Guest XXEddie Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 you guys arent listening. Im talking about when I see the flop with a 10 8 suited, and the flop comes down 10, 3,6 with no flush draws, and I know my opponent has an Ace Paint, and I bet, and they know I know I have them beat, and they call just to see another card and hope that they catch a 6 outer (at best)Im talking about how I raise with a middle pair, having the best hand, and then the turn gives them a higher pair. If I have 56, and my opponent has AK , and the flop comes down 5 10 2, and theres no flush draws, I am somewherre around an %80 favorite to win the pot. I know this, and thats why I raise. I am 5-1 to win the money, so I bet, and they call. The sad thing is that more often than not... and CERTAINLY A LOT MORE than %20 of the time, they call, and then catch. Its been devestating to me lately....Im not making stupid plays. Im making good reads, and then when im outdrawn, I show my cards after they show theirs, and boom, yeah, they were drawing to 6 outs (maximum)Ive been playing the best poker of my life, learning everything I can, studying everything I can, and getting better and better every day. I know im not DN. I just play like him, and I want to play as good as him some day. I wont take s hit from anyone on this forum telling me that I cant ever be that good at poker. Ill play poker 8 hours a day, study everything, and learn, until I am that good.first, 80% would be 4-1, and besides that 67 v AK on a T62 flop would be a 3-1 advantage over youAnd no, they dont not outdraw more than 25% of the time, you just only remember when they do outdraw, you havent told us about any hands where they miss the turn and you bet and winand besides, you out draw them on the flop so stop bitching about bad luck when you start with the worst hand, KNOWING you have the worst hand Link to post Share on other sites
Guest XXEddie Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 And you need to stop focusing on the bad beats. The fact they caught up to their higher pair on turn doesn't make a difference. the reason he is losing is because he is playing 76s against high cards. he cant expect to win much when everyone knows he usually starts as a underdog. after a while people realize he plays trash and so they play their hands accordingly. thats the reason people hang around to catch their high cards.If they continue to hang around, when im an %80 favorite to win the pot, thats a bad play, and I should be rewarded for it. because on average 4 out of 5 times, Im supposed to win. Where is the logic in what you are saying. If I can see a cheap flop with a 76 against an Ace Paint, im going to do it. And I dont worry about my bad beats, although ive constantly lost time and time again by runner runner straight, runner runner flush, going all in, having someone call, and then them catching runner runner. I dont know what im doing wrong. It must just be really bad luck. What your saying is that theres no way I should ever lose to an Ace Paint. In actuallity. I good player can usually outplay and even outdraw Ace Paint. Its only ace high with paint kicker until it connects, and your not going to connect every flop, less than half of the flops actually... Your logic is flawedwhat the fuck?!?!?!?! youre saying A/paint is only A high untill it connects????maybe you need to learn that 76s is only 7 high untill it connects, stop talking like A/paint isnt a good hand whne you play 76sand again, youre saying you should be rewarded for being a 80% favorite(your eonly about 75% btw) dude.........youre calling raises pf with SEVEN HIGH!!!!! youre going to lose those hands about 60% of the time, by your logic you should be punished for it Link to post Share on other sites
Abbaddabba 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 I'll bet the real problem here is that you're just too GOOD to be a winning player. Clearly all of the bad players have an advantage on account of their shitty play. I'll give you the same advice i've given to countless others in your place. Move up in the limits. All of the bad players are hurting your chances of making it big in the poker world. Link to post Share on other sites
Tantalar 0 Posted August 1, 2005 Author Share Posted August 1, 2005 I'll bet the real problem here is that you're just too GOOD to be a winning player. Clearly all of the bad players have an advantage on account of their censored play. I'll give you the same advice i've given to countless others in your place. Move up in the limits. All of the bad players are hurting your chances of making it big in the poker world.Yeah, thats the problem. I mean, you cant be sucessful against people who are just going to chase! They always seem to catch and bust me, and they are the only ones who do bust me. We play with 2 people my age, and a up to 6 people 2 years younger. I always lose when one of them catches a suckout. I mean I called some dudes all in whent he flop came 10,3,5. I knew he didnt have a 10 and I kenw my 5 was good. He flips over Ace 3 when I call, for all my chips. ( we were about even in chips) turn, Ace. Are you kidding me? lately thats just been what has been happening. Ive been playing really good poker, and I ALWAYS put my money in on the best hand. I just need to go up in limits, i guess thats what im doing wrong. thank you Link to post Share on other sites
Tantalar 0 Posted August 1, 2005 Author Share Posted August 1, 2005 Ace Paint is NOT that good. Sure, you want to raise, and you want to be up against someone with like, KJ, KQ, or AQ,AJ. The last thing you want is to be only a 60% favorite on the flop, when someone calls with something like a suited connector. the AK needs an A, or a K to come on the flop. if it doesnt come on the flop. Then hey that sucks, but thats why people dont bet a TON pre flop, unless they plan to just go all in instantly. 6 out of 10 times roughly, an AK suited will beat a 45 suited. Think about it this way. If the 45 suited calls the pre flop raise, and the flop comes down even 6,7,10. Do you think the dude with AK is going to raise? Hell no. we all know he doesnt have a 6,7, or 10. If you know he doesnt have either of those, you can just raise. Thats why its so easy to take advantage of a tight player.Now lets say that the flop doesnt help any player. And your holding the AK, and the flop is 6,7,10, and theres no flush draws. What are you going to do when your up against this loose crazy guy, who you can easily put on a pair?Call? when you have a 20% chance to catch an A or K? Are you kidding me? Even if he doesnt have a pair, are you STILL going to think that your A high is good? No, of course not. The reason above stated is why players like gus hansen are so sucessfull. Read it, learn it, and respect it. Thats poker. Poker is not like this "Oh man, I got AK, I AM GOD! 56 suited has no chance to beat me! I am AK SUITED! RAAAHHH!!!!!"Idiots...I think you guys just have a misunderstanding here. Im not going to call an all in, or even anything more than 5% of my stack in this situation. Just read what I said about 56 suited against AK suited, and tell me what you think. I need to hear, because theres no way that you can defend it.AK suited can do NOTHING when the flop comes down 6,7,10 and some dude holds a 6,5 suited. He cant go all in against a good player cause thye will call. He cant chase it. The only thing he can do is raise a crapload pre flop, and be selective on who your in the pot with. And I mean, what are the combined chances that an AK and 45 sutied both miss their cards on the flop, and the 45 will raise and bluff. Add that to the chance that a 45 will normally catcha pair on the flop without the AK catching a pair. Another important thing to consider of course, is position. If your playing that 45, youll definitly want to be in first position to raise (or bluff) now of course im not saying late position is bad at all. but when its short handed. Its not that important. I mean. Its all about who gets to bet first! Link to post Share on other sites
Mr Monkey 0 Posted August 1, 2005 Share Posted August 1, 2005 Now lets say that the flop doesnt help any player. And your holding the AK, and the flop is 6,7,10, and theres no flush draws. What are you going to do when your up against this loose crazy guy, who you can easily put on a pair? Call? when you have a 20% chance to catch an A or K? Are you kidding me? Even if he doesnt have a pair, are you STILL going to think that your A high is good? No, of course not. against you i would think my A high is good, and its obvious that people you play with no you play shit hands and that why they keep calling u down and catching on the turn and river.The reason above stated is why players like gus hansen are so sucessfull. Read it, learn it, and respect it. Thats poker. Poker is not like this "Oh man, I got AK, I AM GOD! 56 suited has no chance to beat me! I am AK SUITED! RAAAHHH!!!!!" actually as i posted 2 overs is about a 2-1 favorite against 2 lowers. what u dont get is that people think u are a fish thats why they call u down. you get no respect people arent afraid of you. it obvious by your posts Link to post Share on other sites
LuckyMcCatcher 0 Posted August 1, 2005 Share Posted August 1, 2005 You are a tard. You are calling raises with hands that play horribly heads up and not getting away when you dont flop a monster. You are making several mistakes. A) You for some reason are assuming that these people always have Ace face when you call these raises. I think it would be nice if you would post the instances when your 56 got busted by 99, or TT, or maybe JJ, try QQ, or perhaps KK, come to think of it how about AA? Just to name a few. Then we will adress the question of your shit hand against two overs.B) The type of hands you are calling with will flop marginal draws head up and you will gain the reputation of a player that wants to get cheap cards. If you were playing in my game you would essentially be playing for all your chips in every hand that you called my raise. I.e you would rarely if ever have odds to draw at me and even if you do flop a pair you will have to call off all your chips to find out whether I have an overpair or overcards and even still I might catch on you. Do you really want to be put in this position time after time? It sounds like you already are in this position in a soft game no less.C) You think this style is good because its hard to put you on a hand. Its not really. I can always assume that you didnt hit much of the flop and bet big and would be correct to do so. Unless you hit the flop real big you would rarely be correct to call these bets. In summation stop calling raises in NL with hands that play well multiway unless you can get away when you dont flop a monster. You are essentially giving away money. Link to post Share on other sites
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