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Many posters on this site just love this sshe they are crazy over it. now i am a wining low limit player 3 6 and 5 10 and read many books is it really worth spenting 1500 fpp on ps on like if i am winning already is it worth it insead of freerolling into sunday toury with my fpp

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Guest Anonymous
Many posters on this site just love this sshe they are crazy over it. now i am a wining low limit player 3 6 and 5 10 and read many books is it really worth spenting 1500 fpp on ps on like if i am winning already is it worth it insead of freerolling into sunday toury with my fpp
Yes it is worth it.
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well sshe is probably better than any of the books uve read...so it never hurts to read up on it...its a little more advanced than any of the other books u would have read...but if ur winning playing ur own style...cant really tell yah that you have to read it..but it is the Bible of limit poker

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Many posters on this site just love this sshe they are crazy over it. now i am a wining low limit player 3 6 and 5 10 and read many books is it really worth spenting 1500 fpp on ps on like if i am winning already is it worth it insead of freerolling into sunday toury with my fpp
I think its a must have regardless of if you are winning or not. I remember you from previous posts and you never have a losing session ( or a bad one over 30 - 50 bbs), but believe me when things start going bad, SSHE is a great reference to go back to and read again
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Many posters on this site just love this sshe they are crazy over it. now i am a wining low limit player 3 6 and 5 10 and read many books is it really worth spenting 1500 fpp on ps on like if i am winning already is it worth it insead of freerolling into sunday toury with my fpp
If you're already a winning player then no book will improve you.
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what i like about sshe is that if i play a hand or have a marginal hand that i dont know is worth a call..i can always consult sshe to see what it says on a situation...but like dutch said..if ur winning nothing will help you though u may pick up an extra bet or 2 after reading sshe...i would venture to say that you are probably a little to tight and are leaving some bets out there based off of ur other post...but hey...to each his own

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Roddy, do you use PokerTracker? Can you say what your win rate is and how many hands you've played at 3/6 and 5/10?In my experience, winning 5/10 players who have trouble forming sentences are a rarity. (unless you're dyslexic) :club:

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for one i have been winning prolly alot longer than many of the poster on this sitetwo wow i am typing on a form my grammar and structure is really not imporant as long as the point gets a cross noi dont use tracker i use checkurbets.com i like it and it is free i play around 2500 to 3000 hands a week and ffp are fun and a free entry to 215 is alway a great thing

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Many posters on this site just love this sshe they are crazy over it. now i am a wining low limit player 3 6 and 5 10 and read many books is it really worth spenting 1500 fpp on ps on like if i am winning already is it worth it insead of freerolling into sunday toury with my fpp
bet it all what do u play 25 50 limit but ur keep 300 bb so that means ur good and know it all right
Any relation to Boomhower?
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You might be a winning player who just happens to be grammatically challenged. You might also be a 7th grader with a poker dream. Until proven otherwise, I'll assume the latter.Do you play on Party? If so, what's your ID?

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The point is that even if reading it doesn't make you better, it can't possibly hurt. Plus if you've been beating 5/10 for years now, then stop being cheap and buy the book if you actually intend to read it. It was apparently helpful to just about every other person you talk to but if you feel you are that good then don't bother.

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for one i have been winning prolly alot longer than many of the poster on this sitetwo wow i am typing on a form my grammar and structure is really not imporant as long as the point gets a cross noi dont use tracker i use checkurbets.com i like it and it is free i play around 2500 to 3000 hands a week and ffp are fun and a free entry to 215 is alway a great thing
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Many posters on this site just love this sshe they are crazy over it. now i am a wining low limit player 3 6 and 5 10 and read many books is it really worth spenting 1500 fpp on ps on like if i am winning already is it worth it insead of freerolling into sunday toury with my fpp
If you're already a winning player then no book will improve you.
This has got to be the dumbest post I have read all month. Any decent poker player will tell you that this is a sport in which you must be constantly learning. I am a winning player but I read new books all of the time. You should try reading a book. You might graduate from your freeroll playmoney tables and actually get some respect from somebody. Until then, your useless troll posts keep me entertained. What a fish you are my friend. Feel free to respond with anything other than "bump", as that seems to be your most frequent response when you post.J in Colo.
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Many posters on this site just love this sshe they are crazy over it. now i am a wining low limit player 3 6 and 5 10 and read many books is it really worth spenting 1500 fpp on ps on like if i am winning already is it worth it insead of freerolling into sunday toury with my fpp
If you're already a winning player then no book will improve you.
This has got to be the dumbest post I have read all month. Any decent poker player will tell you that this is a sport in which you must be constantly learning. I am a winning player but I read new books all of the time. You should try reading a book. You might graduate from your freeroll playmoney tables and actually get some respect from somebody. Until then, your useless troll posts keep me entertained. What a fish you are my friend. Feel free to respond with anything other than "bump", as that seems to be your most frequent response when you post.J in Colo.
Hi,I'm DirtyDutch.We mustn’t have met. Don’t take me seriously. I was kidding.
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i love this site I bunch of dumb dumb know it alls i post something simply just asking if the book is as good as it is crack up to be and then people are calling me a fish i love u guys have so much class....u have never played with u dont know me and u say i am fish wow get some class pal What a ******* u r This has got to be the dumbest post I have read all month. Any decent poker player will tell you that this is a sport in which you must be constantly learning. I am a winning player but I read new books all of the time. You should try reading a book. You might graduate from your freeroll playmoney tables and actually get some respect from somebody. Until then, your useless troll posts keep me entertained. What a fish you are my friend. Feel free to respond with anything other than "bump", as that seems to be your most frequent response when you post. J in Colo

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for one i have been winning prolly alot longer than many of the poster on this sitetwo wow i am typing on a form my grammar and structure is really not imporant as long as the point gets a cross noi dont use tracker i use checkurbets.com i like it and it is free i play around 2500 to 3000 hands a week and ffp are fun and a free entry to 215 is alway a great thing
You just made this website up didn't you? Yes I checked, it doesn't exist. Busted!
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for one i have been winning prolly alot longer than many of the poster on this sitetwo wow i am typing on a form my grammar and structure is really not imporant as long as the point gets a cross noi dont use tracker i use checkurbets.com i like it and it is free i play around 2500 to 3000 hands a week and ffp are fun and a free entry to 215 is alway a great thing
You just made this website up didn't you? Yes I checked, it doesn't exist. Busted!
he meant www.checkyourbets.com and its a real free site that tracks your win loss and bb, but gives you no detail about aggression rating, how you play certain hands, positions, tracking other players, tracking your sessions. its basically a glorified excel sheet that will tell you if you have +$ or -$.
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roddy, I was referring to the reply to your post by Mr. Dirty Deuche, or dutch or whatever.I have nothing negative to say to you, except that not reading SSHE over and over is -EV.If you're already a winning player then no book will improve you.My statement was directed toward this response...sorry for the confusion...Wow. How humorous you are Mr Deuche.

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