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card protectors

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I use a chip. I normally stay away from any poker "props" such as card protectors hat and sunglasses, ipods or cool poker lingo. I usually brand people I see using this stuff as tv-fish until proven otherwise. Not to be an ass, but Im usually right.
I’m in complete concurrence. I like the avitar.
And completly wrong as well !! :club:
I love it when people think I am a TV fish, good for a pot or two. I always use some form of chip protector.
As do I.People are pissed about Lucky's post, because there more interested in looking cool then winning.
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People are pissed about Lucky's post, because there more interested in looking cool then winning
Really? Want the link to my win at the Oasis open on Sept 4th ? How about the FACT I am the current points leader in the Reno Hilton Tournament of Champions ? How about my results for last wednesday where I went 1st - 2nd - 1st in 3 different tourny's , in 3 different casinos in one day.Looking cool has nothing to do with it.
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Posers aside, most B+M worth their salt not only encourage you to use some form of a card protector, they are pretty clear on the rule. If your cards are not protected by something EASILY IDENTIFIABLE as a protector, and they get swept up in the muck, IT'S YOUR FAULT. That is why people use protectors that aren't chips in play. Also, 7 card stud has 2 hole cards, and this same rule applies. It not only protects your hole cards from being swept up by mistake, they protect from accidental exposure, like if the dealer slings 5th street and it catches one of your hole cards and it gets exposed. It happens, and it sucks, since exposure of your hole cards is an automatic DQ from the hand, regardless whose "fault" it is.BTW, I use a chip in play. The only time this becomes a "problem" is if you play NL and go all in. At which point you're committed, so the need to protect your card becomes a bit less. If you are that concerned that your hand might get swept up after you move in, keep your hands on them until the dealer recopgnizes your move and gives you instructions or leave one chip behind to protect your cards, since your verbal declaration is binding, it will get handled properly, either by the dealer or another player.

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I use a chip. I normally stay away from any poker "props" such as card protectors hat and sunglasses, ipods or cool poker lingo. I usually brand people I see using this stuff as tv-fish until proven otherwise. Not to be an ass, but Im usually right.
Wow, you're so right. Explains why many of the world's top players listen to music on their iPods while they play.
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People are censored about Lucky's post, because there more interested in looking cool then winning
Really? Want the link to my win at the Oasis open on Sept 4th ? How about the FACT I am the current points leader in the Reno Hilton Tournament of Champions ? How about my results for last wednesday where I went 1st - 2nd - 1st in 3 different tourny's , in 3 different casinos in one day.Looking cool has nothing to do with it.
Did I bring your record into question? Did I bring your skill into question? I don’t think This was entirely aimed at you, but more to the general objectors movement, but let’s say I did; did I bring anything but motive into question?
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I usually just whip out my ginormous schlong and set it over my cards. Needless to say, everyone else is pretty intimidated.
Do you stick it back in your ass when you're playing stud, as you wouldn't need it there?
damnit. i got beat by the forum idiot
If I am the forum idiot, then why are you stealing my jokes??? ZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I usually just whip out my ginormous schlong and set it over my cards. Needless to say, everyone else is pretty intimidated.
Do you stick it back in your ass when you're playing stud, as you wouldn't need it there?
I usually let the other player's girlfriends play with it when I am not using it.
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I usually just whip out my ginormous schlong and set it over my cards. Needless to say, everyone else is pretty intimidated.
I thought poker rules permitted that you couldnt take your cards off the table? Does that mean everytime that you are in a hand that you have to lay on the table to cover your cards, because we all know that it isnt reaching much farther than that.
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I usually just whip out my ginormous schlong and set it over my cards. Needless to say, everyone else is pretty intimidated.
I thought poker rules permitted that you couldnt take your cards off the table? Does that mean everytime that you are in a hand that you have to lay on the table to cover your cards, because we all know that it isnt reaching much farther than that.
ginormous means big. My dick is very very big. To prove this, I drive a very large truck and I like things big. Big. I play with Jumbo sized cards because my penis is so big. It is very big. big.
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I've occasionally used a ceramic Rottweiller that my goddaughter gave me. I was playing with her father and some other people, and she asked me why I put a chip on my cards. I told her it was make sure nobody took my cards. She said why didn't I use the statue. So I did. I've taken it to a couple of tourneys since.

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I usually just whip out my ginormous schlong and set it over my cards. Needless to say, everyone else is pretty intimidated.
LOLI tried that once but mine is to small so I had to flop my entire body on the table. Needless to say, no one was pleasedOrville
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I usually just whip out my ginormous schlong and set it over my cards. Needless to say, everyone else is pretty intimidated.
LOLI tried that once but mine is to small so I had to flop my entire body on the table. Needless to say, no one was pleasedOrville
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I use a chip. I normally stay away from any poker "props" such as card protectors hat and sunglasses, ipods or cool poker lingo. I usually brand people I see using this stuff as tv-fish until proven otherwise. Not to be an ass, but Im usually right.
That is very effective when you are all in I bet. :roll: How is that chip acting like a card protector now ?Oh yeah...say now that you bring an extra chip with you. Just your own little "prop" but it's ok cause it's you, right ?I could give you many examples of the dealer mucking uncovered cards...cards being mucked and killing uncovered hands...Man, I even saw a dudes hand get mucked by the dealer on the FINAL HAND of a tourny WITH A CLOCK at the Circus Circus Reno.Personally I carry a blue ,polished wishing stone in my wallet that my Mother gave me about 5 years ago; Never play without it. :wink:
Umm I play limit cash games and even in tournaments or Nl cashgames when you say all in the dealer rarely tries to muck your hand. Nice try thoughP.S. just hold them in your hand if you that worried all in.
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Lmao. In the group of friends I play in tournaments with we call players that stay in no matter what, a "donkey". Like someone that goes up against other players that are representing pocket kings AND aces AND the donkey stays in for triple the blinds then double that from another raise - so calling a total of 9 times the blind preflop with a Q6 off only to flop a set.

i have a shrek donkey bust that I use, serious.shrek_donkey_bust.jpg
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