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online etiquette

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I have pocket Kings before the flop in an online ring game today. I raise before the flop and get reraised. I'm a huge stack and I'm really running good so I move him all-in right there (he's a low stack and a calling station). He thinks for a good twenty seconds before calling and showing me pocket aces. Are you sh-ting on my face? I don't care that I lost or that he had aces when I had kings, that's poker. But taking 20 seconds before calling is absolutely ridiculous. I nearly snapped. I asked him why he took so long to call and he said... "to make you think you had the best hand."Let's just say I let him know how I felt about the situation. Was this bad etiquette on his part or am I just over reacting?

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I was watching him and he was not a good player. I really doubt he was sophisticated enough to do it strictly to try and put me on tilt. Anyway, I realized that I was fuming and took a break.

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I disagree. I think it's bad etiquette all around. If he's a jerk, then yeah, he's a jerk. But if he's a good player, then he's a jerk with talent. Slowrolling will get you nowhere except for on someone's S***list. Which, that doesn't matter much when you're under the anonymity of online play, but if that same guy took that play to a B&M, that's the kind of thing that could have people waiting outside for you after you cash out if you do it to the wrong people.

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Its called slowrolling.. people do it all the time.. and to answer your question, it was because he is an a.s.s.h.o.l.e.    plain and simple
That's not slowrolling. Unless there is 2 meanings to the word.Yes/No?
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His response is pretty funny, jerkish but funny. Maybe he wasn't even slowrolling you, maybe he was stupid to realize there was no post flop play and was trying to be tricky. Sidenote - possibly he got disconnected or hand connection problems and was just being a dick because you asked him why it took so long.

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Guest XXEddie
You both can take as long as you want until the online timer runs out.  Chill out jerk.
i have only seen 3 of your postsand I must say, all 3 have made you look almost stupider than JFarrell...almost
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Guest XXEddie
Whatever you want to call it, wouldn't it p-ss you off?  And an even better question..  would any of you use this tactic yourself?
no i fI have AA the faster I call an allin the faster I get paid 80% of the time
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Not even at all?  Even a little bit.  An irk?  A slight annoyance?
Nope. If that bothers you, I would love to be at your table and mess with your head. Not talking shit, just saying it cause it's true.
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I'm not saying that it's the case in your situation, but...if a guy is playing 4 tables, it can take some time to make the play.This pees me off sometimes (I play micolimits -- $.25/.50 NLHE), as you're waiting on a ROCK to fold to the BB UTG on a $.75 pot.But.....if it's within the timeframe, what can you do? Similar thing happened to me today, actually, as I raised from the SB with QQ and then re-raised all-in after shortstack $5 got all-in from teh button. BB waited before calling with KK.Such is online poker. Chill.

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Its called slowrolling.. people do it all the time.. and to answer your question, it was because he is an a.s.s.h.o.l.e.    plain and simple
That's not slowrolling. Unless there is 2 meanings to the word.Yes/No?
I'm curious to know what the other meaning is? Slowrolling in poker is when you knowingly have the best hand (the nuts), and think about calling for a while, and debate it, then reluctantly call, and show the nuts like a d.i.c.k.
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big deal. that's poker. if someone wants to take their time and punish you, oh well. Just say Nh and wait for a chance to get your chips back. If what he did irks you so much you need to get some thicker skin man...save the etiquete talk for a tea party...were in this to make money, not friends.

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Its called slowrolling.. people do it all the time.. and to answer your question, it was because he is an a.s.s.h.o.l.e.    plain and simple
That's not slowrolling. Unless there is 2 meanings to the word.Yes/No?
I'm curious to know what the other meaning is? Slowrolling in poker is when you knowingly have the best hand (the nuts), and think about calling for a while, and debate it, then reluctantly call, and show the nuts like a d.i.c.k.
I know it as: At the showdown, saying "I have a pair of 8s" and the other players showing a better hand (say two pair), then saying, "I also have the straight."
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Its called slowrolling.. people do it all the time.. and to answer your question, it was because he is an a.s.s.h.o.l.e.    plain and simple
That's not slowrolling. Unless there is 2 meanings to the word.Yes/No?
I'm curious to know what the other meaning is? Slowrolling in poker is when you knowingly have the best hand (the nuts), and think about calling for a while, and debate it, then reluctantly call, and show the nuts like a d.i.c.k.
I know it as: At the showdown, saying "I have a pair of 8s" and the other players showing a better hand (say two pair), then saying, "I also have the straight."
ya, I could definitely consider that pretty similar... one in the same
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He might have had a slow connection. Ever think of that. Happens to me all the time.
Did you read what the guy said afterwards? Likely not a slow connection.
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He might have had a slow connection. Ever think of that. Happens to me all the time.
Did you read what the guy said afterwards? Likely not a slow connection.
You are right.
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He might have had a slow connection. Ever think of that. Happens to me all the time.
Did you read what the guy said afterwards? Likely not a slow connection.
You are right.
Take note everyone. His response should be every response to a post I make.
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I have pocket Kings before the flop in an online ring game today.  I raise before the flop and get reraised.  I'm a huge stack and I'm really running good so I move him all-in right there (he's a low stack and a calling station).  He thinks for a good twenty seconds before calling and showing me pocket aces.  Are you sh-ting on my face?  I don't care that I lost or that he had aces when I had kings, that's poker.  But taking 20 seconds before calling is absolutely ridiculous.  I nearly snapped.  I asked him why he took so long to call and he said... "to make you think you had the best hand."Let's just say I let him know how I felt about the situation.  Was this bad etiquette on his part or am I just over reacting?
I don't want to be mean....and I don't want to start crap......But I love this guy that did that to you!!!!!!!!That is hilarious!!!!!!!!I am going to use that!!!!!!!!!!(sw)
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Can you imagine?Mike Matusow (He has KK)....He moves in.....Jagoff (He has AA)....his turn to act.....Jagoff: "Mike...how much do you got?"Matusow: "Count it down dealer..."Jagoff: "Got anything good Mike?"Matusow: ...............Jagoff: "You raised allin when there was a small raise?..."Jagoff: "Hmmmm...are you on a steal Mike?"Matusow: "Can I get the clock called?"Jagoff: "I got 1 minute right?"Dealer: "Yes..."Jagoff: "Let me know when I have 5 seconds left...."Dealer: "We count it down sir."Jagoff: "I wonder if I might be beat?...I might be behind...."Dealer: "10 seconds sir..."Jagoff: "Okay...I guess you are gonna bust me?....I call"Showdown.....Jagodd shows AA....Mike Matusow pulls a 9mm Beretta and shoots the Jagoff 10 times in the chest....

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