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Help With Learning The Math

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I've been trying to learn poker math and it just seems to twist my brain I have the "POKER WORK BOOK FOR MATH GEEKS " book by Doug Hull and I still get confused any help or tips?? I'm in northwest Indiana would be awesome to find people to play with and help me learn!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Go to deucescracked. Spend $30 or whatever on a membership. Download all the videos on math (there's lots), and whatever other videos you are interested in learning about.


You can cancel your membership afterwards and still have access to the videos you downloaded.


Although if you play regularly (especially online), it may behoove you to keep your membership as it gives you access to new content when it becomes available.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Simplify the math. On the flop count your outs and mutlply by 4. If you have 10 outs you have a 40% chance of hitting an out. After the turn mulyiplu by 2. 10 outs is now 20%. That is not exactly accurate but close enough when you are in the middle of a hand.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Polished Poker was a great help to me too, very simple to understand in the end.

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  • 3 months later...

I've been stalking this site for a while now and i decided to make an acc.

I read the books you guy suggest and it helped up my game a bit.

POKER WORK BOOK FOR MATH GEEKS= a good read but you need to have a pre-know how about poker.

Polished Poker= Straight forward and will teach you the basic knowledge you will need.


Downloading videos from Deus's isnt a bad idea at all too

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  • 5 months later...

yeah the poker maths is really difficult. It is the great game that is going to develop your mind and the mathematical skills! That is why while playing poker games you have to create your own perfect poker strategy and follow it to the end of the gaming process. I have read a great amount of books about poker and this information helps me to set up my own business.

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Deuces Cracked is great, or at least it was a decade ago or whenever I last had access.


A more holistic approach, though, might be to study for the GED. You'll learn all the math you need for basic poker stuff, and put yourself on the path to learn more complicated ideas down the road, like calculus or combinatorics or whatever.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I use the 4/2 Rule , 4x my outs to the turn and 2x my outs to the river, Also I use the x number of cards left unseen , eg. flop plus my hole cards = 5 , 47 left x amount of outs, then subtract the outs against the 47 giving me an idea of how many bad cards against my good cards giving me x:x odds

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