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dna to the blogger server, dna to the blogger server

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heh, you should have deleted this thread before i had a chance to post in it.i have to say im a little freaked out that you just screamed and had to make a post because my blog was down for a 2 minute period of timeflattered, but freaked out.and to make matters worse i think my entry today was the shortest one i have made ever, heres the verbatim recap ....Thursday, October 06, 2005Raped Got my ass raped at the $5/$10 limit tables for about $375, that is all.Current BR - $1925lol - peace - dna

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play within your bankroll.
youv'e been arrested by the bankroll police.300bb is actually a very arbitrary number; yes it is the most widely accepted number that people use. But some pros, including the wonderful Count Chocula advocate 200bb if you are confident you can beat the game.
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play within your bankroll.
youv'e been arrested by the bankroll police.300bb is actually a very arbitrary number; yes it is the most widely accepted number that people use. But some pros, including the wonderful Count Chocula advocate 200bb if you are confident you can beat the game.
im about to advocate your mom. ohhhhhhhhhh son sit down.
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play within your bankroll.
youv'e been arrested by the bankroll police.300bb is actually a very arbitrary number; yes it is the most widely accepted number that people use. But some pros, including the wonderful Count Chocula advocate 200bb if you are confident you can beat the game.
im about to advocate your mom. ohhhhhhhhhh son sit down.
hey chucksty, next time could you avoid using words with 8 or more letters cause it just confuses don.
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ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access / on this server.on your blog.. wtf?Ray
It must feel good to be this popular.
feels better when you (insert inappropriate sex joke here)
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ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access / on this server.on your blog.. wtf?Ray
It must feel good to be this popular.
feels better when you (insert inappropriate sex joke here)
running out of idea's?
lol yea right, who do you think your talking to here?
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heh, you should have deleted this thread before i had a chance to post in it.i have to say im a little freaked out that you just screamed and had to make a post because my blog was down for a 2 minute period of timeflattered, but freaked out.
Nah, I actually have a morning ritual where I come in to work, log in, get a pop tart and a drink, sit down and load up several web sites. One is my blog, and I have your blog linked to mine. So, as a habit, I click on allof my own links to read everyone else's blog. Since you and I use the same site, and mine was working and yours was not, I figured something must be really screwy and figured I'd let you know. *insert here some lame excuse as to why I did not use private message**shrug* I was trying to be a nice guy and funny at the same time. I'm not stalking you..Well, not yet anyways.:)Ray
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play within your bankroll.
youv'e been arrested by the bankroll police.300bb is actually a very arbitrary number; yes it is the most widely accepted number that people use. But some pros, including the wonderful Count Chocula advocate 200bb if you are confident you can beat the game.
im about to advocate your mom. ohhhhhhhhhh son sit down.
hey chucksty, next time could you avoid using words with 8 or more letters cause it just confuses don.
Dear Don, if you were to look in your underwear right now you would find syphillis encrusted poop stains. Those are from my mom banging you in the ass with a syphillis laden plunger that she got from Al Capone.
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