Tantalar 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 I play a lot like DN. I believe in the suited connector theory, and I truly think that hands like 56 are the hands that really make a winner. I like to see a lot of flops, and thne outplay people on the flop. For the last month. I just can not seem to win, and its because of one big problem ive noticed. It will be like this. I KNOW someone had Ace Paint, and I have like, 76 suited. I call, and see the flop, theres nobody else in the hand, it comes down to just my 76 vs his Ace Paint. The flop comes down J,7,4. Now CONSTANTLY I have a good read, and KNOW I have the best hand. He knows I know he has Ace paint. Naturally, I raise whatever the pot is, maybe 2x the pot!I get a call, big surprise. The turn, an ace...This happens every time to me, it just is devastating. I KNOW I have the best hand, and then people call and catch. Its unbelievable. I know im an 80% favorite to win! Link to post Share on other sites
Guest XXEddie Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 How do they know that you know that they have A/paint Link to post Share on other sites
dimseven 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 How do they know that you know that they have A/paintNow we know that he knows that OP knows that he has A paint. Link to post Share on other sites
Guest XXEddie Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 If I had my opponent on A/Paint and a J hit the flop....I wouldnt be "sure" my middle pair shitty kicker is good Link to post Share on other sites
Blink20 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 Sounds like you play a lot of hands to see a flop.You have to realize, with this type of strategy, you are going to take a lot of swings. You will take a much bigger swing down then players sticking to a more solid approach.You have to be much more disciplined playing like this, and you also need a bigger bankroll for the limit you are playing because you need to expect the bigger swings.When I say you need more discipline, this means you have to be able to play perfectly postflop. All the small errors will add up when you are playing marginal hands. You need to be able to get away from your speculative hand when you don't hit it big. This means if you just hit bottom pair and no redraw/no backdoor draw of any kind, then you don't want to pursue your small pair that much.Also, I would suggest looking into this book called, "pyschology of poker" by alan schoonmaker, its a 2+2 book. He goes over the diff traits of poker players, which I would assume you are in the loose/agressive category. If yo uare too loose, you can't make up for some of your preflop errors so you will lose more than you win. He suggest tightening up a little bit, you don't have to go complete rock, but even just a little tighter you will see noticable results.Plus, in your example knowing he has ace paint. Im not sure what limit of nl you are playing, but he could easily have overpair, AJ or whatever that you are probably losing quite a bit running into those potential holdings as well.Gl at the tables. Link to post Share on other sites
Tantalar 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Author Share Posted July 31, 2005 I need to tighten slightly. but the way im playing now, I mean its just at home games, and theres like 5 of us, so its hardly counts. Im trying to decide if im doing the right thing, or the wrong thing, so ill know if im going to do well with my game at the casino on august 4th (turningstone, 1st time!)I completely understand that there are a lot of swings involved.Often times, I may flop a flush with 56 of clubs and someone will have A10 of clubs, and ill have to fold it, and thats a very tough decision. Thats what I like so much about my play style. It is the most skillfull requiring way to play, because every single time you need to ge ta good read, and bluff, and catch bluffers, and know when your pair of 5s is good when theres 3 overcards on the board.Ive made maraculous lay downs, like ive had K4, seent he flop come K,K,6 no flush draws, and ive checked to trap. not expecting a King byu anyone else. Then on the turn which is a blank checking, and on the river, another blank, I raise. someone re raises. and I knew im beat, she shows me AK I have K4 and fold it, and save my whole stack. Thats what my playstyle is all about, making the right decisioins and having the right reads. It's why I love it so much. Recently though....Like yesterday, with a 98Q on the board I raise, someone moves all in, and with a 9,6 off suit, I call, KNOWING that Im a big favorite to win the pot. He has an 8 10, and I knew it. I was ahead, but he cought a straight on the river! Link to post Share on other sites
custom36 5 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 I'm torn between saying one of two things...Post handsorGo to the bad beat sectionOnly you know which one I should say. So, choose it and follow it. Link to post Share on other sites
Guest XXEddie Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 I mean its just at home games, and theres like 5 of us, so its hardly countsstop reading thereyou should play roughly the same way regardless of what it is, being a home game, local casino game or the WSOP. Link to post Share on other sites
Nutcracker 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 You know what I love about playing poker? When I'm playing someone and I KNOW they have some shitty little suited connector, so I raise to 6Xbb preflop with my AA, then they call and the flop comes 569 and I KNOW they have 1 pair with a straight draw, then they bet into me, so I smooth call, milking them since I'm an 80% favorite and they probably think they have the best hand with their shit pair shit kicker. Then the turn comes A, which sucks, because now they are gonna fold and I can't give them a free card to hit the straight, so I bet out and win a nice pot.OP, don't bitch about people hitting a lucky turn card when you're getting in on a lot of flops trying to catch lucky flops. You're not DN, you have nowhere near his skills, stop trying to play like him. And you probably can't read someone well enough to distinguish between QQ and AK, but good luck trying. Link to post Share on other sites
Guest XXEddie Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 You know what I love about playing poker? When I'm playing someone and I KNOW they have some censored little suited connector, so I raise to 6Xbb preflop with my AA, then they call and the flop comes 569 and I KNOW they have 1 pair with a straight draw, then they bet into me, so I smooth call, milking them since I'm an 80% favorite and they probably think they have the best hand with their censored pair censored kicker. Then the turn comes A, which sucks, because now they are gonna fold and I can't give them a free card to hit the straight, so I bet out and win a nice pot.OP, don't censored about people hitting a lucky turn card when you're getting in on a lot of flops trying to catch lucky flops. You're not DN, you have nowhere near his skills, stop trying to play like him. And you probably can't read someone well enough to distinguish between QQ and AK, but good luck trying.agreed, OP, you talk like you always have great reads, and always make great calls and great laydowns. If you truely were that good, you wouldnt need to ask what youre doing wrong because they way you speak you play perfect poker and you think you always know what everyone has. And like nutcrakcer said, you cant talk about how other people are getting lucky when youre playing hands like 96, K4 and little suited connectors Link to post Share on other sites
Guest XXEddie Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 I'm torn between saying one of two things...Post handsorGo to the bad beat sectionOnly you know which one I should say. So, choose it and follow it.probably both, half his hands will be thisi have KK and i KNOW he has a smaller PP so Ill raise because i KNOW he will callflop is ATT, He bets and i call KNOWING he has a smaller PP and im 90% to win, turn is a 9, he bets and again I call NKOWING he has a smaller PP and im now 95% to winriver 5He bets and I fold KNOWING he hit a 2 outer on the river! Link to post Share on other sites
Steppin Razor 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 I need to tighten slightly. but the way im playing now, I mean its just at home games, and theres like 5 of us, so its hardly counts. Im trying to decide if im doing the right thing, or the wrong thing, so ill know if im going to do well with my game at the casino on august 4th (turningstone, 1st time!)You acknowledge that the way you play is just at home games, but then you want to play that way at a casino?Thats what I like so much about my play style. It is the most skillfull requiring way to play, because every single time you need to ge ta good read, and bluff, and catch bluffers, and know when your pair of 5s is good when theres 3 overcards on the board.I don't think this way is this most skillfull way to play. First of all, you need to do all those things regardless of what style you have. Second, you're posting in here about how often you're losing. You don't want to play a style that requires you to constantly be making tough decisions. Be capable of making them, but don't go looking for them. Make as many easy decisions as you can.Ive made maraculous lay downs, like ive had K4, seent he flop come K,K,6 no flush draws, and ive checked to trap. not expecting a King byu anyone else. Then on the turn which is a blank checking, and on the river, another blank, I raise. someone re raises. and I knew im beat, she shows me AK I have K4 and fold it, and save my whole stack. Thats what my playstyle is all about, making the right decisioins and having the right reads. It's why I love it so much. Recently though....You didn't save your whole stack. You had a 4 kicker. You're lucky you didn't have to bet before the river. If your opponent had made a small bet on the flop, you would have 'trapped' most of your money away.Like yesterday, with a 98Q on the board I raise, someone moves all in, and with a 9,6 off suit, I call, KNOWING that Im a big favorite to win the pot. He has an 8 10, and I knew it. I was ahead, but he cought a straight on the river!What move PF did this guy make that going all-in screamed 8/10? Middle pair is not often a big favorite to win a pot.And a pair of nines with no kicker isn't the best place to get all your money in.I may be way off base, but you sound like a young guy. You seem to be playing the way you want, and then finding reasons why it's a good idea. Being a favorite PF or on the flop doesn't mean you'll win every time, and you can't outplay everyone on the flop all the time. Stop trying, and find good situations to outplay people. Link to post Share on other sites
akishore 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 ah, yes, i remember now.this is why casino NL games are so beatable.have fun at turning stone, i might like to come up that weekend. :-) aseem Link to post Share on other sites
Tantalar 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Author Share Posted July 31, 2005 you guys arent listening. Im talking about when I see the flop with a 10 8 suited, and the flop comes down 10, 3,6 with no flush draws, and I know my opponent has an Ace Paint, and I bet, and they know I know I have them beat, and they call just to see another card and hope that they catch a 6 outer (at best)Im talking about how I raise with a middle pair, having the best hand, and then the turn gives them a higher pair. If I have 56, and my opponent has AK , and the flop comes down 5 10 2, and theres no flush draws, I am somewherre around an %80 favorite to win the pot. I know this, and thats why I raise. I am 5-1 to win the money, so I bet, and they call. The sad thing is that more often than not... and CERTAINLY A LOT MORE than %20 of the time, they call, and then catch. Its been devestating to me lately....Im not making stupid plays. Im making good reads, and then when im outdrawn, I show my cards after they show theirs, and boom, yeah, they were drawing to 6 outs (maximum)Ive been playing the best poker of my life, learning everything I can, studying everything I can, and getting better and better every day. I know im not DN. I just play like him, and I want to play as good as him some day. I wont take s hit from anyone on this forum telling me that I cant ever be that good at poker. Ill play poker 8 hours a day, study everything, and learn, until I am that good. Link to post Share on other sites
Tantalar 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Author Share Posted July 31, 2005 The only reason im here, and not in the bad beat forum, is because I truly want to know if im doing something wrong by raising 2x the pot with the best hand when im an %80 favorite to win the pot. The reason I raise 2x the big blind, and not let thems ee a free card and try to slow play it is because when I do that, I give them the chance to catch, and if an overcard comes, it makes me have a tougher decision. As we all know. The more tough decisions that you are given, the more rewarded you wil be for making the RIGHT decision. HENCE the reason for me to want to be forced to take a lot of rough decisions, it is chalenging, and VERY rewarding. Much moreso rewarding than playing only hte top 10 hands... but anyone on this forum should know that, especially when they have over 1000 posts right? Link to post Share on other sites
Mr Monkey 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 I play a lot like DN. I believe in the suited connector theory, and I truly think that hands like 56 are the hands that really make a winner. I like to see a lot of flops, and thne outplay people on the flop. For the last month. I just can not seem to win, and its because of one big problem ive noticed. It will be like this. I KNOW someone had Ace Paint, and I have like, 76 suited. I call, and see the flop, theres nobody else in the hand, it comes down to just my 76 vs his Ace Paint. The flop comes down J,7,4. Now CONSTANTLY I have a good read, and KNOW I have the best hand. He knows I know he has Ace paint. Naturally, I raise whatever the pot is, maybe 2x the pot!I get a call, big surprise. The turn, an ace...This happens every time to me, it just is devastating. I KNOW I have the best hand, and then people call and catch. Its unbelievable. I know im an 80% favorite to win!Quit trying to be clever . Thats your problem. Quit playing BS hands. You probably have a reputaion for playing shit hands and thats why everyone will call you with overs or A high. Link to post Share on other sites
Nutcracker 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 and CERTAINLY A LOT MORE than %20 of the time, they call, and then catch. Its been devestating to me lately....It must be rigged.The only reason im here, and not in the bad beat forum, is because I truly want to know if im doing something wrong by raising 2x the pot with the best hand when im an %80 favorite to win the pot.So you want to know if you should be betting as a 4-1 favorite, yet you think you're good enough to play these hands and be profitable? Stick to good hands until you get more experience, that's my honest advice. If you can limp with a suited connector, go for it, but be ready to release it on the flop if you don't get at least 2 pair or a strong draw. Link to post Share on other sites
Steppin Razor 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 The more tough decisions that you are given, the more rewarded you wil be for making the RIGHT decision. HENCE the reason for me to want to be forced to take a lot of rough decisions, it is chalenging, and VERY rewarding. Much moreso rewarding than playing only hte top 10 hands... but anyone on this forum should know that, especially when they have over 1000 posts right?No, that's backwards. The more tough decisions you have to make, the less rewarding. Tough decisions are costly. One wrong one could wipe you out.You want to force your opponent to make tough decisions, not make them yourself. Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 hmm, u shouldn't lose that much.if you have them on Ax, and an ace turns, fold. I might even try an open-farrelor stop playing poker.quick pick!- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
Blink20 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 Ok, op, disregard most of the comments made on your posts.But, you need to stop being over confident. Confidence is good but I'm sure you know you are nowhere near the level of card reading skills and whatever else necessary to be great in poker. Acknowledge your skill level right now and be honest and work on that.And you need to stop focusing on the bad beats. The fact they caught up to their higher pair on turn doesn't make a difference. There's this great article on tilt and zen i posted a w hile back in gen forum, basically saying, the great pros don't gripe about their bad beats, they are the first to acknowledge that there are things they could've done differently, there's always a way you could've played the hand differently that would've maximized your profit, don't focus on them outdrawing you, focus on everything you did up to the results.Seriously, get this book Psychology of Poker by schoonmaker (2+2 pub) All your responses I know it will fit perfectly for you. There's a hand reading chart you fill out. And also a styles grid. It helps you determine your own style and how to improve that style and also how to play against different opponents. Its really a great book esp for the type of player you are trying to become, its a lot about understanding your motives and stuff.The best thing you can do, like you pointed out, is to play a lot of hands every day and keep working on your game. Tighten up a bit, im sure you're regular opponents, you will extract more profit this way because they are probably used to paying you off more.GL at the games and remember, its a game you keep learning. Link to post Share on other sites
Mr Monkey 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 And you need to stop focusing on the bad beats. The fact they caught up to their higher pair on turn doesn't make a difference.the reason he is losing is because he is playing 76s against high cards. he cant expect to win much when everyone knows he usually starts as a underdog. after a while people realize he plays trash and so they play their hands accordingly. thats the reason people hang around to catch their high cards. Link to post Share on other sites
Tantalar 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Author Share Posted July 31, 2005 And you need to stop focusing on the bad beats. The fact they caught up to their higher pair on turn doesn't make a difference.the reason he is losing is because he is playing 76s against high cards. he cant expect to win much when everyone knows he usually starts as a underdog. after a while people realize he plays trash and so they play their hands accordingly. thats the reason people hang around to catch their high cards.If they continue to hang around, when im an %80 favorite to win the pot, thats a bad play, and I should be rewarded for it. because on average 4 out of 5 times, Im supposed to win. Where is the logic in what you are saying. If I can see a cheap flop with a 76 against an Ace Paint, im going to do it. And I dont worry about my bad beats, although ive constantly lost time and time again by runner runner straight, runner runner flush, going all in, having someone call, and then them catching runner runner. I dont know what im doing wrong. It must just be really bad luck. What your saying is that theres no way I should ever lose to an Ace Paint. In actuallity. I good player can usually outplay and even outdraw Ace Paint. Its only ace high with paint kicker until it connects, and your not going to connect every flop, less than half of the flops actually... Your logic is flawed Link to post Share on other sites
Chiggleslap 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 Step 1: stop insisting that you play like Daniel Negreanu. You seem to have pegged DN for some specific style of play, which is probably the worst way you could possibly try to emulate his game. You need to understand that there's so much more to his game than you could ever even imagine, so just shut up about how you play like him. You've obviously taken what you believe to be DN's style of play and run with it, but you're vastly oversimplifying everything he does as a poker player. DN, no matter what you think, doesn't put himself in super-marginal situations where he has to make incredibly tough decisions every time he's in a hand. He puts himself into situations like these far less than you probably do. If your goal is to put yourself into these situations on a regular basis so that you can be better at making them when you happen to face them in the future when you're NOT playing the way you are now, that's fine, but you have no right to complain about losing in the meantime...DN isn't a great player just because he's excellent at making marginal decisions. He's also excellent because he can extract a lot of chips from his opponents when he has WAY the best of it. DN would be a losing player if all he did was put himself in difficult situations all the time and was bad at getting chips any other way.I practice playing in marginal situations like this when I'm playing smaller buy-in freezeouts with my buddies. It is a great skill to develop, but you need to realize that if you're going to develop it, you're going to take hits along the way.So, again, it sounds like you've got some delusions about winning poker, or DN poker, or both. So keep learning and complain less... people will like you better. Link to post Share on other sites
Mr Monkey 0 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 And you need to stop focusing on the bad beats. The fact they caught up to their higher pair on turn doesn't make a difference. Â the reason he is losing is because he is playing 76s against high cards. he cant expect to win much when everyone knows he usually starts as a underdog. after a while people realize he plays trash and so they play their hands accordingly. thats the reason people hang around to catch their high cards.If they continue to hang around, when im an %80 favorite to win the pot, thats a bad play, and I should be rewarded for it. because on average 4 out of 5 times, Im supposed to win. Where is the logic in what you are saying. If I can see a cheap flop with a 76 against an Ace Paint, im going to do it. And I dont worry about my bad beats, although ive constantly lost time and time again by runner runner straight, runner runner flush, going all in, having someone call, and then them catching runner runner. I dont know what im doing wrong. It must just be really bad luck. What your saying is that theres no way I should ever lose to an Ace Paint. In actuallity. I good player can usually outplay and even outdraw Ace Paint. Its only ace high with paint kicker until it connects, and your not going to connect every flop, less than half of the flops actually... Your logic is flawedmy logic isnt flawed from the way u described how u play. 2 overs preflop is roughly a 2-1 favorite . so if people see u keep playing trash they are going to play more hands to the end and therefore they will catch on the turn and river alot more then if they gave u credit for a hand. u see theorecticly if they played their 2 overs all the way to the end against your 2 unders everytime they would win more hands then they would lose. good players usually dont chase but if bad players think u play trash they will call with overs. thats why my logic is not flawed. sure u are a 80% favorite or whatever to win the pot at that point but u are aroughly a 2-1 underdog to win these hands if someone is planning to see all five cards which people will do alot more if they know or suspect u of playing junk. has it occured to you that people most likey think u have junk and thats why they are calling u down Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 this thread is so pointless.he's complaining about bad beats. he's msg's are getting more and more whiney about outdraws.it's poker. blah.- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
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