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ever pretend to be a famous pro

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captn def. wants to be my little high school cheerleader on this forum so he could follow me aroubd :-)
See, there ya go again. You just don't get it. And it appears you probably never will.Some things in life, we just have to figure out on our own. You are having a real hard time realizing that it was your overall persona on here that got you censored. You whine about others being just as bad, but you can't grasp that the admin looked at your overall demeanor on here over the life of your posts, not just one isolated incident.The Lori comment was just the straw that broke the camels back. You actually think that everything was fine except for that one little comment. Unbelievable.........The admin said "learn some respect". Did you think he meant just to Lori? Please continue digging that little hole you're in. It's rather fun to watch.With all that I have said, I have nothing personally against you. I hope things work out for you and life is good to you. Just quit trying to be the comedian so much dude, it can be abrasive to some and insulting to others.Its fine to joke with your close buddies with insults and blue humor but treat all others with respect and things might work out better for you.
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Sure,The last time i played at the Trop i tried to convince the table that I was Johnny Chan. But since I am a 6' tall white guy I'm not sure it worked.Maybe if i bring an Orange next time........

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wow, koowboykoop could catch typos. want a cookie?kc= 2 losses in a row and going down hill   :-)
Aren't the Raider's 1-3?!?!?!? Didn't Kansas City beat Oakland IN Oakland!?!?!? Yeah, that's right. We had a couple bad games, but now we are getting healthy and getting a starting CB back, so we'll be alright. Shouldn't you be somewhere else begging for your "rights" back??? Man, sucks to be you.
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Most guys on this site played a little basketball when they were younger. Most guys probably shouted out the name of an NBA player after they made a shot on the school yard court. I did it all the time. I would make a killer fade away, and shout out, "Michael Jordan!!!"Does anyone do this at the poker table? I do it sometimes at home games. I'll catch runner-runner quads on some schmuk, and yell out, "Danny Nguyen!!!" Or if some idiot hits a flush on the river to beat my pocket deuces, I'll scream, "Phil Hellmuth!!!" In fact, I did this just the other night. We were all playing $2/5 NL, 10 players. I just won a massive pot and whipped my penis out on the table, and shouted, "Annie Duke!!!"
Hey, at least you didn't post this on Annie's blog. Your rights would've been in jeopardy!
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  • 9 months later...
Most guys on this site played a little basketball when they were younger. Most guys probably shouted out the name of an NBA player after they made a shot on the school yard court. I did it all the time. I would make a killer fade away, and shout out, "Michael Jordan!!!"Does anyone do this at the poker table? I do it sometimes at home games. I'll catch runner-runner quads on some schmuk, and yell out, "Danny Nguyen!!!" Or if some idiot hits a flush on the river to beat my pocket deuces, I'll scream, "Phil Hellmuth!!!" In fact, I did this just the other night. We were all playing $2/5 NL, 10 players. I just won a massive pot and whipped my penis out on the table, and shouted, "Annie Duke!!!"
Damn this is fucking hilarious.
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When I worked at the Universal Studios Hollwood theme park nine years ago, I used to give my autograph to the occasional foreign tourist as Neil Patrick Harris.We kind of looked alike.

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When I worked at the Universal Studios Hollwood theme park nine years ago, I used to give my autograph to the occasional foreign tourist as Neil Patrick Harris.We kind of looked alike.
Throw on some dark glasses and you look like Hyde from that 70s show. :club:
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