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The Trump Presidency Thread

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He misses me so he's trying to fill the void with a sugar substitute ( that's you suited )

I've had it.   He did not ****ing dispute the story   He made a statement about things that weren't in the ****ing story which means he confirmed the ****ing story.   Jesus Jumping Jimmeny Chris

he should throw a gay person off a building while he's there or kill someone for drawing a cartoon. really get into the spirit of being a muslim.

Mueller: We are going to investigate Trump's tweets


Right-wing gaslighting media: No proof he actually wrote them, just trolling, etc.


Giuliani: Trump doesn't have to be interviewed because his tweets say it all.




Can't decide if Giuliani the worst lawyer ever or is playing 5D chess; being a full on agent provocateur to bring down Trump. Sadly it probably is the later. former.

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bring a full on agent provocateur to bring down Trump. Sadly it probably is the later.


Why would you think that is bad?

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Thanks to Trump for finally settling the Lebron vs. Jordan Debate. Lebron GOAT.


Trump had nothing to do with settling that debate, but your conclusion is correct.

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Kobe isn't in the top 10 of the conversation. #GetSeriousBigD

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Palmer Report‏Verified account @PalmerReport 13h13 hours ago







Donald Trump’s day so far:

- Devin Nunes caught on tape admitting Trump-Russia was a crime

- Also said Trump makes him cringe

- Omarosa has secret Trump tapes

- Trump’s close GOP House ally Chris Collins arrested

- They’re all going to prison - It’s still only 10pm



Also something about Wilber Ross up to $150m shenanigans

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Yet again more proof that the GoP is souless and ends justify the means:




Vice President Mike Pence once argued the president of the United States should be held to the highest moral standards to determine whether he should resign or be removed from office.

Pence made the argument in two columns in the late 1990s, where he wrote that then-President Bill Clinton's admission of an affair with a White House intern and prior lies to the public about the matter, possibly under oath, meant Clinton should be removed from office.



Yet Pence also moved beyond the specifics of the Clinton case: He made a far-reaching argument about the importance of morality and integrity to the office of the presidency.

Pence wrote the columns in the late 1990s when he was a local Indiana radio host and prominent conservative voice in the state arguing Clinton had lost his moral authority to lead the country. One of the columns, "The Two Schools of Thought on Clinton," was posted on his now-defunct website for his radio talk show. Another column, "Why Clinton Must Resign or Be Impeached," was posted on his congressional campaign website. Both columns were archived by the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. The columns ran in various Indiana newspapers at the time but did not get national attention.

Dismissing the idea that the president is "just the like the rest of us," Pence wrote, "If you and I fall into bad moral habits, we can harm our families, our employers and our friends. The President of the United States can incinerate the planet. Seriously, the very idea that we ought to have at or less than the same moral demands placed on the Chief Executive that we place on our next door neighbor is ludicrous and dangerous.

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That doesn't prove that "the GOP" is soulless at all. That just implies something about Mike Pence as an individual.


Kind of like how many on the left think that Trump has moral failings and should be removed from office, but were making excuses left and right about Clinton's many rapes and how that doesn't have an impact on the job he is doing. Naw. Totally different. Trump paid a prostitute. Bill raped a few people, but at least he didn't pay them.

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