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shortstacked with 44 in mp late in mtt

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Down to 24 in a small buy in NL MTT. All but 4 players has less than 10 BB and alot are really short stacked. We are past the bubble but only top 7 pays descent. Im in 14th with T10k with blinds just dubbled to 1k/2k with a 100 ante. At the 8 handed table there are 2 big stacks(>T30K) just to the right of me which both has played every hand of the last 10 (since i got transfered to the table).Limping or mini raising preflop every hand. (In the process sucking out KK with J7s all in preflop an so forth.) Other than that the table seems very tight.On this hand they both fold and I see my chance to finally pick up some much needed blinds. . Funny thing, of the 5 players behind me only 2 have descent stacks which could hurt me, BB(T12k) and button(T7k). SB is almost priced in with 1k of his 2.5k already in the pot. But is really tight and might seems to care about a buy in (or two). The others two have T1.5k and T2k. I have 44 and push. What do you think?

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I would push here. You are running out of cash late in the tournament, and you said that only the top few get decent money. If you only care about lasting and making more money, you might as well fold, but if you care about winning (and you should), you should push here and see what you can do. The blinds wouldn't be bad to pick up here if you get them.

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Good to see you agreed with the push. Been getting in trouble just about every time i push shortstacked with marginal hands. This hand BB woke up with ladies and I was history.6 (or so) hands earlier: Blinds are T1200/T600, ante 75. Ive got a stack of 12k chips. Im in BB and its limped to one of the bigstacks who opens with a mini raise on the button. (A play which he would likley do with just about any two cards.) The other big stack at the table calls in SB. Action to me Ac9h in the hole. There is 6600 in the pot. Both have limped called pushes with very marginal hands in the few hands ive been at the table. So judging by previous action im likely looking at 2 callers or at the very least one with a push. Push, call or fold? Playing just against the button I feel its an autopush but with SB also in there changes it (atelast for me). Is a call alright or is that to passive?

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Good to see you agreed with the push. Been getting in trouble just about every time i push shortstacked with marginal hands. This hand BB woke up with ladies and I was history.6 (or so) hands earlier: Blinds are T1200/T600, ante 75. Ive got a stack of 12k chips. Im in BB and its limped to one of the bigstacks who opens with a mini raise on the button. (A play which he would likley do with just about any two cards.) The other big stack at the table calls in SB. Action to me Ac9h in the hole. There is 6600 in the pot. Both have limped called pushes with very marginal hands in the few hands ive been at the table. So judging by previous action im likely looking at 2 callers or at the very least one with a push. Push, call or fold? Playing just against the button I feel its an autopush but with SB also in there changes it (atelast for me). Is a call alright or is that to passive?
If you're pretty certain that their range of hands include much that is worse than what you hold, and you know at least one of them will call you, you probably should push. You haven't won anything yet, and getting your money in with what's likely a 60% edge (with one caller) is probably the best you can expect. The dead money if one of the big stacks fold to your push is making this an even better place to go in.One could probably make a good argument for taking a flop if you think they'll pay you off if you hit an ace and they pair one of their cards.
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