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first poker table!

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I think I got my plans from the same website you did. Very nice.After spending all that cash on the quality wood, felt and rail, why did you stick on the cheap folding legs? Other tables shown on homepokertourney show some nicer removable leg systems.Just a thought.Nice job

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I think I got my plans from the same website you did.  Very nice.After spending all that cash on the quality wood, felt and rail, why did you stick on the cheap folding legs?  Other tables shown on homepokertourney show some nicer removable leg systems.Just a thought.Nice job
it's my demo table, hard to move with permanent nonfolding legs on it.
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ya, we haven't played much this year... pm with your msn contact, and I'll let you know if we're having a game worth noting. Mostly we just play 5/10 buy in single table tourneys, 7-10 guys.... maybe something bigger near christmas.

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Great looking table!I like the racetrack for another reason besides those already mentioned, it is a great place to stack chips easier.I have played in some casino's where the felt tends to start to tilt downwards near the padded rail and chips have a tendency to fall if you aren't careful.The racetrack makes for a nice level area to keep the chips stacked.

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Great looking table!I like the racetrack for another reason besides those already mentioned, it is a great place to stack chips easier.I have played in some casino's where the felt tends to start to tilt downwards near the padded rail and chips have a tendency to fall if you aren't careful.The racetrack makes for a nice level area to keep the chips stacked.
I agree with major here. The tables at the Borgata drove me nuts when I was there recently. I either had to keep the chips further out on the table than I wanted, or risk them toppling toward me from the slope of the felt at the table's edge. The racetrack would have been most welcome.
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