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common leaks in hold'em

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Re: the original post, I have plenty of leaks I'm trying to fix.#1 is knowing exactly what being aggressive means. I still get aggressive in the wrong places sometimes, and get caught out in 'bet until they show you strength' situations.#2 I often (not always) know what the right play is, but make the wrong one anyway. Still trying to figure out if this is my inner fish pushing through or if it's linked to #1, or I'm just crazy.#3 I still tilt. Especially after a few bad beats, and then I get odds to draw to marginal hands in position. End up seeing too many flops.

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You want to win every pot that you play, or at least that should be your goal. .
Tip by Caro in SS2, its not the amount of pots you win, but the amount of money you win.While your statement is untrue, it is also horrible to not push every edge.You don't care about winning every pot, you care about the money. In getting more money, you are pushing every edge.
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