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How do you put people on tilt?

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I love putting tables on tilt. Actually put a whole table on tilt last night in a matter of 15 minutes. Had about 200 in 1/2 NL and got moved to a new table. I sat down and on the second had there was about 30 in the pot and on the river an ace came and the guy hesitatntly bet the pot. I moved all in and he folds showing he had top pair before the ace. I tell him nice lay down and show him the bluff. Next hand same thing happens and now people are getting mad.Which sets up this hand. I hold As Qd Flop comes2s 3s 4dI make a feeler bet of 10 into a 4 way action pot. I get one smooth caller. Turn is the Qs. Making a big hand for me. Someone leads 20 one caller and I call. River is a spade. Some guy hesitatntly checks and I try to make the same bet that I did when I was bluffing. I go "100 straight" the guy thinks for about 10 seconds and goes "I call" flips up A 5 with no spade. Flopped a wheel terribly misplayed it and then pays off a 100 on the river. Needless to say the 700 he had in fron of him at that time lasted about 45 minutes and he left the table muttering to himself. CLASSIC

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There's a guy who plays in our home games who I can read very well. Everytime he makes what he thinks is a big laydown to me, he always shows it. If I feel like getting him tilting I'll show him my bluff and that he had me drawing dead. He then usually proceeds to dump the rest of his chips. However, he's my friend so I don't do this all the time....just once in a while, and then we can usually laugh about it the next day.

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i dont go out to purposefully put someone on tilt. i usually play the highest stud, or stud8 games my casino offers and the table is always filled with old timers that talk about how poker was back in the day. i like to rib the guys about their age and be the cocky young guy at the table. this can get under their skin sometimes, but i am just having fun, not trying to get the person steaming on purpose

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Normally if you call out a guy that is obviously trying juvenile crap to tilt you, like "Your momma.... " , you can easily turn it around and TILT the crap out of him. Just tell him you dont tilt on lame attempts like that, then start making jokes about him being underage, and criticizing his lack of game. He'll usually be out of the tourney soon after, unless of course he sucks out...I even say right in my profile on PR exactly what I am doing, and people still get so Tilted. I say in my profile that I talk smack just to tilt the weakest player at the table... and even apologize in advance for it. Yep, thats one 'read' you could get by checking a guys profile.... The good players and guys that actually read the profiles usually think its hillarious.

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u know what works,tell people how they should play there hand, if you win a hand type or say "whaammyy, followed by baaaahahha sucka bitch!"another one is, be honest and sincere when you say stuff like "wow, you really arent good at poker eh"If you wanna put good players on tilt, ones that understand strategy, say things like "hahaha, look who has all your chips".other things like "I had a feeling i was going to beat you that hand"Make a big bluff and then heckle them about it. Make some rounders quotes, cuz almost everyone has seen that movie now.tel them you stick it in them. and so forth
That one gets me almost every time.You cant do anything but win them back.I commend you sir.
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i dont go out to purposefully put someone on tilt. i usually play the highest stud, or stud8 games my casino offers and the table is always filled with old timers that talk about how poker was back in the day. i like to rib the guys about their age and be the censored young guy at the table. this can get under their skin sometimes, but i am just having fun, not trying to get the person steaming on purpose
You win the prize for best avatar.
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Great, now everyone wants "to be like Mike (matusow)". I ran into 3 guys last night at the Bike running their mouths and trying to put people on tilt, claiming it was part of thier game. The only way I put people on tilt is by outplaying them, not acting like some classless turd. Guess I'm just old school. Some of the stuff people are pulling at the card table nowadays would have lead to getting your arm busted in the parking lot.

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i dont go out to purposefully put someone on tilt. i usually play the highest stud, or stud8 games my casino offers and the table is always filled with old timers that talk about how poker was back in the day. i like to rib the guys about their age and be the censored young guy at the table. this can get under their skin sometimes, but i am just having fun, not trying to get the person steaming on purpose
You win the prize for best avatar.
yeah. that's my girlfriend. i am surprised that she allowed me to take such a provocative picture for my avatar. she is the best!
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Great, now everyone wants "to be like Mike (matusow)". I ran into 3 guys last night at the Bike running their mouths and trying to put people on tilt, claiming it was part of thier game. The only way I put people on tilt is by outplaying them, not acting like some classless turd. Guess I'm just old school. Some of the stuff people are pulling at the card table nowadays would have lead to getting your arm busted in the parking lot.
These people are talking about online or in friendly games.Do this too much in low to middle limits at Hollywood Park for example, get jumped on your way to the car by multiple assaulters. Get coffee poured on you. I've seen it all. Just be careful if you want to play classless poker in a grinding environment. High stakes professional players aren't like grinders. Say something wrong to the wrong guy, and you'll get beaten. They don't care if they go to jail... some of them have nothing to lose.
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flame away if you will, but i actually do the opposite--treat people with respect and you'd be surprised to see the lack of raises, and the amount of folds you get because of it. it's definitely the reverse of tilting, but works for me.
Getting respect at the table is not going to put someone on tilt. Just say you don't try to put other people on tilt and move on. Or just don't respond.
uh, read the first 11 words. yes, we speak english here :wink:
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Just say to them honestly, but firmly:"You called me with that cheese, you underage, overfed, hat, oakley and hoodie wearing, moronic, non book reading, college dropout, poker challanged, Norman Chad unitelligible trash talking, Mike Matusow worshipping,world series of poker winner wanna be???"That usually gets them tilting. :twisted:

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I usually just try to be quiet and play my best game at the table, or if that doesn't work, I try to be friendly and keep people in a good mood so they'll stay there and keep giving me money. That's how I put people on tilt.Oh, wait, that's not putting people on tilt?I think people who are rude without provocation at a poker table should be beaten like a rented mule. People who do it as "strategy" are, I guess, mildly more forgiveable, but I generally think it's just the excuse they give to be the assholes they would be anyway.I don't have any issue with good natured needling or kidding. And if someone steps into you, you've got a perfect right to step back verbally. But otherwise, it's a pure jerk move and makes the game decidely un-fun for everyone else.
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