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My friend Frankie is a life long Angeleno, and used to be a delightful, fun filled drunk.hes also a very good blues guitarist, and has played all over town.   Anyway, one day Frankie is on one side

hbkwmxii, DowntownDan, Goembi, dablues, AmScray, acesmojo, frautotenkinder (omg frau happy b'day!!)   Denzel Washington and Woodrow Wilson

Whenever you see her, you like to sit with her and have a talk. She is the kind of person you admire, the way she talks, and the topics she discusses. She makes you convenient, and never talks about nonsense topics.

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Edit: I'm actually checkin out graphic novels if anyone has suggestions..


I'm assuming that you have already read all the Sin City books by Frank Miller.

Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art reads like a history textbook in comic form, but it's super interesting and will give you tons of ideas on what to read.

Look for Art Spiegelman stuff. Maus is good.

Anything by Will Eisner will also be great. Contract with God immediately comes to mind. (Although there is a fair amount of nudity, so nsfw)

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brvheart (per the sick thread), Garn, crazyIvan (this nerd is listed twice, but he's only getting one happy b'day), scrofrog, Dr. Mario, expo703.


Tiffani Amber Thiessen and John Hancock

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Understanding comics is a great choice and I often forget it, it's one of the main reasons I started taking graphic narrative art seriously. Don't know what your tastes lie, but a couple non-superheroy stuff I'd recommend is Jimmy Corrigan Smartest kid on earth. Anything by Joe Sacco. He's a "comic journalist" reporting on war zones around the world in comic form, it's really amazing.

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IF you want some intelligent spins on the super hero genre, Besides the Watchmen (obviously), I'd say Top Ten and Promethea ( both by Alan Moore), Authority, Powers and The Xforce/Xtatic run by Allred and Milligan.

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If you'd like to impress teenage girls--Blankets by Craig Thompson


fun home by Alison Bechdel

American Born Chinese by Gene Yang

you had me at teenage girls


Webslayer, BuffDan, tasuki, james1970, Macca1, brvheart's I Phone


John Belushi and Julie Dreyfus (for the longest time I thought the Seinfeld Dreyfus was in Kill Bill. Julie/Julia, gosh fritzy)

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If you'd like to impress teenage girls--Blankets by Craig Thompson


fun home by Alison Bechdel

American Born Chinese by Gene Yang


I recently used Blankets to impress some 20-something waitresses.

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