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always missing the point... small little ego's

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It's obvious they don't care about the other guy... but comments that these people are making are not to help my game, they are to boost their own small little ego's by making fun of other people./shrug.So?What about that is offensive?  Don't you see the trap here.  If you're offended by that you're the exact personality type that you're so bothered by here.
Well some people here got the point I was trying to make. It's not offensive though... it's annoying. Why should people sit around and tell me how I play, when they have absolutely no idea. There is no purpose in that other than to feel better about their shitty life. They don't want to help anyone but themselves.. that is sad to me. If they want to continue that... Fine... but I will go ahead and voice my opinion about these people also.At least when I tell someone they made a bad play, I can give them a reason... or do it constructively. Or god forbid show some sympathy when they did in fact take a bad beat. People aren't posting here so they can be ridiculed for what they do.... well except me... obviously I'm just a sick sick person just looking for pain by making this post in the first place. Believe me I know someone was going to argue with me... but at least a couple people actually saw the point I was trying to make... So to those people, thanks!
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Believe me I know someone was going to argue with me... but at least a couple people actually saw the point I was trying to make... So to those people, thanks!Well, as long as you've satisfied your ego and feel better than the people who belittle people....:)Just kidding.

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LOL I could have guessed you'd respond that way.Everyone check the other thread and if you really think I was out of line then please let me know.The guy risked his entire stack on A9, and then CALLED an all-in for ALL his chips with only TPTK... I listed about 12 hands that had him KILLED at that point. TPTK was NOT good in that situation about 80% of the time.but I am the one that is "retarded" for pointing out HE made a bad play?
I think you missed the part where I had been watching this exact player and seeing the way he was playing. He was going all-in almost every hand he played (before he moved to my table)... I had no reason to think he had one of the hands I was beat by. He would have put in a huge raise with any overpair. He had the chiplead for awhile and was just bullying with it... and doubling up a lot of people along the way.... I made the right call. Against a general player, I made a terrible play... but I knew how this guy was playing... that makes at least a little difference. I know what you were trying to say... but the part about how I play the game.. .and saying I'm in love with suited aces, that's just stupid. You haven't seen me play, and seen the cards I will throw away.
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Believe me I know someone was going to argue with me... but at least a couple people actually saw the point I was trying to make... So to those people, thanks!Well, as long as you've satisfied your ego and feel better than the people who belittle people....:)Just kidding.
I know your'e kidding.. and I see the actual point your making... but if you really want to get into that....There is absolutely NOTHING in the world that anyone does for a completely unselfish reason. Everything is about US, no matter what it is. So I can't really say it's not an ego thing for me either... but I really just felt like pointing out the fact that there are too many people who need to be a little more constructive if they want to talk shit.
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Here's my short .02 cents on the matter.This is a public forum. You don't know me, I don't know you. If you have a question expect all kinds of answers. Read them, evaluate them, take the one's you find interesting to heart and cast the others aside. I recognize a few names on some of the posts. I already discredit them because I know that they 1) know very little about poker or 2) are only here to stroke their own ego, so they get the big IGGY button from me. Just ignore them. If you fight them you give them power. I think that you might be realizing that you were a little in error otherwise you wouldn't be so defensive about the response. If you really feel like you made the right play you would just disregard the people calling you out on the play.That's just my thoughts.....

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Why does everyone here feel the need to act superior.  Are you all small little people with no self esteem?  I think so!   So you come to the internet to try and feel like you're smarter than everyone else.  Unfortunately you completely miss every point made, and just continue in your quest to boost your small little ego's!You guys are censored douchebags and need to get something better to do with your time than sit around and try to make yourself feel superior by pointing out mistakes by others.  
I don't know, maybe its me, but the point of this thread seems do to exactly that for your ego. You're doing part of what you are complaining about.
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My two cents:People have opinions. They may be right, they may be wrong (not an obscure musical reference). Any internet forum, this forum included, allows people to express those opinions freely, anonymously - for better or worse. In turn, this freedom affords us, the readers, the opportunity to gather information, to learn. But, the burden is on us. We must be vigilant in sorting through the bad information to get to the good stuff. Personally, I don't take what any anonymous poster says to heart. If the information is good and well thought out, even if it's contrary to my view, then I'll add it to my intellectual data base. Otherwise, I chit-can it. Heck, while I am proud of my poker haiku seen below, a majority of the members probably hate it. So what? No skin of my back.If immature blabble that holds no personal ramifications gets you steamed, it might be a good time to evaluate weather or not you can keep control of your emotions at the poker table. You might think that the two mediums, forums and poker, are mutually exclusive, but the personality traits that cause you to get worked up over idiotic, ill-conceived posts could crop up at the table, and cost you money.Just one man's opinion, that's all.Have a good day.-CaptDrew*edit* So while I was typing this up mx said basically the same thing... go figure.

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Here's my short .02 cents on the matter.This is a public forum.  You don't know me, I don't know you.  If you have a question expect all kinds of answers.  Read them, evaluate them, take the one's you find interesting to heart and cast the others aside.  I recognize a few names on some of the posts.  I already discredit them because I know that they 1) know very little about poker or 2) are only here to stroke their own ego, so they get the big IGGY button from me.  Just ignore them.  If you fight them you give them power.  I think that you might be realizing that you were a little in error otherwise you wouldn't be so defensive about the response.  If you really feel like you made the right play you would just disregard the people calling you out on the play.That's just my thoughts.....
You're pretty much right. Although in theory, I know the play was a little loose, but I had reason to do it from the play I had been seeing. Not to say it's an excuse, because up to that point, I had folded those cards every time.... But blinds were big, I wanted to get ahold of some. As for whether I felt it was the right play... I really did think I had the best hand there.... I have made plenty of rash calls for all my chips with stupid hands... this wasn't one of them though. I thought he was bluffing, which he obviously was, and got lucky.I'm defensive because of the way I was called out on it... not for the fact they were calling me out. To say that I'm in love with those cards because they're sooted, and make an ass of yourself by generalizing like that, is the reason I got defensive about it. I really don't like when people try to tell me how I play, and what I do. It's stupid to me, and being already pissed off about the situation, I felt like swearing and fighting about it... oh well!
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My two cents:People have opinions.  They may be right, they may be wrong (not an obscure musical reference).   Any internet forum, this forum included, allows people to express those opinions freely, anonymously - for better or worse.  In turn, this freedom affords us, the readers, the opportunity to gather information, to learn.  But, the burden is on us.  We must be vigilant in sorting through the bad information to get to the good stuff.  Personally, I don't take what any anonymous poster says to heart.  If the information is good and well thought out, even if it's contrary to my view, then I'll add it to my intellectual data base.  Otherwise, I chit-can it.  Heck, while I am proud of my poker haiku seen below, a majority of the members probably hate it.  So what?  No skin of my back.If immature blabble that holds no personal ramifications gets you steamed, it might be a good time to evaluate weather or not you can keep control of your emotions at the poker table.  You might think that the two mediums, forums and poker, are mutually exclusive, but the personality traits that cause you to get worked up over idiotic, ill-conceived posts could crop up at the table.
Excellent - I agree.Your haiku sucks!
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Why does everyone here feel the need to act superior.  Are you all small little people with no self esteem?  I think so!   So you come to the internet to try and feel like you're smarter than everyone else.  Unfortunately you completely miss every point made, and just continue in your quest to boost your small little ego's!You guys are censored douchebags and need to get something better to do with your time than sit around and try to make yourself feel superior by pointing out mistakes by others.  
I don't know, maybe its me, but the point of this thread seems do to exactly that for your ego. You're doing part of what you are complaining about.
I already commented that it's a byproduct of the post. It isn't the main theme though. I was doing it to vent my frustrations that people do this all the time when other people are coming either for help or just to flat out vent. Everything is an ego boost, but some people do it for that fact and nothing else. I actually had a point other than that though. There's really no way to say much of anything without it having a selfish reason behind it... it's just not possible. Even if you donate to charity... you're not just doing it for the charity, you are doing it so you feel better about yourself... it's just the way it is.
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Why does everyone here feel the need to act superior.
So you come to the internet to try and feel like you're smarter than everyone else.
There is a simple fact that I find quite interesting. When someone describes their hand, the correct play or decision is really obvious to me. I am far better at critiquing everyone's play than I am at playing myself. Ergo, I can only conclude that I 'come to the internet to try and feel like I'm smarter than MYSELF'Lighten up dude.
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I am SO SICK of these god damn retards on Party Poker who don't know a good card from their ass!!! Honestly... How do these morons end up with so many chips? This seems like a very "constructive post" from the OP. You should probably learn to keep your emotions in check, it'll help you not only at the table, but not from sounding so whiny and childish on the forum.It sounds like you can't accept someone telling you that they would have played it differently and insist on trying to prove you played your hand correctly, and only got unlucky. There's nothing constructive about posting one of your hands on here if all you are going to do is argue with people that you played it correctly. If you feel you played your hand the best you could, then realize that luck is a part of poker and don't whine about your bad beats.Basically, you're bring extremely hypocritical.

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Well everyone seems to be getting all hot and bothered so ill throw in my 2 cents:What you are seeing is a symptom of internet forums, combined with a lot of new, inexperienced and unskilled poker players mixed with a few skilled players, as well as a pinch of human nature added for good measure. Firstly, it is a lot easier to berate someone electronically, as there is no available recourse for he who is berated. People say things in online poker room chat boxes they would never dream of saying in a BM room. Secondly, those who have been around on this forum and others for a while are getting tired of hearing the same questions asked over and over again. For some, the answers to these questions seem so obvious they do not merit an in depth response. Here's the most important part, though, the human nature part. Ask yourself why people post hand histories, and bad beats. If you think it is because they wish to learn why the lost, you are mistaken. most often it is because they are looking for some confirmation that they are good at poker, and the other guy was an unskilled hack who got lucky. When they are confronted with the fact that they made a poor play, or the opponent had reason to call, they explode. this is not what they want to hear. Why do you think players like the exalted (sorry smash had to throw in some sarcasm) smasharoo dont post bad beats, or specific hands asking for advice? It is because 99% of mistakes are easily spotted out. They can look over the hand, and realize their error. They dont need some anonymous 14 year old to commiserate with them about how 'it's all rigged' or 'the 1-2 game has too many fish to be beaten'. So here's a suggestion: before you post a hand history, or a bad beat, look it over yourself. See if you can find out where you went wrong. see if you can figure out why you are going to get flamed for the hand. If you truly cannot, then post it. I suspect this would cut out most of the hand histories posted.

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Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to not post in this thread anymore. It has reached the "scrotum sans testes" point; that is, pointless.This post will self destruct in 15 seconds!

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So many people on this forum are flat out assholes!.  It just amazes me at the amount of stupidity involved in some of your replies.
I think you should look in the mirror, dude. Looking at that thread you posted a link to, when someone criticized your play, you absolutely went off on him, using all sorts of foul language and s-h-i-t. His critique of your play wasn't really that harsh on you either... but you took it to another level.I think you suffer from a much more common problem endemic to this forum: people who post hand histories for analysis and then get completely bent out of shape if someone has the gall to criticize any aspect of their play on the hand.I have advice to you and your ilk: if you don't want your play to be open to criticism, don't post your hand histories.Expecting an invective-filled reply...
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