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I think every post in this thread should start with "I think". The person who starts every sentence with "i think" can ensure that he or she is never wrong.


The game is called "Roses" and it's dedicated to Lisa Glatt with love for my mother on her birthday.


you and your opponent(s) each write down a five card poker hand. there's three streets where on each street each player says one of his or her cards. each of these is called a rose. if the game is heads up and two players have the same card then it's a chop pot. if the game is 3 or more then whenever someone declares a rose that another player has then that rose becomes a community card.


the blind structure is 1/2. and the bet structure is 2, 2, 2. when you are in position and the other player is OOP they can't check/raise, they can only check/call or bet/call.


if two players have the same identical hand value then the player OOP loses 2.


i think every person in the world should do their best to become great at this game. feel free to discuss it here. if it's all love then it will be a beautiful rose.


think this game is simple? if you can beat me at it you will annihilate any poker game currently being spread. but what really matters is that if you know you can beat me then you know that you can accomplish anything on this earth that you set your mind to. that rose truly is something.


dads, you're always OOP and you can never ever ever under any circumstances lose on purpose. play it right and you'll get the most beautiful bouquet you've ever seen.

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i think i would go with a royal flush every time. i think that could be an effective strategy.


i think if we go with a royal flush in the BB every time the SB can easily exploit us by choosing a royal flush and winning the 2 bet penalty.


i think if we go with a royal flush in the SB every time the BB will know we've choose one again and fold after the first rose.

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I think it would be fun to flip a 6 and fold when SB flips an A. Same -2 bets.




Same rank hand = -2 bets for BB.


Same card including suit is a chop so long as the hand ranks are not the same.


Also, i think i would destroy people from either the BB or the SB.

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I think I would like to play this game. I think I would like to play someone.


I can beat you


I think I would like to play YOU!


wanna have some fun with me? We'd IM FCPBob our hand and then play for the world to see (So long as he'd agree).


The only stipulation is you have to play me for a year.

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I think every post in this thread should start with "I think". The person who starts every sentence with "i think" can ensure that he or she is never wrong.


I think I already won... and by your logic because I started with I think and have ensured that I am not wrong, I'm right... so I already won... gg.


am I wrong?

no, you're not wrong.

am I wrong?

you're not wrong Walter, you're just an a**hole!

Ok then.

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I think.


Lets say you and I are playing each other. We alternate between Big blind and small blind. We each pick any 5 card poker hand of our choosing. The BB says a card and then the SB says a card and then there is a round of betting. Then BB says a card then SB says a card and then there is a round of betting. And then BB says a card then SB says a card and then there is a round of betting.


The blinds are 1/2.


Each bet and raise is 2.


The BB can't c/r and can only check/call or bet/call.


of course you can fold.


if two players have the same hand (789TJ) or 44422 or whatever then the SB wins 2 bets. if the two players share a card then it's a chop pot and no chips move between the players.


If you play me your mind will become made of steel. Whaddya say gecko buddy?

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