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Was reading an article about the teaching of evolution in American schools in The Economist.According to the article, half of American "do not think apes and men had a common ancestor."Discuss

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Was reading an article about the teaching of evolution in American schools in The Economist.According to the article, half of American "do not think apes and men had a common ancestor."Discuss
Who gives a ****? Let people believe what they want to believe. That's what makes this country great...we are allowed to have our own opinions.
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Who gives a censored? Let people believe what they want to believe. That's what makes this country great...we are allowed to have our own opinions.
What a great idea. Be sure to tell the religious right that. I'm pretty sure they don't want people having their own opinions. They want people having their opinions.And I sense this may upset people. Discuss.
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Who gives a censored? Let people believe what they want to believe. That's what makes this country great...we are allowed to have our own opinions.
What a great idea. Be sure to tell the religious right that. I'm pretty sure they don't want people having their own opinions. They want people having their opinions.And I sense this may upset people. Discuss.
Both the religous right and the far liberal left want everyone to think their way...both have utter contempt for anyone who disagrees with them...so don't single out the far right when the far left is equally to blame. Anyone with half a brain realizes that the answers lie in the middle.
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I'm not telling anyone what to believe.I guess I was just surprised how large the fraction on people that don't believe in evolution was.But maybe I should be surprised that it wasn't larger given the number of states that have banned or are in the process of banning gay marriage.

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I'm not telling anyone what to believe.I guess I was just surprised how large the fraction on people that don't believe in evolution was.But maybe I should be surprised that it wasn't larger given the number of states that have banned or are in the process of banning gay marriage.
Yes, to save the "sacred institution of marriage." To quote (as best I can remember) Chris Rock - "What? Marriage is sacred? Are you kidding me? When we have 'Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire' on TV marriage ain't sacred."
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ok so i'm not a monkey cause i asked people if they thought i was a monkey and they said no.NEXTsw

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