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me and my girlfriend are going to be head out to lake Tahoe for her b-day everything is going to be pay for, but i was wondering if someone new if there were any poker rooms there, the website for harrahs n harvey dont say shit, thanks

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They sucked last time I was out there, but that was at least 5 years ago. Might be 100 table rooms full of fish now.Hope that helped.Alternately you could try "tahoe poker" in google...

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Last time I went (last July or so) it was slim pickings up there. Harvey's spreads a 3-6 game, but rake is 10% up to $4 and $1 per pot for the bad beat. So that's as much as $5 per pot, which is a lot. I don't know if Harvey's spreads a NL game.The Horizon spread a 2-6 spread limit game that was pretty decent. The rake was 10% up to $3, and they had an independant bad beat, so the house was taking a lot less out of each pot. The Horizon also spread a $1-1-2 NL $100 max game. -Matt

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One other thing,There are only 8 major casinos in Tahoe right? (someone correct me on the numbers if I'm wrong.) So you could actually call them and ask, and it wouldn't take too long at all. I just walked up and down their "strip" til I found a poker room.Matt

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