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where is dn headed after pokermountain?

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It's funny, you guys are now in the same boat as my fiance in a way.  I have a big surprise set up for her birthday, but she'll have to wait a month to find out what it is.  As for you guys, let's just say that everyone here is a big part of FCP's future.  You guys, the posters in the forums are what made FCP become what it is today.  You gave it an identity and in turn all of the loyal FCPers will reap the benefits in a big way.
He's pulling an Oprah :club: and we're all going to Disney :D
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It's funny, you guys are now in the same boat as my fiance in a way.  I have a big surprise set up for her birthday, but she'll have to wait a month to find out what it is.  As for you guys, let's just say that everyone here is a big part of FCP's future.  You guys, the posters in the forums are what made FCP become what it is today.  You gave it an identity and in turn all of the loyal FCPers will reap the benefits in a big way.
He's pulling an Oprah :club: and we're all going to Disney :D
I'd rather get a free car.
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i bet it's him starting his own site, and he's giving everybody their post count in dollars as a sign-up bonus!  quick...let's start an infinite amount of postcount-bumping fluff threads!
I need to post more now...not just troll. :club:
Everone has more posts than me :cry:
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Did bodog run a site that went belly up called zerorake?  I know they were in vancouver and were run by another company.
zerorake was Dutch Boyd's creation, or was it rakefree
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It's funny, you guys are now in the same boat as my fiance in a way.  I have a big surprise set up for her birthday, but she'll have to wait a month to find out what it is.  As for you guys, let's just say that everyone here is a big part of FCP's future.  You guys, the posters in the forums are what made FCP become what it is today.  You gave it an identity and in turn all of the loyal FCPers will reap the benefits in a big way.
He's pulling an Oprah :club: and we're all going to Disney :D
I'd rather get a free car.
yeah, but they had to pay taxes on that......
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It's funny, you guys are now in the same boat as my fiance in a way.  I have a big surprise set up for her birthday, but she'll have to wait a month to find out what it is.  As for you guys, let's just say that everyone here is a big part of FCP's future.  You guys, the posters in the forums are what made FCP become what it is today.  You gave it an identity and in turn all of the loyal FCPers will reap the benefits in a big way.
He's pulling an Oprah :club: and we're all going to Disney :D
I'd rather get a free car.
yeah, but they had to pay taxes on that......
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I cant see daniel going into a free room ~ not at this momnet unless he has some wild business idea, (with the exception he is hoping to turn it into money at some point, and is getting all kinks out of the system ) he is young enough that he can risk make some strong high risk with higher rewards business plans.however if i had his ear i would be pushing for his own site on someone else's money and Experience in customer service and online gaming. look at dutch as a prim example of what goes wrong when a poker player goes into the online gaming business.now i would also like to add ~ this if he were to get into the online gaming You would have to worry about his contract with WYNN the nevada gaming board and his imagration status.just my 2 cents

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i bet it's him starting his own site, and he's giving everybody their post count in dollars as a sign-up bonus! quick...let's start an infinite amount of postcount-bumping fluff threads!
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What do you think he wanted a new logo for? Something has to fill the space in the middle of the table for his new poker site.
This may be a good thought. I think it's awesome that DN is willing to go out of his way to make FCP and it's family a part of the big picture.
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I bet Daniel is going to give all of us FCP members a free weeklong trip to the Wynn and $5000 in gambling money. He can offord it, hell, there are only what, like 8050 members? That's only $40 million bucks or so. That's a drop in the bucket for Daniel. He's worth like 3 or 4 billion I think. This would be worth it for him to promote whatever he's getting into.:club:

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I bet Daniel is going to give all of us FCP members a free weeklong trip to the Wynn and $5000 in gambling money. He can offord it, hell, there are only what, like 8050 members? That's only $40 million bucks or so. That's a drop in the bucket for Daniel. He's worth like 3 or 4 billion I think. This would be worth it for him to promote whatever he's getting into.:club:
Yeah, get Doyle, Andy Beal and DN together and we could all get $500,000 each and a month long trip to the Wynn. :D
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I would imagine it would be much easier to create a poker room through an established company than from scratch. The databases, customer support, interfaces, affiliates, hardware, security, quality assurance, marketing, human resources, and accounting are all issues off the top of my head that would be hard to start from scratch. It would be much easier to have an established third party supply the backbone, and give Daniel the opportunity to pursue other interests.

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Well you can tell I am a first time poster here, now technically second time. I meant to post this here to keep this thread going and instead created a totally new topic! So I thought I would also post it here. Practice makes perfect I guess, sorry.Whatever he does, if he has a site where there is a reliable schedule that you can count on him being available to play at affordable buy in's it would be huge. I ended up at the same table as Tom McEvoy on PS which I thought was cool, but when I emailed their support asking if there was any kind of schedule that Tom played on the response was basically "he is free to play whenever he wants". Well that was a helpful response! I am sure everyone on this board would appreciate the opportunity to test their skills against Daniel and other pro's without the prospect of going broke in the process. The schedule could be tentative and updated regularly dependent upon Daniel's travel schedule and many, many obligations. I have not read every single entry so, I appologize in advance if this has already been said. Carpe Diem

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I was thinking that if Gambling was legalized in the US, that Party, Bodog, and most other online sites would be crushed by companies like Harrah's. More likely they'd be bought. Although some of the guys that own these online sites now have more money than those that have a piece of a real casino. The Bodog owner is a billionaire now, too bad that since he's a canadian he doesn't want to let canadians play on his site and have the Canadian Govt seize his assets in the country.

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