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Survivor Blood Vs Water - Pool Time Again

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yup, I am in reserve not caring whether I am in or out

Tina's daughter is hot.    

Can we vote misti off the island

Wait. You're in MULTIPLE survivor pools? I'm so confused.


What are you confused about. I'm in a different pool outside of FCP. In that pool I have Candace and Rupert's wife which is horrible, and in this pool I have Marisa who is already at redemption island, I'm not off to a good start.


My girl Kat is going to take over

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Marisa is the most physically fit out of all the girls how do they vote her out?


Agreed, though the problem is if she was that fit she shouldn't have been doing challenges. People don't have much to go by in the first few days, the swimmers did their job handedly.

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I don't like any show where they eliminate contestants before they get to compete. Top Chef did that a few tears ago. I think that the producers think it makes the season start out with drama. It feels more anticlimactic to me.

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I don't like any show where they eliminate contestants before they get to compete. Top Chef did that a few tears ago. I think that the producers think it makes the season start out with drama. It feels more anticlimactic to me.


Yea I was saying that to my wife at the beginning. It's just such a terrible move, they risk losing a top personality for ratings right off the bat and it's completely unfair to the players. Amazing Race did it a few years ago as well and I just thought it was classless.

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I thought they were going to vote out Tina just because she is old. Rupert's wife was a no brainer


It was funny that nobody knew Candace even though she has been on 2 seasons already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had to look away.


Eh, humans are gross with their fungi and stuff. It's treatable and I would be able to deal with her lack of toenails for a year.


What I don't understand is how she was allowed to go to the island with a super contagious foot fungus. I don't believe she picked it up on the island and it sure as heck doesn't just grow out of nothing due to wearing wet shoes for days on end or whatever her explanation was on the show. I"m sure medical is treating this but she's gonna lose those nails.

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I really like Caleb and don't understand how he could make the actual decision to live with and marry Colton. Colton is awful.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Gov, I'm assuming you got my cash?



It was fun fellas. See you next season.

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Gov, I'm assuming you got my cash?



It was fun fellas. See you next season.


Got it man - Thanks.


This season has actually been pretty decent, the last couple of tribal councils have been outstanding and I was really pulling for Hayden. They made it seem like Monica could actually switch over. I never thought Ceira would be a game player but I think she's transformed the most and if she makes it to the end she has a legit shot. I think whoever comes back in the game from redemption will align with her which makes things interesting.

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Hey Merc - It would be much easier to just send the payment through paypal since that's where the money is sitting. Paypal doesn't let you send an interac e-transfer, you would receive the funds to your paypal and then deposit in to your bank or do what you want with it.

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I liked this season even though Merc won.


Here's a twist; Start with one smaller tribe, have 3 players at redemption island, let the winner of RI go back into the game each week, and the loser of RI is removed from the game.

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