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In the 20+2 MTT on full tilt, I had about 10K with 150/300 dollar blinds with a small ante. A new player with an exactly equal stack came to teh table and raised utg+1 on the first hand to 600. It folded aroudn to me and i had AK off in the big blind. I popped it up to 1800 trying to just take down the pot right away since i was out of position, and he had a similarly big stack. The flop came 10 10 5 and here is where i think i messed up. I checked to him and he checked. Turn was a blank and i bet 2000 and he smooth called. River made the board 10 10 5 x 5. I checked and he went all in, and i folded. I feel like i played the hand very poorly, and it cost me around 4k in chips. Did i play too aggressively preflop out of position, should i have bet teh flop hard, or gone into check fold when i missed. Any insights from good tournament players would be helpful. Thanks

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the problem was, the pot had like 4k with the antes and i only had 7300 left, if i bet anything less than the size of the pot, it would seem weak, and if i bet the pot and he came over the top, i would have to call and put all my chisp at risk with no pair.

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Ok, my bad. I understand.You are in a tough spot with that much left and that much in the pot. So, if you bet, it would have had to have been all-in, and he only calls that with hands that you are in trouble with.I honestly want to know how some other people play this hand. I would have still bet about 3500-4000 into it to take it away from KQ and AQ. Also, AQ might raise you all-in and you would have to make a crying call when you were way ahead.I say that checking the flop seems wrong, yet also right at the same time, just like betting the flop.If you check the flop, you are opening it up for him to steal with KQ, AQ, AJ, or KJ (if he is loose). It puts you on the defensive AND out of position.If you bet the flop, you are pot committed when he raises all-in with JJ and QQ where you aren't in great shape, or even A10 if he possibly has that.Someone else give me some advice. The safe play is to check and fold to a bet, but betting out here is the only way to take this pot. I guess it comes down to whether or not you feel lucky, punk.Even though I don't believe in luck.

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I think i'm a good tournament player, and generally know and make the correct decision in most spots, but this hand just seemed that no matter what I did, it would turn out to be wrong. i am very curious to see how others woudl have played it, because i still can't think of a correct way to play this hand.

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There's two ways that I play this hand - one, I do what you did pre-flop, raise it up to 1,800. Post-flop, I fire out about 1/2 the pot (say 2,000); fold to a raise. If he calls, I'm still shutting down at this point. Leaves me with about 6,000 chips. However, there is an alternative that I like to use here because I'm out of position and my stack size has an M of about 20 (stack/starting pot). I just call the raise with AKo. My hand is now disguised, I've only invested an additional 300 in the pot. If I do hit the A or K, I can check raise since my opponent will probably bet. Even if the flop misses me, I can bet out 1,000 as a probe bet if the flop texture looks like it missed my opponent and shut down if played back. I lean towards calling because I'm OOP in this case.

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I thought about it, and it seems the correct play was definitely to smooth call pre flop, and win a big pot if i flopped an A or a K. Since the guy had such a big stack and I was out of position, the reraise pre flop was incorrect. Anyboyd else have any thoughts?

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in that situation sometimes i call preflop sometimes i raise. if i raised i would bet half the pot on the flop and fold to a reraise. if he called i would shut down and be done with the hand. if i check the flop im checking it down unless i hit a A or K

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I would flat call the raise here rather than coming OTT. So many people do it, but I don't like to come over the top with AK unless I'm going all in. If I get called, then I'm screwed if he bets and I don't hit an A or K. Because I am out of position, I would call and probably check the flop in this case. So many people get overinvolved with AK.

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