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how can you convince someone they suck at poker?

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I have one friend who is an absolute donkey. Knows nothing about odds and calls down to the river if he hits any part of the board. Last time at AC he managed to win 200 dollars playing video poker (hit 5 of a kind), then took $100 of that into a 2/4 game and walked away with roughly 40 BB profit in an hour by reraising middle pair and bluffing with J high on the river. Of course, now he thinks he is the superstud of poker. Recently against others' advice he put $50 into Party and decided to start playing 3/6. He goes up to a bit over $200 the first day and will not shut up about how skillful he is at this game. I keep telling him to quit while he is ahead, but the donkey will not listen and gets offended as if I'm trying to keep him down. So now I'm just going to let nature take it's course. Please feel free to add the player "Tascar" to your buddylist on Partypoker and teach the lesson I could not. He might have already gone broke in the 3 days since we last spoke but rest assured this is donkness at its finest.

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Please don't ever try to teach a fish how to think like a shark.OrPlease don't try to teach a donkey how to be a stallion.or...Quit showing bad players how to get better. I need money. Thanks.

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I have one friend who is an absolute donkey.  Knows nothing about odds and calls down to the river if he hits any part of the board. Last time at AC he managed to win 200 dollars playing video poker (hit 5 of a kind), then took $100 of that into a 2/4 game and walked away with roughly 40 BB profit in an hour by reraising middle pair and bluffing with J high on the river. Of course, now he thinks he is the superstud of poker. Recently against others'  advice he put $50 into Party and decided to start playing 3/6. He goes up to a bit over $200 the first day and will not shut up about how skillful he is at this game.  I keep telling him to quit while he is ahead, but the donkey will not listen and gets offended as if I'm trying to keep him down. So now I'm just going to let nature take it's course.  Please feel free to add the player "Tascar" to your buddylist on Partypoker and teach the lesson I could not.  He might have already gone broke in the 3 days since we last spoke but rest assured this is donkness at its finest.
If your so worried about his money, sit down and take it from him, then give it back and tell him lesson learned. If he is a good friend, you shouldnt be spreading his s/n around forums. You just hung your buddy out to dry and fed him to the sharks, not that I consider myself one, lol. With friends like you, who needs enemies?
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You just hung your buddy out to dry and fed him to the sharks, not that I consider myself one, lol.With friends like you, who needs enemies?
You just hung your buddy out to dry and fed him to the sharks, not that I consider myself one, lol.With friends like you, who needs enemies?Well put mexicanslayer2.gif
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I have one friend who is an absolute donkey.  Knows nothing about odds and calls down to the river if he hits any part of the board. Last time at AC he managed to win 200 dollars playing video poker (hit 5 of a kind), then took $100 of that into a 2/4 game and walked away with roughly 40 BB profit in an hour by reraising middle pair and bluffing with J high on the river. Of course, now he thinks he is the superstud of poker. Recently against others'  advice he put $50 into Party and decided to start playing 3/6. He goes up to a bit over $200 the first day and will not shut up about how skillful he is at this game.  I keep telling him to quit while he is ahead, but the donkey will not listen and gets offended as if I'm trying to keep him down. So now I'm just going to let nature take it's course.  Please feel free to add the player "Tascar" to your buddylist on Partypoker and teach the lesson I could not.  He might have already gone broke in the 3 days since we last spoke but rest assured this is donkness at its finest.
Let him enjoy himself. What is it with us that makes us have to shout to the world how good we are and how bad they are? Just let him enjoy his rush.
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This guy is probably going to just think he's getting unlucky when he loses. Make sure to keep him on your buddylist.

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Tell him to put his money where his mouth is and play him heads up in a series of games. He migh win a couple due to the luck factor, but if you area better player you should win in the long run. Then take his money, kick him in the nuts, and walk out.

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With the way you're describing him, he doesnt sound so terrible.I definitely wouldn't make a habit of bluffing at a 2/4 table _period_, but you say that he bluffed with jack high (presumably at the river) as if the fact that he had jack high made it a bad idea. What DO you bluff with? Ace high? That's a lot worse, since you're virtually never betting someone off a pair at those limits. At least if you hold jack high, you could potentially get someone to throw away a winner.As for raising with mid pair - there are certainly situations where that's warranted.

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What DO you bluff with? Ace high? That's a lot worse, since you're virtually never betting someone off a pair at those limits. At least if you hold jack high, you could potentially get someone to throw away a winner.
Am I missing something here? How is a bluff with Ace high worse than a bluff with Jack high? You're opponent doesn't know whether you have an Ace or a Jack.
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What DO you bluff with? Ace high? That's a lot worse, since you're virtually never betting someone off a pair at those limits. At least if you hold jack high, you could potentially get someone to throw away a winner.
Am I missing something here? How is a bluff with Ace high worse than a bluff with Jack high? You're opponent doesn't know whether you have an Ace or a Jack.
Because your Jack-high is practically certain not to win no matter what your opponent has, even if he has no pair. If he were on a drawing hand, he might just throw away his higher hand, even if it's Ace-high.With Ace-high, there's still the chance that he hasn't hit his hand, but your high card Ace is more likely to win that pot without a bluff.
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I have one friend who is an absolute donkey. Knows nothing about odds and calls down to the river if he hits any part of the board. Last time at AC he managed to win 200 dollars playing video poker (hit 5 of a kind), then took $100 of that into a 2/4 game and walked away with roughly 40 BB profit in an hour by reraising middle pair and bluffing with J high on the river. Of course, now he thinks he is the superstud of poker. Recently against others' advice he put $50 into Party and decided to start playing 3/6. He goes up to a bit over $200 the first day and will not shut up about how skillful he is at this game. I keep telling him to quit while he is ahead, but the donkey will not listen and gets offended as if I'm trying to keep him down. So now I'm just going to let nature take it's course. Please feel free to add the player "Tascar" to your buddylist on Partypoker and teach the lesson I could not. He might have already gone broke in the 3 days since we last spoke but rest assured this is donkness at its finest.
Man.. dont worry about. some people suck at school, some suck at relationships, most suck at dancing, and sex, yet they chose not to admitt it. and like all these, some people just plain suck at Poker. Trust me.. i get frustrated at my home games, when my buddies freak out cuz we wont let them buy backin, after they make ridiculous calls.
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Guest Anonymous
I have one friend who is an absolute donkey. Knows nothing about odds and calls down to the river if he hits any part of the board. Last time at AC he managed to win 200 dollars playing video poker (hit 5 of a kind), then took $100 of that into a 2/4 game and walked away with roughly 40 BB profit in an hour by reraising middle pair and bluffing with J high on the river. Of course, now he thinks he is the superstud of poker. Recently against others' advice he put $50 into Party and decided to start playing 3/6. He goes up to a bit over $200 the first day and will not shut up about how skillful he is at this game. I keep telling him to quit while he is ahead, but the donkey will not listen and gets offended as if I'm trying to keep him down. So now I'm just going to let nature take it's course. Please feel free to add the player "Tascar" to your buddylist on Partypoker and teach the lesson I could not. He might have already gone broke in the 3 days since we last spoke but rest assured this is donkness at its finest.
Have you asked yourself why this bothers you? If you can answer that your game might improve a bit too.
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Weren't you the same kid whinning about kids in casino with too much money? Was this his first deposit? Does he play poker with you guys regularly? If he never plays and simply got lucky YOU, being an apparent "friend" should congratulate him and play with him as much as possible. You know that his run was initially luck, sooooo if you think your that much better than him, you should play with him. It's HIS money, let him play whatever limits he wants, instead of criticizing him. When/if he goes broke, don't be a doucherocket about it and run around screaming, "Hey I knew you sucked at poker, blah, blah, blah...all that's going to do is piss him off and want to get better, or stop playing neither which is good for you, because your soooooo good. You have to be about the dumbest jerk off on the planet to come on here and whine about this, you just got handed a silver platter opportunity, but NOPE you blew it.

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If this guy is your buddy, I wouldn't look at his ineptitude as an "opportunity." And I don't think much of you for throwing his name out among the sharks here (though I'm sure they appreciate it). That a pretty "hater" thing to do. After all, he's not hurting you with his cheshire cat-like luck. You just make yourself sound petty and small.That said, the answer to your question is this...Wait.That's all you need to do. Water eventually seeks it's own level and so do bad gamblers. If he's as bad as you say, you don't need to do anything. Gravity does the rest.

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