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regarding pokerstars being "rigged"

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I will say it again, for the last time. (I hope) I do not think online poker is rigged. Now, I am going to type that sentence one more time just incase you missed it the first time. I do not think online poker is rigged. Now, with that being said, this is what I do know(for a fact) I know that sensitive information such as the community cards, are created & stored in servers before the hand is delt. That means, that someone who is smart enough to find that information, can do it. One more time. It is possible for a person so intelligent, to dig that information out of the pokerstars server. That is all I claim.Also, I never once claimed to be able to see opponents hole cards. One Fucking more time.I never once claimed to be able to see opponents hole cards. Let it go. No one reply to this and god damn someone lock it up now.

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I will say it again, for the last time. (I hope) I do not think online poker is rigged. Now, I am going to type that sentence one more time just incase you missed it the first time. I do not think online poker is rigged. Now, with that being said, this is what I do know(for a fact) I know that sensitive information such as the community cards, are created & stored in servers before the hand is delt. That means, that someone who is smart enough to find that information, can do it. One more time. It is possible for a person so intelligent, to dig that information out of the pokerstars server. That is all I claim.Also, I never once claimed to be able to see opponents hole cards. One Fucking more time.I never once claimed to be able to see opponents hole cards. Let it go. No one reply to this and god damn someone lock it up now.
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Guest Anonymous
I will say it again, for the last time. (I hope) I do not think online poker is rigged. Now, I am going to type that sentence one more time just incase you missed it the first time. I do not think online poker is rigged. Now, with that being said, this is what I do know(for a fact) I know that sensitive information such as the community cards, are created & stored in servers before the hand is delt. That means, that someone who is smart enough to find that information, can do it. One more time. It is possible for a person so intelligent, to dig that information out of the pokerstars server. That is all I claim.Also, I never once claimed to be able to see opponents hole cards. One Fucking more time.I never once claimed to be able to see opponents hole cards. Let it go. No one reply to this and god damn someone lock it up now.
Somebody ban this fucker.
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maybe i misunderstand the software i was using, since i can't even remember the name of it here at work - but last night my program was showing me what appeared to be hole cards of players who mucked their hands... is this possible? i didn't see them til well after they mucked them, but four cards would come up everytime a hand went to a showdown, for every player that was still in the hand - and i would see them for the players who mucked their hands.. It was odd to me, but it really didn't affect the live gameplay, it just showed me cards that they didn't want me to see -- Is this normal, or was this just showing me something else i didn't understand? sorry for being a noob - i am not contributing to these conspiracy theories, i just noticed this last night and wondered if this was normal since it was the first time i had used this software (i'll find the name of it when i get home - it was a side program for pokertracker, i know.. an interface one.. cant think of the name though)...

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Paging Lee Jones....Tritz...you are going to get sued by Pokerstars if you continue to spread these rumors that pokerstars is rigged.It is also not a good idea to post on this forum fake programs that can help you cheat and then try to rob people by spamming the board by trying to get everyone to buy one.and NO...I will not send you $29.99 for that program so stop spamming me.

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I was one of the first people to tell you that you are lying, misunderstood, or just plain not smart enough to figure out what was happening; in the original thread.Just wanted to clear that up.Oh, and, you are lying, misunderstood, or just plain not smart enough to figure out what was happening

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maybe i misunderstand the software i was using, since i can't even remember the name of it here at work - but last night my program was showing me what appeared to be hole cards of players who mucked their hands... is this possible? i didn't see them til well after they mucked them, but four cards would come up everytime a hand went to a showdown, for every player that was still in the hand - and i would see them for the players who mucked their hands.. It was odd to me, but it really didn't affect the live gameplay, it just showed me cards that they didn't want me to see -- Is this normal, or was this just showing me something else i didn't understand? sorry for being a noob - i am not contributing to these conspiracy theories, i just noticed this last night and wondered if this was normal since it was the first time i had used this software (i'll find the name of it when i get home - it was a side program for pokertracker, i know.. an interface one.. cant think of the name though)...
You can also look at mucked cards by looking at the hand history on most sites. You were probably using PokerAce, which I've heard pulls these out for you automatically, instead of you having to go back in and look at each individual HH.
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I will say it again, for the last time. (I hope) I do not think online poker is rigged. Now, I am going to type that sentence one more time just incase you missed it the first time. I do not think online poker is rigged. Now, with that being said, this is what I do know(for a fact) I know that sensitive information such as the community cards, are created & stored in servers before the hand is delt. That means, that someone who is smart enough to find that information, can do it. One more time. It is possible for a person so intelligent, to dig that information out of the pokerstars server. That is all I claim.Also, I never once claimed to be able to see opponents hole cards. One Fucking more time.I never once claimed to be able to see opponents hole cards. Let it go. No one reply to this and god damn someone lock it up now.
http://www.pokerstars.com/security.html"We understand that a use of a fair and unpredictable shuffle algorithm is critical to our software. To ensure this and avoid major problems described in [2], we are using two independent sources of truly random data: *user input, including summary of mouse movements and events timing, collected from client software *true hardware random number generator developed by Intel [3], which uses thermal noise as an entropy source"I know this is hard to understand Tritz, but online sites like this one depend on user mouse movements to help randomize hands. I know you didn't click the link or read the article, but further down the page it states, " if user input does not generate required amount of entropy, we do not start the next hand until we obtain the required amount of entropy" Make sense? This makes your claim of "I do know(for a fact) I know that sensitive information such as the community cards, are created & stored in servers before the hand is delt" idiotic at best.Let me ask you a very simple question. How do you know for a fact that that information is created before the hand? Do you have any data, at all, to support your claim?BTW, did you get that tinfoil hat I sent you?J in Colo.
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in semi-related news...i got bored this weekend so i played a play-money sng, and i could see the turn card before it was dealt...it was the 3 :club: and i had pocket 3's...some guy went all in pre-flop, i called, and was severly disappointed when the turn ended up being something else...i lost a lot of play money that day :wall:

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I will say it again, for the last time. (I hope) I do not think online poker is rigged. Now, I am going to type that sentence one more time just incase you missed it the first time. I do not think online poker is rigged. Now, with that being said, this is what I do know(for a fact) I know that sensitive information such as the community cards, are created & stored in servers before the hand is delt. That means, that someone who is smart enough to find that information, can do it. One more time. It is possible for a person so intelligent, to dig that information out of the pokerstars server. That is all I claim.Also, I never once claimed to be able to see opponents hole cards. One Fucking more time.I never once claimed to be able to see opponents hole cards. Let it go. No one reply to this and god damn someone lock it up now.
And when a dealer shuffles a deck in a B&M game all the information such as the community cards are created and stored before the hand is dealt. Anyone smart enough to find that information can do it.On pokerstars the information is a 249 bit number (or if they really are stupid enough to shuffle the whole deck, rather than just randomly selecting the card when they need it then there's a 52 byte array in RAM to peek at too - a 52 step shuffle seems dumb when you only need to randomly select 25 cards maximum for 10 handed holdem). In B&M that information is the deck of cards. On pokerstars you would need access to the server and be able to p0ke around in memory (or possibly in a transaction log on disk) In B&M you need to peak at the cards.I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader as to whether it's easier to mark/peak at some cards, or hack into a server, and reverse engineer the software enough to determine where to look for the magic number and how it's used.Lets ignore the fact that if you hacked into the server that peaking at the fucking random number generator output seems a rather stupid thing to do, when you could just create a fund transfer from some not recently used account to your own...
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people can hack into your bank account, your credit card account. They can steal you identity. Maybe they can find a way one day to hack into pokerstars. What's your point?
No, No, No, No.The only way they can "hack" into your bank account is if your stupid enough to give them your personal information. NOT by hacking into the banks computer systems.Stop trying to defend this moron.
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I'm waiting for Mr. Tritz to tell us he knows how to get all of Warren Buffet's or Bill Gates' money."Guys, I know how to get all of their money!""All we have to do is get their PIN numbers for their bank accounts! That means, that someone who is smart enough to find that information, can do it. One more time. It is possible for a person so intelligent, to dig that information out of the [bank's] server. That is all I claim."You are trying to prove an argument that doesn't matter, nor will it. Ever.

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