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Poker is gambling. I believe any time you play percentages with money you are gambling. I also believe it is gambling, because even the greats have their ups and downs. Just look at Dan's World Series.

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Yes poker is gambling.......... You must be smokin that refer again. Isn't it a little early to be "blazed". Anytime you can loose money and can't physically control the outcome. Hence you cannot control what cards are dealt. Well u can if ur a mechanic but thats another discussion. I mean how u play ur hands has a lot to do with the outcome but u can't physically control it like say making a basket in basketball.Well my head hurts.Time for the wake n bake

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Stop this thread now. It will only lead to a bunch of misinformed, ignorant people with opinions claiming that they "know" the answer.What?There's no debate, it's gambling like an ant is an insect. How the hell would "oppinion" come into play?

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Stop this thread now. It will only lead to a bunch of misinformed, ignorant people with opinions claiming that they "know" the answer. What is it to you? That should suffice.
I want to know how these people think. Im going to post my answer shortly. consider it an exercise in logical thinking. Your average joe, when asked this question, will say "poker is gambling" but will not be able to give you a logically coherent as to why its gambling. The term gambling has a negative connotation. I think its important for anyone who plays poker to step back and decide whether poker is gambling in the negative sense of the word.
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Yes poker is gambling.......... You must be smokin that refer again. Isn't it a little early to be "blazed". Anytime you can loose money and can't physically control the outcome. Hence you cannot control what cards are dealt. Well u can if ur a mechanic but thats another discussion. I mean how u play ur hands has a lot to do with the outcome but u can't physically control it like say making a basket in basketball. Well my head hurts. Time for the wake n bakeEnough said. :club:

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What?There's no debate, it's gambling like an ant is an insect. How the hell would "oppinion" come into play?
Smash, can you defend this statement? an insect has clearly defined characteristics, while the definition of gambling (at least with the negative connotations associated with the word in todays society) is much more vague. Give me your definition of gambling, and show me how poker is congruous with that definition.
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Smash, can you defend this statement? an insect has clearly defined characteristics, while the definition of gambling (at least with the negative connotations associated with the word in todays society) is much more vague. Give me your definition of gambling, and show me how poker is congruous with that definition.Connotations have nothig to do with defnitions.Gambling is wagering money on the outcome of an event which is uncertain.What's hard about this? If some moron attaches a negative connotation to "gambling" they need to better understand the definition of the word.

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Stop this thread now. It will only lead to a bunch of misinformed, ignorant people with opinions claiming that they "know" the answer. What is it to you? That should suffice.
I want to know how these people think. Im going to post my answer shortly. consider it an exercise in logical thinking. Your average joe, when asked this question, will say "poker is gambling" but will not be able to give you a logically coherent as to why its gambling. The term gambling has a negative connotation. I think its important for anyone who plays poker to step back and decide whether poker is gambling in the negative sense of the word.
"a logically coherent as to why..." Logically coherent what? Not to flame, but you're trying to sound sophisticated and use two adjectives with no noun there.
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gam·ble ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gmbl)v. gam·bled, gam·bling, gam·bles v. intr.To bet on an uncertain outcome, as of a contest. According to this definition poker is gambling. But, to me gambling is placing a bet at a disadvantage and getting lucky. In poker, you are trying to put your money in when you have an edge, and determining when you have that edge is a skill. You can really approach the game from either perspective though.

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Is poker gambling? On the face of it, this seems to be a simple question with a simple answer. you are placing bets on an outcome which cannot be determined before the event. you are gambling. However, if we attempt to provide a logical defense for this answer, the question becomes much murkier. The dictionary provides several definitions for gambling, none of which are very clear. The first, and most commonly associated definition, is To bet on an uncertain outcome. Given this definition, poker is certainly gambling. However, so is just about anything else we do in life. Crossing the street is gambling. you are betting your life that you can make it across before a car strikes you. Eating is gambling. You are betting that the food you eat is not poisoned. "But these things dont involve money!" Well, lets look at education. When you attend college, you pay tuition. You are paying based on the expectation that with your degree will come some job with an expected range of starting salaries. You are BETTING that the education you are paying for will yield future income. This is no sure bet, as Im sure some of you can attest. When you buy stocks, you are BETTING that the value of said stocks will increase, yielding you a positive return on your money. And yet no one, to my knowledge, has ever been to a GA meeting for an addiction to the stock market. Those who go broke on the markets are not 'gambling degenerates', but rather 'unsavvy investors'. Despite this, we can all agree that betting on sports, and games like blackjack and roulette are most definitely gambling. So, it is clear that the textbook definition of gambling is incomplete. With that in mind, let me pose a new question to you all: Can you give me a definition of gambling which encompasses poker as well as casino games like blackjack, while excluding socially and morally acceptable, and seemingly mundane actions like attending university, or buying a sandwhich?

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But, to me gambling is placing a bet at a disadvantage and getting lucky. What?It's not. Never has been. You don't get to define words subjectively.To me "Go fuck yourself" means "have a nice day, and good luck with the operation"

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Well since Blaze started this thread, he is looking for some posts to debate. And since he is currently defending poker not being considered gambling, i'll rebuttle one.In Canada, and especially Ontario. Gambling under the criminal codes act is anything or any game with a mixed skill and chance that involves wagering.They do not list POKER, however they list 3 card monty,and other similar games. The correct definition of Poker, euchre, spades etc.. is a game of mixed skill and chance. And that is why it IS considered gambling. If it was not considered gambling, it would not fall under this act. And thus would be allowed to play for money in any establishment or home.

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Despite this, we can all agree that betting on sports, and games like blackjack and roulette are most definitely gambling. So, it is clear that the textbook definition of gambling is incomplete.No.It's clear you're persuig a pointless semantic argument in an attempt to appear "Deep".Just go smoke some pot and expound to your buddies that the universe might just be an atom in a blade of grass in another universe or something and stop wasting our time with this crap.

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Smash, can you defend this statement? an insect has clearly defined characteristics, while the definition of gambling (at least with the negative connotations associated with the word in todays society) is much more vague. Give me your definition of gambling, and show me how poker is congruous with that definition.Connotations have nothig to do with defnitions.Gambling is wagering money on the outcome of an event which is uncertain.What's hard about this? If some moron attaches a negative connotation to "gambling" they need to better understand the definition of the word.
well, some moron happens to be a significant part of our society. Nothing is certain in life. you put a dollar into a vending machine, are you certain a snack will come out?If you take definitions so literally, you couldnt tell me you are certain. And yet, we dont see GA reps handing out flyers at your local pepsi machine.
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well, some moron happens to be a significant part of our society. Nothing is certain in life. you put a dollar into a vending machine, are you certain a snack will come out?If you take definitions so literally, you couldnt tell me you are certain. And yet, we dont see GA reps handing out flyers at your local pepsi machine.The salient point is that you're not betting a dollar that the snack will come out.Understand?

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Despite this, we can all agree that betting on sports, and games like blackjack and roulette are most definitely gambling. So, it is clear that the textbook definition of gambling is incomplete.No.It's clear you're persuig a pointless semantic argument in an attempt to appear "Deep".Just go smoke some pot and expound to your buddies that the universe might just be an atom in a blade of grass in another universe or something and stop wasting our time with this crap.
hah. I really couldnt give two shits about whether or not you think im deep. To me, its not a pointless semantic argument. This issue has personal relevance to me, for reasons i dont care to divulge. Im sure it affects some other posters here, too. No one is asking you to respond. If the issue is too complicated for you, just go back to quipping one liners at those asking how to play AK from UTG. So far, you've given me the same argument as my mother: "its gambling, i dont have to explain why. its obviously gambling."
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well, some moron happens to be a significant part of our society. Nothing is certain in life. you put a dollar into a vending machine, are you certain a snack will come out?If you take definitions so literally, you couldnt tell me you are certain. And yet, we dont see GA reps handing out flyers at your local pepsi machine.The salient point is that you're not betting a dollar that the snack will come out.Understand?
Nothing is certain in life. Of course this is correct., Thats because only Miss Cleo knows whats gonna go down.As far as your dollar in a vending machine., With proper actions, you can be refunded for your lost dollar., Poker however. no matter how much u complain to the site or floor manager, you wont get your money back because of a suck out
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Gambling is wagering money on the outcome of an event which is uncertain. Yes.Also, as another poster rightly pointed out, lots of "legitimate" ventures are as much or more of a "gamble" as playing poker. Stock trading, opening a small business, skydiving, etc.. It's just social stigma (and numerous genuinely addicted people playing the games) that makes people have some of the feelings they have.As I told my wife once: "I'm taking a lot less risk with my money playing poker than Guy X is opening yet another restaurant in a strip mall."

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To wager money on an uncertain outcome.Is sky diving gambling? No, the person sky diving takes the risk for reasons other than monetary interests, as the person who eats the sandwich does. In my opinion, gambling must involve money.

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