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good book on playing head's up?

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After getting 2nd place in a tourney this weekend(again :? ) a poker aquaintance of mine suggested looking at the bookstore for a specific book on playing head's up. This is the area of my game that needs the most improvement. Anyone ever heard of a book like this? I looked at the bookstore this weekend to no avail. If anyone knows of any good books on head's up play, PLMK.

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I'am an avid reader of books and articles on no limit hold'em. There is virtually nothing written yet about heads-up situations in no limit. In Sklansky's Theory of Poker he writes some about "being heads up on the end," although he is writing about being so during a limit side game. Cloutier in his book writes a tiny bit about heads up in his book Championship No-Limit & Pot Limit Holdem (pgs.106-9). Cloutier seems to put too much emphasis on shoving it all-in with just about any ace. This is not a good strategy at all for a more sophisticated player. I suspect that Cloutier intentionally left much out of his book concerning heads up because he did'nt want to educate his opposition. If you contact CardplayerCruises in LV Nevada you can purchase a World Poker Players Conference DVD where many important topics are discussed including how to handle heads up situations by none other than Daniel Negreanu. More over in the 2nd volume to his excellent book "Harrington on Hold'em," Action Dan will be writing about heads up play, unfortunately that second volume will probably not be available until May 2005. Finally, watching heads up situations on T.V. is the last thing I can think of. Good Luck.

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I'am an avid reader of books and articles on no limit hold'em. There is virtually nothing written yet about heads-up situations in no limit. In Sklansky's Theory of Poker he writes some about "being heads up on the end," although he is writing about being so during a limit side game. Cloutier in his book writes a tiny bit about heads up in his book Championship No-Limit & Pot Limit Holdem (pgs.106-9). Cloutier seems to put too much emphasis on shoving it all-in with just about any ace. This is not a good strategy at all for a more sophisticated player. I suspect that Cloutier intentionally left much out of his book concerning heads up because he did'nt want to educate his opposition. If you contact CardplayerCruises in LV Nevada you can purchase a World Poker Players Conference DVD where many important topics are discussed including how to handle heads up situations by none other than Daniel Negreanu. More over in the 2nd volume to his excellent book "Harrington on Hold'em," Action Dan will be writing about heads up play, unfortunately that second volume will probably not be available until May 2005. Finally, watching heads up situations on T.V. is the last thing I can think of. Good Luck.
Thanks so much! I do have the book by Sklansky & Malmuth(Hold 'em Poker for Advanced players) and they do address head's up play in certain situations, but only briefly and not in detail. I will keep an eye out for Harrington's book and look for the DVD you mentioned. Thanks so much for taking the time to write. Now I won't waist a whole lot of time searching for a book that doesn't exist! :-)
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