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poker pet peeves.....

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I have a few...what are yours?A) When the hand is over and the idiot that had the button in front of him doesn't move the button on.B) When some douche announces "I raise" when all he is doing is betting....C) When somebody forgets to post their blind...and you have to remind them....D) When somebody says "re-raise" when all they are doing is raising a bunch of limpers.Am I mental? But all of these things piss me off.

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Another one: "I put you allin." (usually with an aggressive hateful tone)I just say...."No...you fukin azzhole...only I can put me allin.....and watch it...I'll have you killed."

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Ok...heres a couple.1 ...When some donk styles like they are on tv when the rounds are only 15 or 20 minutes long.2...When some donk says" but I just paid the BB at my last table before it broke."3...When some donk trys to hide their big chips behind their stack.4...When some donk takes my chips !! :club:

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"I call you all in." My buddy does this all the time. It's so annoying.
I have a guy who does that at my game tooI wanna choke him to death every time.He also says "double it" when he's betting first to act after the flop.And when he's trying to read people's hands, he winds up saying half the deck "you either have suited connectors, or overcards, big/small pair, flush draw, straight draw"And then says "I told you he had that" after the hand is over.
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I have a few...what are yours?A) When the hand is over and the idiot that had the button in front of him doesn't move the button on.B) When some douche announces "I raise" when all he is doing is betting....C) When somebody forgets to post their blind...and you have to remind them....D) When somebody says "re-raise" when all they are doing is raising a bunch of limpers.Am I mental? But all of these things censored me off.
agree with b, c, and d.i also can't stand people that hold up the action because they don't know the god damned chip denominations even though they've been explained to them numerous times AND ARE ON THE FREAKING TELEVISION SCREEN IN FRONT OF THEM.
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My poker pet peeve is when someone who's a regular on a poker forum posts a thread as if it is new that's been done 14554938732738 times already.My second poker pet peeve is people who point out that threads have been done 1397489823048 times already.

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When the guy I'm splitting the low pot with keeps raising 3 handed.When someone constantly berates the fishiesWhen people think any draw that comes in is a suckout

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I really does annoy me when people forget to move the button, or when people don't auto-post blinds online.But I don't really care when people don't use the right terminology, unless it is because they aren't paying attention to the game.As for "I put you all-in", absolutely everyone in my group says this, and it has never occurred to any of us that there is anything wrong with this. I don't think I've ever heard "I call you all in" though. What is this supposed to mean?

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I was sitting at 1/2 table and a guy had his shades upside-down ala Marcel. My No 1 pet peeve is the Florida betting limit!!!!!!!
Thats nothing...I played 2/2 once here in florida and this guy at my table had...a Hat, sunglasses, and was doing everything very deliberate like Jesus Ferguson.....he would also take the 10 seconds to decide every move...I almost lost it.
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I was sitting at 1/2 table and a guy had his shades upside-down ala Marcel. My No 1 pet peeve is the Florida betting limit!!!!!!!
When people tell you that they had you completely dominated. When they are 60/40. Like man my AK had you dominated....when you have 2 live cards.
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I have a few...what are yours?A) When the hand is over and the idiot that had the button in front of him doesn't move the button on.C) When somebody forgets to post their blind...and you have to remind them....Am I mental? But all of these things censored me off.
I hate when you have to explain to someone that they don't need to fold they can just check. I know I shouldn't complain if someone wants to fold their cards when everyone else might check, but I hate when that same person then says "I would have won if I stayed"I also hate messy tables. I am a chip wrangler. I like the chips to be put in the middle after a round of betting. I think this makes it less confusing when people bet, raise, re-raise, and check-raise. Of course I might just be really anal.Orville
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I have a few...what are yours?A) When the hand is over and the idiot that had the button in front of him doesn't move the button on.B) When some douche announces "I raise" when all he is doing is betting....C) When somebody forgets to post their blind...and you have to remind them....D) When somebody says "re-raise" when all they are doing is raising a bunch of limpers.Am I mental? But all of these things censored me off.
I agree with B,C, and D to an extent, but the button thing doesn't bother me. In fact, in a tournament you are supposed to wait for the dealer to move it, or at least make sure they see you move it. I saw two seperate incidents of confusion in Aruba when a player moved the button without the dealer knowing about it. The dealer then moved it themselves, and things got confusing.Patrick
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Was at a B&M playing 2/4 limit this week, and one donk repeatedly, and I mean repeatedly, would try to bet $4 on the flop and $2 on the turn. After the dealer corrected him for about the tenth time, you think he would catch on.

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I'll probably repeat some here...but here goes...1) "I'll raise" - when they are betting.2) "I'll put you all-in"3) "I just called cause I was suited"4) The home game I played at the other night, when heads up, the dealer is the BB because they don't think it's right for him to be SB and act first. Yes, I'm serious.5) After the flop, someone that folded has to grab their cards that they folded and show the person next to them. Hmm, obviously they hit a hand.6) Min raises pre-flop. I just hate that.7) Splashing the pot...over and over and over.8) When at the showdown, showing 1 card...and then thinking they only have to show 1 to win the pot.I think that's enough, for now. :club::D

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I'll probably repeat some here...but here goes...1) "I'll raise" - when they are betting.2) "I'll put you all-in"3) "I just called cause I was suited"4) The home game I played at the other night, when heads up, the dealer is the BB because they don't think it's right for him to be SB and act first. Yes, I'm serious.5) After the flop, someone that folded has to grab their cards that they folded and show the person next to them. Hmm, obviously they hit a hand.6) Min raises pre-flop. I just hate that.7) Splashing the pot...over and over and over.8) When at the showdown, showing 1 card...and then thinking they only have to show 1 to win the pot.I think that's enough, for now. :club::D
Why would you hate that? It's one of the worst plays in poker. It's so easy to beat someone who does that.
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6) Min raises pre-flop. I just hate that.
Why would you hate that? It's one of the worst plays in poker. It's so easy to beat someone who does that.
I didn't say I tell them to stop doing it. And I'm not always in the hand when it happens.I just hate it.
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6) Min raises pre-flop. I just hate that.
Why would you hate that? It's one of the worst plays in poker. It's so easy to beat someone who does that.
I didn't say I tell them to stop doing it. And I'm not always in the hand when it happens.I just hate it.
I know what you mean. It's pretty annoying. I hate it when somebody online just hits the raise button immediately cause they're too stupid to type int he amount they want to bet. Or when there are two people in a pot heads up and it takes them about 6 raises to get all in when it's obvious that they have the same straight and are going to chop.
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