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need some expert opinions....

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Me and a buddy just played a 76 person MTT: $55 Buy-in, Start with $1200 and chips, 10-15 first round, blinds go up every 20 minutes, pretty standard. Anyway, my buddy played pretty well, close to 20, 000 in chips when he makes the final table, close to the chip lead. Blinds are 1000-2000 with 8 people left, when the following hand comes up: Everyone folds to the small blind who completes, my buddy checks the BB with A :) 10 :) (he said he didn't raise b/c the small blind usually folded his blind, and he put him on a decent hand).the small blind announces that he checks the flop in the dark, and the flop comes: K :) , 6 :club: , J :) My buddy bets his royal flush draw, 4,000 to go, the small immediately raises to 8, 000. He calls. The turn is the 2 :D , and the small blind goes all in, putting my buddy all -in, which was about 9, 000. Quite the dilemma, and after thinking for a while he folds. The small blind kindly showed him K :D 6 :D , for two pair. So the question is and your advice will be much apprieated. Was fold the correct play here? Any :) , or Ten will win an amazing pot, 13 outs 30 cards left in the deck 43%, 24, 000 in the pot, only about 80, 000 in play, he would have had about 42, 000 if he won the hand.I very tough decision and wonder what you all think. By the way the top seven get paid, he was on the dreaded bubble.Sorry such a long post, but hopefully interesting.

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i would raise preflop. after being raised on the flop i would have been all in. i call the all in with on the turn. hes about a 3-1 underdog. the pot odds are almost their and the blinds are high. i wouldnt have got to the turn. my money would have been in on the flop.

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21%, ok, it was an easier fold than i thought. A few corrections, the entire final table got paid, so he was NOT on the bubble and the SB had K :D 6 :club: , not the 6 :D, which would have made 12 outs instead of 13. Personally I thought he should have raised pre flop, no way the small blind can call, he would have raised if he had a good hand.

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i would raise preflop. after being raised on the flop i would have been all in. i call the all in with on the turn. hes about a 3-1 underdog. the pot odds are almost their and the blinds are high. i wouldnt have got to the turn. my money would have been in on the flop.
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thanks for all the tips guys, amazing game, play between 20-30 hrs a week for a solid year, still have TONS to learn...as I'm sure most players here are still learning after many, many more years of experience.

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very poor flop play by your friend as most are pointing out, either raise preflop and pick it up then, or go all in to the reraise on the flop, or if you arent gonna raise preflop, i would have probably checked the flop, and gotten my free draw to the straight and flush, he really slammed the door on his face with that flop play

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