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dn playing online....

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"To stay sharp, though, I plan on working on my game by playing some online poker over the next couple of weeks. The biggest games against some of the better players. "what sit does he play on and what are his ID's? would be interesting to watch a few hands..he can play The Mouth or Neverwin or even Ivey..that would be fun to watch..
His screen name is cantwin on FullTilt, foldKK on PartyPoker, mysitelogosucks on Stars, and iusedtobegood on Ultimate Bet(sw)
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god some of you guys are stupid.It was said at the wcoop final table broadcast that pickled egg was not dan harrington and it is in fact bill gazes.I still beileve dn is goodpatience, not 100% on that one though.
What the hell is this!!!!!!!You ask a simple question and you get a comment like this.What's wrong with you?
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i thought we had definitive proof that DN was Pickled Egg ..pegg.jpg
Pictures don't lie.He is Pickeled Egg, just look at all those yummy eggs against that alluring background.DN is Pickeled Egg, look at the picture dammit!!!!BTW DNA where is the picture from the grassy knoll?You really are slipping buddy!
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god some of you guys are stupid.It was said at the wcoop final table broadcast that pickled egg was not dan harrington and it is in fact bill gazes.I still beileve dn is goodpatience, not 100% on that one though.
What the hell is this!!!!!!!You ask a simple question and you get a comment like this.What's wrong with you?
I've said it a million times.
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Anyone else think he's going to go after Neverwin on Stars? It seemed like he actually did get kinda pissed about Neverwin running his mouth, and for whatever reason they haven't played a challenge match so I wouldn't be surprised if we see a new name busting up the 100/200 LHE tables on Stars.

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