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Riddle Me This

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Two top tennis pros are about to play in the finals of the French Open or some shit. Both are the Christeniest of Christians that have ever walked the earth. They make Tebow look like Sam Harris. Both players go to church every Sunday, follow the commandments, and never once sinned in their entire lives.


Who does God let win?


How does he decide? Does he flip a coin? Delegate the decision to Jesus? Need answers. I made a bet with a friend.

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I would guess the dude that worked harder to prepare and played the best would win. God wouldn't give a crap? He would only care about their attitude in victory or defeat, not the actual outcome.

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i think the obvious answer, the truthful answer, is that God does not decide. God knows, but he does not decide. He blessed each player with talent and desire and opportunity, but each player's free will and hard work has led to this point. God is beyond space and time and He is experiencing every moment in our history and our future all at once. He is both players and the ball. He is the rackets and the net. So really, God is the winner of the match. yeah, God is the winner and so are we, as we are made in His image.

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Your wife makes decisions, but you still talk to her, yes?

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To me, God is like a forest. Many trees, none of which is "God" per se, and take one away and nobody notices. You can make some paper out of it, make a stool, whatever, it's your tree to use how you want. And I guess that's my main point, there are a lot of uses for trees, and many trees make a forest, and this specific forest (the one I'm in right now) is a simili for God. I hope this answers your question.

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