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home game shenanigans - the perfect bluff

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small, 4 handed tourney last nite. worst structure ever: 50 chips, 1-2 blinds, double on eliminations (2-4, 3-6). Im sitting with ~T70 in the SB 3 handed, and make it 10 to go with what i thought was 84o when button folds. BB calls. 23K rainbow, i lead out for 10. he calls. turn is 8, i lead for 10, raised to 20, i call. river 4. my money card, right? i bet 20, he folds. i say good fold and flip over 95o. oops. just goes to show you, you gotta convince YOURSELF you've got the winner before you can convince your villain.

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I was getting over bronchitis a few months ago, and was playing my normal 40 man, $40 buyin NL tourney. It got down to 2 tables, and I drug a huge pot on the river when I thought I had made a straight with a board of 6-7-9-x-x. The guy folded his trips, then I flipped up my cards and realized I had 7-2 off, and had the 10-8 suited the previous hand. I then realized that poker, heavy antibiotics, and 2 beers is a no good.

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