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Anyone else watching?


premiere part 1 was decent, though I could do without all the "twists". Just put them in the house and watch the magic happen.



The alliance of 8 is comical and has as much chance of success as an all-girls alliance.


Haven't researched, but I'm willing to bet the former pro baseball player has a Steroid suspendion on his resume. Also, you aren't a full time Dad if you are saying goodbye to your daughter over skype.


Soccer kid looks like John Travolta circa Greese. Once I saw the comparison, it's all I see now.


Asian girl is annoying and has way too high of an opinion of herself. Definitely would though.


Donnie is the best. Undercover alliance with juiced baseball guy has potential.

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Watched both episodes tonight. Concur on the absurdity of the new twists, just let 'em duke it out old school. May have jumped the shark here in season 16 , have to wait and see if this Teamamerica alliance can be of any consequence.

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The Baseball steroid guy is already WOAT. Guy has serious mental issues. Bomb squad is going to end up as the worst alliance in a long time. Him randomly adding the two girls to the alliance without telling anybody at 4 AM was the single dumbest move I have ever seen. Then his paranoia about Donnie was painful to watch. They need to backdoor this guy ASAP. I can only imagine the RAGE when/if it happens.

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So I like the season so far and I like the 2 HOH twist, mostly because I never cared about the have or have not competitions so this competition is more meaningful.


I'm predicting Derek is going to win it. Seems very smart, not a jerk and others in his alliances are likely targets ahead of him.

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Yeah but Christina is smarter than Derrick and will work with him until she finds she can no longer use him to further her game. That's when he gets the axe.

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Yeah but Christina is smarter than Derrick and will work with him until she finds she can no longer use him to further her game. That's when he gets the axe.


I haven't seen anything that shows that Christine is smarter than Derrick

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Yeah but Christina is smarter than Derrick and will work with him until she finds she can no longer use him to further her game. That's when he gets the axe.


$20 last longer?

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I haven't seen anything that shows that Christine is smarter than Derrick


You know my stance on Derrick. You can also figure out why I'm so high on Christine.


Did you see Derrick getting dissed by Zach and Cody just after Devon walked out the door. Both dudes turned their back on Derrick as he was talking to them. This is very telling.



$20 last longer?


You're not going to ask me to lay you odds? Heck yeah, last longer is booked!


Derrick will make it to the jury but not much further.

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You're not going to ask me to lay you odds? Heck yeah, last longer is booked!


Derrick will make it to the jury but not much further.



Makes it a lot more fun to watch haha.

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Enjoying the season so far. pretty good cast.


-Jacosta making that weird noise when they won the BoB was creepy as hell. No, Seriously, what the hell was that. I think she needs some serious psychiatric help.

-Brittney is getting annoying. For all her talk about being the "old girl" in the house, she is acting the most like a teenage girl.

-"The Detonators" has a much better chance of succeeding than the Bomb Squad, since they've exiled all of the head cases, and 5 people is just a way better number to work with than 8.

-Frankie is also kind of annoying. Nobody cares that your sister is Ariana Grande and stop acting like it's a huge secret that you are keeping for your "game".


people I like: Derrick, Cody, Donnie, Christine, Hayden, Nicole, Zach

People I dislike: Jacosta, Amber, Brittney

people I could either like or dislike going forward depending on how the next few weeks go: Caleb, Frankie

People I am indifferent towards: Victoria

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Enjoying the season so far. pretty good cast.


-Jacosta making that weird noise when they won the BoB was creepy as hell. No, Seriously, what the hell was that. I think she needs some serious psychiatric help.

-Brittney is getting annoying. For all her talk about being the "old girl" in the house, she is acting the most like a teenage girl.

-"The Detonators" has a much better chance of succeeding than the Bomb Squad, since they've exiled all of the head cases, and 5 people is just a way better number to work with than 8.

-Frankie is also kind of annoying. Nobody cares that your sister is Ariana Grande and stop acting like it's a huge secret that you are keeping for your "game".


people I like: Derrick, Cody, Donnie, Christine, Hayden, Nicole, Zach

People I dislike: Jacosta, Amber, Brittney

people I could either like or dislike going forward depending on how the next few weeks go: Caleb, Frankie

People I am indifferent towards: Victoria



lol @ Jacosta, that was the strangest reaction I've ever seen.


The Frankie thing is a standard fear of those with money. If people knew Frankie's sister was a platinum selling artist they could care less about him winning $500K when money is in their family. I think it's fine to keep it a secret.


I think Cody's annoyance level is rising. Zac Efron anyone?

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To be fair to Frankie, Ariana Grande is pretty freaking huge right now. I work with kids and Ariana Grande is definitely someone who is talked about. It would be a huge deal I think if the house found out about it.


Brittany needs to get in a bikini or gtfo


Jacosta ftw. I love her

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I'm going to be pretty dissapointed if they vote Zach out this week.


He's the most entertaining but wouldn't surprise me if he's gone after last week's speeches. I think Derek & Cody hold the power at this point.

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Yeah he is pretty entertaining. It's too bad he's not a bit smarter. He's trying to go for the Dr. Will evil genius/supervillain role, but he's just not smart enough, or up to date enough on what's going on in the house. So he just ends up being an entertaining goofball that gives funny speeches and pisses everyone off.

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This season got intense quick. Hard to take it all in and an hour seem to edit a lot out. Caleb is a team player for sure probably the most trustworthy to the guys alliance. Derrick is playing arguably the best game in the house at the moment, Cody is just quietly in the guys alliance and I don't know what to think of Frankie & Zach at the moment. Both bug the crap out of me and Zach's reaction to Frankie is that of a girl who was just had her heartbroken by a lie. My impression on Christine is that she's become very gullible.


I really like this season.

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Derrick is being influenced by Christine in such subtle ways that it's hard to see it with the edits. She is by far the best player in the history of BB so she only lets us and the players see what she wants us to see. Brilliant!


Freaking Derrick is looking strong but I think Christine gets rid of him in two weeks. I'm not going to pretend to understand her game since she's thinking 10 moves ahead buuuuuuuut I think the whole taking a floater like Victoria to the end was her plan all along while keeping her once removed through Derrick. She lets him do all the work and then uses his betrayal against him.


I think she's taking out Zach tonight so she can use Donny the week after next.



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