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shorthanded play

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My shorthanded skills need to be toned up. I feel like I could be more aggressive. Anyone know a good shorthanded book?
Just apply late position strategies from any book. Generally the game is looser and more aggressive - which is a tough combination to read players in for me.
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Let's give it up for Maurile.Those truly are some kick butt articles. If u find any more or dig anything else up, be sure to post them. Very much appreciated.

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Okay also, dont pitchfork me for this...But Im of the opinion that high limit shorthanded games are much harder than no limit shorthanded. I think limit is harder to get away from a hand, as well as you are limited by the bet amount...so less info is being given out at the same time...to consistently pound somebody out of their stack at limit is much more of an accomplishment than at no limit (where u can easily lose or recoup in fewer hands)My reasoning isnt really there, but it was just an observation anyway.

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Oh yeah, cant believe I forgot to post this earlier...you really want to beef up your short-handed skills, you definitly need to check out the software called Poker Academy (pro edition). Pro Edition has two very very hard and very adaptive Heads Up AI bots that are almost unbeatable in the long run by a human player. One is adaptive that finds and exploits any weakness u have, the other is one that adapts using game theory. (it also has an advisor that gives u percentages if u should call, raise fold...gives u a really great feel for what hands are truly good playing HU) It also has bots for limit ring game play and no limit play. goes for 99 dollars right now...I know a decent number of those players u see heads up on stars 100-200 and UB 200-400 practiced on this software for quite a while...u should check it out, I was pretty amazed my self.

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