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what not to do in kentucky - part 1

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By special request - What not to do in Kentucky - by JustblazeIt was about 1pm on thursday. We had decided to do the drive from Toronto, Ontario to Manchester Tenessee straight, instead of stopping overnight, so there i was on the tail end of an 8 hour shift, cruising down the interstate in what i would later find out was the great state of Kentucky. Having been lulled into a false sense of security by our fancy radar detector, i was making great time doing just over 100mph. Suddenly, i was awoken from my trance by the sharp piercing sound of the radar detector, which was all of a sudden buzzing like crazy after staying quiet all trip. "dude, where are they?""uhh, right behind you.""Sh1t.""yea, and the sirens are on."fabulous. 3 white kids in a lexus, in the middle of kentucky. this was gonna go over real well. Whatever, it wasnt like i was coming back to kentucky. A little hassle, take the ticket, thats the end of it. WRONG. After the usual license and registration jazz, the cop asks me to step out of the car. Huh? i dont remember this part. maybe he thinks we have drugs. Then he asks me to put my hands behind my back. haha, but seriously, just give me the ticket ill pay it later. Are those cuffs? wtf? cut to me squirming in the back of an unmarked cruiser (man are those things uncomfortable!) with my idiot friends giggling away, snapping pictures of me with MY camera phone. jerks. Im still thinking this has got to be a joke, until the cruiser starts to pull away. uh oh. hope my buddies are following.to be continued...

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lol wow, He must have been a county officer, those pricks love hassling white kids in nice cars... But the Wisconsin story is for later... I'm waiting on the end of this.

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Ah, welcome to the Mid-South, my Canadian friend. I believe you just got busted for reckless driving ;P (Which is stupid to me, isn't driving wreck-less the whole point? But I digress) Waiting anxiously for the description of the county lockup and your 300 pound cellmate named "Daisy". BTW: What county is this in?

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I got pulled over on labor day in London,KY driving home from visiting my mom in South Carolina. I was going about 85 in a 65. I was lucky I just got a ticket. As I was being pulled over, I said to my boys, "This is why it's bad to break the law. Mommy might be arrested now, but she will most likely just get a ticket." It doesn't sound like I was going super fast, but I get the impression that the fine officers of Kentucky take speeding seriously. "Watch out for your cornhole, man!"

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I got pulled over on labor day in London,KY driving home from visiting my mom in South Carolina. I was going about 85 in a 65. I was lucky I just got a ticket. As I was being pulled over, I said to my boys, "This is why it's bad to break the law. Mommy might be arrested now, but she will most likely just get a ticket." It doesn't sound like I was going super fast, but I get the impression that the fine officers of Kentucky take speeding seriously. "Watch out for your cornhole, man!"
my cornhole was in serious jeopardy. part 2 will be posted soon as i get home from work.
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"dude, where are they?""uhh, right behind you.""Sh1t.""yea, and the sirens are on." "Pull over.. "He's already pulled over.. he can;t pul over anymore!!.LMAO!!
i smell.....fear
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my sister got pulled over in the US doing 107 mph. she went to jail for 5 days
i think i got really really lucky getting out as quick as i did... but you'll have to wait an hour to find out how. :club:
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I used to live in Evansville, Indiana, right on the Kentucky border...I can tell ya, you don't want to mess around with the podunk cops. I swear I heard the banjos from Deliverance everytime I drove through Kentucky....oh , and next time you are around that neck of the woods, find Club Paradise. It's a real-life Porky's.

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I know we have had our differences about Krablar in the past, but I wouldn't wish being locked up in Kentucky on my worst enemy. On a side note, I was in british Columbia on Sept 11 ( yes, that Sept 11) on a road trip that got a little ruined, and I was in the back seat of my friend';s car, sans seat belt, and we got pulled over by a mountie for a seat belt check, and I got a ticket of course. He asked me why I didn't wear it, and I said " I didnt' know it was against the law" as back seat seat belts aren't the law in the US ( last I heard.. it could be, and I just don't know it) and he laughed at me, and said " come on, there are signs all over the place. Well, this was about the most beautiful place I had ever been, and the last thing I was doing was reading road signs whne I'm not the driver. So I just looked at him., And he gave me a ticket. A ticket which I've declined to pay, or will ever pay. So if your health care system goes bankrupt, you know who to blame.

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"dude, where are they?""uhh, right behind you.""Sh1t.""yea, and the sirens are on." "Pull over.. "He's already pulled over.. he can;t pul over anymore!!.LMAO!!
i smell.....fear
license and registration chicken fuker....
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"dude, where are they?""uhh, right behind you.""Sh1t.""yea, and the sirens are on." "Pull over.. "He's already pulled over.. he can;t pul over anymore!!.LMAO!!
i smell.....fear
license and registration chicken fuker....
Of them pulling guys over, and less of them trying to maintain a stupid plot line. The funniest parts of that movie were when they were pulling people over. It just got bogged down with plot, as alot of potentially great dumb comedies do. Too much Happy Gilmore and not enough Billy Madison, is how I would describe super troopers. But the movie proves, once again, the Canada is the funniest place on earth per capita
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"Am I saying meow? Do I look like a cat to you boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? Do you see me eating mice?!?"

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Are you all serious? I've driven all over this country and the cops here are no different then anywhere else. when you are 40 miles over the speed limit you are going to get in trouble. And the cops up north have always been more aggressive from my point of view than down here.I have had many more tickets in Illinois and ohio, than in Kentucky.

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Did that story really say three white kids in a lexus? That had to be a typo right? How bout some friggin perspective? Try being three black kids in a lexus getting pulled over in Kentucky. Maybe that's how they bring it in the mean streats of Canada, but here in the real world, being black and getting pulled over in a nice car is a little more life endangering than being white in the same situation. By the way, I am neither black, nor do I have a nice car. Also, I have never been in Kentucky. But I do listen to gangsta rap occasionally.

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Did that story really say three white kids in a lexus? That had to be a typo right? How bout some friggin perspective? .
laughing my ass off at that also, like who else would you expect to see in a lexus :club:
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Did that story really say three white kids in a lexus? That had to be a typo right? How bout some friggin perspective? Try being three black kids in a lexus getting pulled over in Kentucky. Maybe that's how they bring it in the mean streats of Canada, but here in the real world, being black and getting pulled over in a nice car is a little more life endangering than being white in the same situation. By the way, I am neither black, nor do I have a nice car. Also, I have never been in Kentucky. But I do listen to gangsta rap occasionally.
The real problem would be being black in a nice car in Cincinnati. No offence coming from this post, just speakin the truth.I want the fucking story
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