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tonights "the nuts" on the wsop "is poker a s

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I call big MTTs like the Main Event a sport.I have my reasons and include physical exertion and endurance as one of the critieria.  Poker is NOT a sport, but competitions like the Main Event are a sporting event. More sport than the entire PBA (Bowling) and lots of other "sports" and defintiely more sport than your average pick up game in courtyards across the country.But, the big point is that many people in sports don't GET poker. And the important thing is that poker has the ELEMENTS of a major sports franchise - it just needs to be developed. Many sports out there have NO CHANCE of becoming a powerhouse that poker is potentially able to become.Keep in mind folks that BOWLING is a more popular sport and sporting event than poker is. That's the sad truth, thanks to the brilliant minds from Microsoft.
Ha, no one on here bowls competitevely, theres more in bowling than any of you can learn about poker. I guarentee you, you need more endurance to bowl 20 games in a day, than you need to sit at a poker table for a marathon session. Trust me i know this.
agreed completely. i used to bowl in youth leagues, and one summer i bowled 20 games a day, 4-5 days a week. now, i go bowling with some of my friends (gambling of course), and after 5-6 games, my arm feels like it's going to fall off and my fingers start bleeding.it's quite funny, because the last game we bowl is generally the last because someone starts bleeding, and they're almost guaranteed to lose that game. happened to my friend last time..we were both bleeding a little, he was going on a double in the 6th frame and his thumb opened up, pretty much sealing the game for me when i was trailing beforehand.so i definitely vote bowling sport. poker...ehh...i'm completely on the fence.but in regards to saying poker's not a sport because you can be high or drunk when you play, i don't remember his name, but who's the pitcher that pitched (i believe) a perfect game on LSD? might not have been a perfect game, might have been a no hitter, but admitted that he was on LSD at the time. if you say baseball's not a sport, i'd like to hear your definition of a sport.
Bill 'Spaceman' Lee did it, and so did Doc Ellis I believe.
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Function: noun1 a : a source of diversion : RECREATION b : sexual play c (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in
You highlighted the wrong part of the definition...SEX IS A SPORT!
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I call big MTTs like the Main Event a sport.I have my reasons and include physical exertion and endurance as one of the critieria.  Poker is NOT a sport, but competitions like the Main Event are a sporting event. More sport than the entire PBA (Bowling) and lots of other "sports" and defintiely more sport than your average pick up game in courtyards across the country.But, the big point is that many people in sports don't GET poker. And the important thing is that poker has the ELEMENTS of a major sports franchise - it just needs to be developed. Many sports out there have NO CHANCE of becoming a powerhouse that poker is potentially able to become.Keep in mind folks that BOWLING is a more popular sport and sporting event than poker is. That's the sad truth, thanks to the brilliant minds from Microsoft.
I agree with this guy....I don't think Poker is a sport.. I believe physical endurance and athletic ability come in to play when talking about sports...sitting on your @$$ all day tossing in chips & cards, drinking, eating, and taking the occasional smoke break does not make it a sport. However, in an event like the WSOP Main Event, physical endurance plays a huge factor. You're playing against some of the toughest opponents in the world and you have to be mentally sharp at all times. Just my .02Peace :club:
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Poker is a "contest" that requires skill just like Football, Basketball, Soccer, and even Baseball amoung the many "sports" that are played around the world. Just because Poker isnt on the latest Gatorade commercial and you dont see it played infront of 50,000 people in a packed stadium doesnt mean that it isnt a sport. I agree that it doesnt fall in the same category as the sports i mentioned above but anything that requires a certain amount of skill and you compete against other people with a compareable amount of skill has to be classified as a sport.

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sport Audio pronunciation of "sport" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spôrt, sprt)n. 1. 1. Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. 2. A particular form of this activity. 2. An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively. 3. An active pastime; recreation. 4. 1. Mockery; jest: He made sport of his own looks. 2. An object of mockery, jest, or play: treated our interests as sport. 3. A joking mood or attitude: She made the remark in sport. 5. 1. One known for the manner of one's acceptance of rules, especially of a game, or of a difficult situation: a poor sport. 2. Informal. One who accepts rules or difficult situations well. 3. Informal. A pleasant companion: was a real sport during the trip. 6. Informal. 1. A person who lives a jolly, extravagant life. 2. A gambler at sporting events. 7. Biology. An organism that shows a marked change from the normal type or parent stock, typically as a result of mutation. 8. Maine. See summercater. See Regional Note at summercater. 9. Obsolete. Amorous dalliance; lovemaking.v. sport·ed, sport·ing, sportsv. intr. 1. To play or frolic. 2. To joke or trifle. 3. Biology. To mutate.v. tr. To display or show off: “His shoes sported elevated heels” (Truman Capote). adj. or sports 1. Of, relating to, or appropriate for sports: sport fishing; sports equipment. 2. Designed or appropriate for outdoor or informal wear: a sport shirt.[Middle English sporte, short for disporte, from Old French desport, pleasure, from desporter, to divert. See disport.]sportful adj.sportful·ly adv.sportful·ness n.[Download Now or Buy the Book]Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth EditionCopyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.Main Entry: sportPronunciation: 'spO(&)rt, 'spo(&)rtFunction: noun: an individual exhibiting a sudden deviation from type beyond the normal limits of individual variation usually as a result of mutation especially of somatic tissueSource: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.sportn 1: an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition [syn: athletics] 2: the occupation of athletes who compete for pay 3: someone who engages in sports [syn: sportsman, sportswoman] 4: (biology) an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration [syn: mutant, mutation, variation] 5: (Maine colloquial) temporary summer resident of inland Maine 6: verbal wit (often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously); "he became a figure of fun" [syn: fun, play] v 1: wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; "she was sporting a new hat" [syn: feature, boast] 2: play boisterously; "The children frolicked in the garden"; "the gamboling lambs in the meadows"; "The toddlers romped in the playroom" [syn: frolic, lark, rollick, skylark, disport, cavort, gambol, frisk, romp, run around, lark about]Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

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Let me sum this up from the way I see It. The Games industry is weak or nonexistant. The Sports Industry is strong and very existant. Thus Poker a Game becomes a Sport because We have Sports media and no true Games media. Chess, Scrabble, and Monopoly will soon be sports too if ppl get interested enough in them. IMO.
i saw a scrabble marathon on espn2. thus, scrabble is a sport.the spelling bee is a sport as well.not sure whether i should sw this
Spelling Bee is definitly a Sport. I've seen kids pass out from the physical demands of The Bee.
i made it to the county level spelling bee when i was a kid, going through the school and city levels, and the god damned word sayer fucked up my word.he asked me to spell inequity, i spell it i-n-e-q-u-i-t-y, and he says 'incorrect, the correct spelling is i-n-i-q-u-i-t-y, iniquity"...my teacher was there and was protesting it because the motherfucker obviously mispronounced my word and said a word with a completely different meaning...i was quite unhappy.it's obviously a sport, because it's rigged.(yes, the story did happen, sw for the rigged part)
you should have asked to use it in a sentence....
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well then he needs to set the record straight and stop playing with my goddam emotions already, i'm not going to be able to go on like this
I understand why he may have changed his oppinion The Sports media has done more to promote Poker than any other form of media. fwiw
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...but anything that requires a certain amount of skill and you compete against other people with a comparable amount of skill has to be classified as a sport.
I don't agree. Where do you draw the line between 'sport' and 'game'? I played a lot of Monopoly growing up. That game required a certain amount of skill to consistently win, but it sure isn't a sport. I personally think that calling poker a sport is a mix of ego and marketing. Most poker players think that calling it a sport makes it sounds more macho or something. ESPN thinks they'll get a bigger crowd if they call it a sport. (Do they actually call it a sport anywhere?) If Stacked was marketed as "a new game for a new millennium it wouldn't sound as sexy.My definition? A sport must have a large component of physical skill (coordination or strength). A game is primarily a mental challenge between people (or 'bots...can't forget the 'bots).
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Let me sum this up from the way I see It. The Games industry is weak or nonexistant. The Sports Industry is strong and very existant. Thus Poker a Game becomes a Sport because We have Sports media and no true Games media. Chess, Scrabble, and Monopoly will soon be sports too if ppl get interested enough  in them.  IMO.
i saw a scrabble marathon on espn2. thus, scrabble is a sport.the spelling bee is a sport as well.not sure whether i should sw this
Spelling Bee is definitly a Sport. I've seen kids pass out from the physical demands of The Bee.
i made it to the county level spelling bee when i was a kid, going through the school and city levels, and the god damned word sayer fucked up my word.he asked me to spell inequity, i spell it i-n-e-q-u-i-t-y, and he says 'incorrect, the correct spelling is i-n-i-q-u-i-t-y, iniquity"...my teacher was there and was protesting it because the motherfucker obviously mispronounced my word and said a word with a completely different meaning...i was quite unhappy.it's obviously a sport, because it's rigged.(yes, the story did happen, sw for the rigged part)
you should have asked to use it in a sentence....
to be honest, that wouldn't have mattered, unless he pronounced it correctly in the sentence....i didn't know the meaning of either word, i just knew how to spell them :club:
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