands from what is essentially middle position. Corrected my behavior, and now I win everywhere out of the blinds. Yay pokertracker! I also found I play AQo too often, and hold it too long. I have used it to find hands with huge losses and replay the hand to see what went wrong. Very cool.3) In conjunction with Gametime+ to obtain/maintain reads. After 20 hands, I look at table averages to decide wether to stay or go. Without, I'd have to track PFR and VPIP/players to flop manually for all tables I'm on at all times. Loose tables turn tight sometimes, and it's easy to miss the transition and end up in a game where you have little or no edge. PT/Gametime+ really helps me with this. Also individual reads. Who's dead money, who's raises deserve respect, who's blinds can be stolen. etc.It's made me many times it's cost I'm sure in the 6 months I've had it, AND, I got it as a bonus from PSO. Again, sorry for being an ass. Hope this helps.
well played sir.i remember when i bought PT. i left it on a few tables for a couple hours before i sat down. when i did sit down i had about 300 hands on one player who had been at two of my open tables. the very first hand i played i ended up calling him down with 44 UI to take a $60 2/4 pot because I had been able to spot his patterns using PT. within 38 seconds, PT had pair for itself.Also, the main benefits I've got from PT have not been improving my play, but in being able to more accurately gauge the play of others. knowing even the most superficial of other player's stats (VPIP, PFR, AF, etc) is extremely helpful, especially when multi-tabling and will unquestionably boost your win rate.
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