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what not to do in kentucky - part 1

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Most amusing non-ticket story ever:Driving an ex-cop car that still has the police package and in a hurry, take a well known short cut (speed limit: 35) and get my Grand Marquis to 100+ as I fly down the road... blow past this downhill driveway in which there sits... a County Cop. Whose car is angled in such a way between the driveway and the road that there is no way he gets a read off of me. I immediately slow down, so by the time the cop pull up behind me I'm sedately doing the speed limit. He followed me until I was .5 miles over the speed limit and pulled me over, gave me a warning and 'The Look', the Look that says I almost ended up in the county jail for a few days... in the backwoods of Virginia... which would have been fun for this Boy from new York. What made it better was my friend in the passenger seat trying to stifle the giggles the whole time, because he knew, I knew, and the cop knew I'd been waaaaaaaay over the limit but he didn't get a reading and didn't have a chance to pace me.This is slightly ruined by my brother the cop three weeks later ticketing me for doing 50 in a 25 (yay! School Zone). :shock:

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up here we have cops of course, and they have bugs up their ass just like yours. difference is they only seem to be on certain highways. the 401 for instance is crawling with them, whereas the 400 which goes north through ontario has none. so its easier to go fast and not get busted, unless you stupidly do it on a patrolled weekend. they also announce to the public when they will be blitzing.how's the weather there justblaze? i move to halifax for the summer and the weather here is absolute garbage - hope its nicer where you are. and that your cornhole is unpenetrated.

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Never trust a radar detector. I drive in KY every day and normally do 80-90 in a 65 zone and I rarely get busted (1 ticket in past 3 years). Hell, my group of friends drag race on the weekends and we have never been busted.

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Allright... Now, I didn't believe this one at first. It sounds too cliche.I dont even remember the kids last names, but in my Highschool one graduated when I was a freshman, and another came into my Highschool my sophmore year, so he's a year younger than me.So, He is Italian, Very Italian last name etc. etc. I just.. cant find a yearbook right now. This all had happened 2-3 years before I heard it so... 6 years ago ish. The family is driving back from Chicago to Green Bay after a christmas with the relatives down there, as they do every christmas.His dad was speeding, slightly.. 15-20 over, and a copper got him, So he gets pulled over, Cop comes up and does the normal talking to him, takes his liscensce. He's a younger cop.He brings the Liscensce back to the cop car and his partner and him are gonna run his record.. No sooner does he sit in his car and begin typing it in... (now this is all from the mother)This young cops partner is animated, it becomes apparent by the reactions in the cop car that, Old cop is tearing a new one into this Young guy. He very promptly steps out of the car and the Young cop follows suit, they move quickly to the car.Old Cop "I am so sorry Mr. (Name I can't Remember!)" I had No idea... I assure you this will not happen again, He's a rookie here and doesn't know the ropes. Please accept my apologies for Him and I, here is your Liscensce and enjoy the rest of the Holidays Sir."......Well wierd. So if you didn't figure it out yet, this guys Family was high in the Mob, I guess he wasn't a member (who knows?). But when the old cop read the last name he knew. His brother (the fathers) so, the kids uncle was one of the top men in the Chicago mob scene and obviously held some clout one way or another with these cops.Wouldn't that be a nice way to get out of a ticket :club:

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"dude, where are they?""uhh, right behind you.""Sh1t.""yea, and the sirens are on." "Pull over.. "He's already pulled over.. he can;t pul over anymore!!.LMAO!!
lmao super troopers right funny shit
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Did that story really say three white kids in a lexus?  That had to be a typo right?   How bout some friggin perspective?  Try being three black kids in a lexus getting pulled over in Kentucky.  Maybe that's how they bring it in the mean streats of Canada, but here in the real world, being black and getting pulled over in a nice car is a little more life endangering than being white in the same situation.  By the way, I am neither black, nor do I have a nice car.  Also, I have never been in Kentucky.  But I do listen to gangsta rap occasionally.
The real problem would be being black in a nice car in Cincinnati. No offence coming from this post, just speakin the truth.I want the censored story
What do you mean? "The real problem would be being black in a nice car in Cincinnati." Dude, that statement is redunant. Cincinati is IN Kentucky... it's the largest city in Kentucky, everyone knows that.
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It was about 1pm on thursday. We had decided to do the drive from Toronto, Ontario to Manchester Tenessee straight, instead of stopping overnight, so there i was on the tail end of an 8 hour shift, cruising down the interstate in what i would later find out was the great state of Kentucky. Having been lulled into a false sense of security by our fancy radar detector, i was making great time doing just over 100mph. Suddenly, i was awoken from my trance by the sharp piercing sound of the radar detector, which was all of a sudden buzzing like crazy after staying quiet all trip. cut to me squirming in the back of an unmarked cruiser (man are those things uncomfortable!) with my idiot friends giggling away, snapping pictures of me with MY camera phone. jerks. Im still thinking this has got to be a joke, until the cruiser starts to pull away. uh oh. hope my buddies are following.to be continued...
So you broke the law and got arrested. What do you want, a cookie?
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It was about 1pm on thursday. We had decided to do the drive from Toronto, Ontario to Manchester Tenessee straight, instead of stopping overnight, so there i was on the tail end of an 8 hour shift, cruising down the interstate in what i would later find out was the great state of Kentucky. Having been lulled into a false sense of security by our fancy radar detector, i was making great time doing just over 100mph. Suddenly, i was awoken from my trance by the sharp piercing sound of the radar detector, which was all of a sudden buzzing like crazy after staying quiet all trip. cut to me squirming in the back of an unmarked cruiser (man are those things uncomfortable!) with my idiot friends giggling away, snapping pictures of me with MY camera phone. jerks. Im still thinking this has got to be a joke, until the cruiser starts to pull away. uh oh. hope my buddies are following.to be continued...
So you broke the law and got arrested. What do you want, a cookie?
interestingly, they dont arrest people in canada for speeding. They give them TICKETS. sorry guys, been really busy, ill post pt. 2 tonight.
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So you broke the law and got arrested. What do you want' date=' a cookie?[/quote']interestingly, they dont arrest people in canada for speeding. They give them TICKETS. sorry guys, been really busy, ill post pt. 2 tonight.
Well I agree that's mildly interesting, but YOU WEREN'T IN CANADA WHEN YOU WERE ARRESTED WERE YOU?
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It was about 1pm on thursday. We had decided to do the drive from Toronto, Ontario to Manchester Tenessee straight, instead of stopping overnight, so there i was on the tail end of an 8 hour shift, cruising down the interstate in what i would later find out was the great state of Kentucky. Having been lulled into a false sense of security by our fancy radar detector, i was making great time doing just over 100mph. Suddenly, i was awoken from my trance by the sharp piercing sound of the radar detector, which was all of a sudden buzzing like crazy after staying quiet all trip. cut to me squirming in the back of an unmarked cruiser (man are those things uncomfortable!) with my idiot friends giggling away, snapping pictures of me with MY camera phone. jerks. Im still thinking this has got to be a joke, until the cruiser starts to pull away. uh oh. hope my buddies are following.to be continued...
So you broke the law and got arrested. What do you want, a cookie?
It appears captain insensitive douchebag is back for another go. Why don't you do the world a favor and get some cancer?
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The real problem would be being black in a nice car in Cincinnati. No offence coming from this post, just speakin the truth.I want the censored story
I've lived in kentucky my whole life, but went to elementary and high school in Cincy. And Fire is 100% correct. My high school was an upper-class 95% white exclusive private school. One of my friends who was black has been pulled over 9 times in his neighborhood (Indian Hill, the richest Cincy suburb, and the place featured in the movie Traffic if you've ever seen it). None of his tickets were for more than 7 MPH over, yet he's been asked his destination, where his home is, and what his job is every time. He drives a 5-series Beamer.I drive through his neighborhood all the time, usually going 10-20 over, and haven't ever been pulled over, let alone seen an officer.
First off, i hate Kentucky. Second off, i like Ohio more. See, you didnt get stopped by those damn cops in Ohio did you? (Assuming you drove through ohio.)
I can't let that slide. A lot of people hate Kentucky out of envy (which is understandable), but why the hell would anyone like Ohio, quite possibly the least unique state in the union? It has no history or culture. The whole place is Agrobusiness-owned cornfields and KKK meeting houses, separated by the occasional dingy city.Akron? One of the poorest cities in the country for its size.Dayton? Highest infant mortality rate in the country.Columbus? Arguably the dirtiest state capital in the country.Cleveland? I don't know where to start. It's like New Jersey meets Southern Georgia, in every possible bad way.Cincinnati? Most inept city council I've ever seen. Not to mention that there's no middle ground between poor black and rich white. One of the most racially and economically polarized cities in the country.
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What do you mean? "The real problem would be being black in a nice car in Cincinnati." Dude, that statement is redunant. Cincinati is IN Kentucky... it's the largest city in Kentucky, everyone knows that.
No, it's not. Everyone in Ohio hates Cincy, it's true, but everyone in Kentucky hates Cincy more. Y'all might share some Eastern KY racism, but there's no love lost against the border. I should know, I went across the river every day for 10 years of my life.
I drive in KY every day and normally do 80-90 in a 65 zone and I rarely get busted (1 ticket in past 3 years). Hell, my group of friends drag race on the weekends and we have never been busted.
I drive 75-80 for at least an hour through Kentucky every day. I've been pulled over once. Our cops can be assholes, but there are very, very few of them, and they are MUCH more reasonable than those in Ohio.if you want bad cops, go to Virginia, land of the Radar Nazis.
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but why the hell would anyone like Ohio, quite possibly the least unique state in the union? It has no history or culture. The whole place is Agrobusiness-owned cornfields and KKK meeting houses, separated by the occasional dingy city.Akron? One of the poorest cities in the country for its size.Dayton? Highest infant mortality rate in the country.Columbus? Arguably the dirtiest state capital in the country.Cleveland? I don't know where to start. It's like New Jersey meets Southern Georgia, in every possible bad way.Cincinnati? Most inept city council I've ever seen. Not to mention that there's no middle ground between poor black and rich white. One of the most racially and economically polarized cities in the country.
HA! Seriously, one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I can only speak for Akron and Cleveland.....but yeah. They suck. Seriously. So why the hell am I moving there soon?
if you want bad cops, go to Virginia, land of the Radar Nazis.
And seriously. I drive through Virginia every day. Well, did, for like two months there. Good lord. I stopped putting my radar detector back up after awhile......
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So you broke the law and got arrested. What do you want, a cookie?
It appears captain insensitive douchebag is back for another go. Why don't you do the world a favor and get some cancer?
That might bring you a moment of happiness in your otherwise sad and pathetic life where to build yourself up you have to call others childish names.
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So you broke the law and got arrested. What do you want, a cookie?
It appears captain insensitive douchebag is back for another go. Why don't you do the world a favor and get some cancer?
That might bring you a moment of happiness in your otherwise sad and pathetic life where to build yourself up you have to call others childish names.
No NO.. that was hilarious!!.. Get some cancer!.. baaaahahahah
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