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online omaha/8 tournaments

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Does anyone know which online site has the most frequent Omaha/8 tournaments? MTT and SNG?I want/need to practice for the WSOP Circuit that is coming to Tunica in Aug. and would like to get ready for the OMaha/8 tourn.THanks in advance.

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Party offers quite a bit of o/8 sngs with quite a bit of fish too.

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Guest Anonymous
Does anyone know which online site has the most frequent Omaha/8 tournaments? MTT and SNG?I want/need to practice for the WSOP Circuit that is coming to Tunica in Aug. and would like to get ready for the OMaha/8 tourn.THanks in advance.
Party and poker stars are the two with the most people playing those games.UB has noone, and FullTilt much less than the above two, with much, much better players.
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Party had O8 SNGs at any lvl from $5 - $100 all the time. Player's skill lvl doesn't vary much as the buy-in increases. They are all pretty much horrendous.

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I want/need to practice for the WSOP Circuit that is coming to Tunica in Aug. and would like to get ready for the OMaha/8 tourn.
Either Party or PokerStars should supply plenty of practice, but I dunno if that's really going to improve your game much - you're unlikely to see particularly good play, just solid basic strategy is all you need for consistently good results. I dunno if the WSOP circuit is going to see quite the same level of impulse entries from people who don't actually know what game they've signed up for.OTOH, the online tournaments are nice for your bankroll, so they can help you with the entry fees, if nothing else.
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