Balloon guy 158 Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 What a surprise, he's a pothead. Link to post Share on other sites
Roll the Bones 74 Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 What a surprise, he's a pothead. Yeah, which makes it even more incredulous he'd do something like this. cRaZy! Link to post Share on other sites
Roll the Bones 74 Posted April 20, 2013 Share Posted April 20, 2013 I was following this whole thing most of the day, TV, reddit updates, etc.. I still have some questions, one main one about what went down. Not really conspiracy theory shit but kin of irks me. The cops go around he corner and someone yells, kind of a grunt, and then the cops open fire. The media constantly refer to this as the shootout. The police chief and others say he opened fire and the police returned fire. I don't believe that is close to what really happened. I don't believe the kid fired a shot. I think the police attempted to scare, jump, or freak the kid out with the gun fire, which was btw, rubber bullets. I haven't seen the rubber bullets mentioned anywhere. On the scanner, prior to the shooting they repeatedly kept notifying everyone to use non-lethal arms. Or, some numb nuts jumped the gun and fired and everyone else let loose a barrage as well. I suppose there is a possibility the kid looked out from under the boat cover, but there is no audio evidence of him shooting. No delay. No nothing. I think, given the intense noise and racket of the shooting, it would freak people out to think that the police opened fire without provocation and they are kind of covering that up. Especially given that the kid was layng in there for 20 hours half dead from blood loss. He never shot, moved, or said a word to the guy, owner that opened the cover of the boat. He stated that the guy was laying there covered in blood. I don't blame the police for being overly cautious and jumpy, but at least tell the truth. And shutting down the whole city seemed to be a huge error in judgement as well. And the irony that they close off a 20 block radius and search it, and he's a block from the reporters hiding in the boat all day. Hundreds of cruisers going back and forth all day, and no one thinks to look in the boat in the backyard? C'MON! Link to post Share on other sites
JustDoIt 10 Posted April 21, 2013 Share Posted April 21, 2013 Three things. One, that you and most of this thread have left out - this is not Islam. Perhaps Islam-themed Extremism. No one called the Oklahoma bomber Christian without the word "extremist" or "nut" and you should do the same here. Two - media attention is one thing. Of course it is getting attention, that's why they did it there. Media attention is different than willfully inciting terror. If people want to be scared, they should be a lot more scared of a poorly inspected factory near them blowing up, destroying an entire town, rather than a carefully planned attack that was designed more for attention than actual damage. Three - like Scram, you're pointing to past events and racism to determine probability. Not the worst way to do it, I'll admit. Probability is a lot less than certainty though, and you need to be goddamn certain to make the assertions that you and millions of others have made in the past 48 hours. To do so with any less than certainty is the kind of deep-seated and severely dangerous racism that you guys love to pretend is in your past (except Scram, who denies nothing). Hey Danny you sure your name is not BRIAN LEVIN? Bill Maher to Guest Defending Islam in Wake of Boston Bombings: 'That's Liberal Bulls--t' Link to post Share on other sites
AmScray 355 Posted April 21, 2013 Share Posted April 21, 2013 Three things. One, that you and most of this thread have left out - this is not Islam. Perhaps Islam-themed Extremism. No one called the Oklahoma bomber Christian without the word "extremist" or "nut" and you should do the same here. Oh the **** it "is not Islam". Yes, a very meaningful segment of the Muslim population, in the name and under the guise of Islam explicitally, are doing this shit or supporting it, either openly, tacitly or in sentiment and spirit. While not all muslims are terrorists, a grossly disporportionate amount of terrorist acts targeted at innocent civilians can be attributed to agents of Islam. McVeigh blew up the Federal building because it had an ATF office and that particular agency was completely off the chain at that point in history, right after Waco and Ruby Ridge. He was 'striking back' against something he perceived to be a systemic injustice. His religion isn't mentioned because it isn't a relevant factor in what he did. Likewise, the religion of the movie theater shooter or other 'random killers' doesn't matter because they weren't comitting their acts of terrorism under a religions auspicies. When 19 douchebags fly hijacked airplanes into skyscrapers or two loser brothers blow up a bunch of people watching a marathon in the name of "Jihad", stop shucking and jiving about Islam and how it 'doesn't matter'. If you want to know why society is rapidly turning towards open and unapologetic disgust for the bullshit politically correct expectations and narratives that have defined our discourse for the past couple decades, it's because it demands we make unnatural and illogical assumptions that are just too ****ing unpalatable when people are being killed. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
AmScray 355 Posted April 21, 2013 Share Posted April 21, 2013 The cops go around he corner and someone yells, kind of a grunt, and then the cops open fire. The media constantly refer to this as the shootout. The police chief and others say he opened fire and the police returned fire. I don't believe that is close to what really happened. I don't believe the kid fired a shot. I think the police attempted to scare, jump, or freak the kid out with the gun fire, which was btw, rubber bullets. I haven't seen the rubber bullets mentioned anywhere. On the scanner, prior to the shooting they repeatedly kept notifying everyone to use non-lethal arms. Or, some numb nuts jumped the gun and fired and everyone else let loose a barrage as well. I suppose there is a possibility the kid looked out from under the boat cover, but there is no audio evidence of him shooting. No delay. No nothing. I think, given the intense noise and racket of the shooting, it would freak people out to think that the police opened fire without provocation and they are kind of covering that up. Especially given that the kid was layng in there for 20 hours half dead from blood loss. He never shot, moved, or said a word to the guy, owner that opened the cover of the boat. He stated that the guy was laying there covered in blood. I don't blame the police for being overly cautious and jumpy, but at least tell the truth. I, for one, do not care if they did or did not fire first at him. Given the events and the nature of these individuals, that it's increasingly more and more likely that the dead brother detonated some sort of suicide vest in addition to firing at police during the shootout, in addition to what they did at the marathon, such people are basically ticking time bombs (literally and figuratively). Shoot them on site execution style without issuing a single verbal command, if that's what's required to keep explosives from going off. This was a highly unusual situation with very unique tactical demands. I do agree that a coverup is stupid, if that's what they're doing. I seriously doubt a meaningful segment of the population could give two shits if they opened fire on him, given how that situation unfolded. And shutting down the whole city seemed to be a huge error in judgement as well. This I completely agree with. I'm fairly confident that if this went on in Chicago, there's a 0% chance we would've shut down the entire town. Link to post Share on other sites
FCP Bob 1,321 Posted April 21, 2013 Author Share Posted April 21, 2013 Interesting video from a police helicopter just before the arrest at the boat Link to post Share on other sites
timwakefield 68 Posted April 21, 2013 Share Posted April 21, 2013 Good work reddit! http://arstechnica.c...mbing-suspects/ The [Washington] Post also cited unnamed “law enforcement officials” who lambasted the use of Reddit and other social media sites that were attempting to work in parallel to the authorities.“In addition to being almost universally wrong, the theories developed via social media complicated the official investigation, according to law enforcement officials,” the Post reported. And shutting down the whole city seemed to be a huge error in judgement as well. This I completely agree with. I'm fairly confident that if this went on in Chicago, there's a 0% chance we would've shut down the entire town. Why was this a huge error in judgment? I think (hope) we can all agree that they were correct to shut down Watertown during the manhunt. But aren't the relatively minor negative effects of shutting down the surrounding towns and the city of Boston worth it compared to the threat of other bombs that may have been placed around the city? In my understanding that's a large part of the reason they told everyone to stay indoors - that they believed there could have been other bombs set and waiting to go off. They also weren't certain that they had actually cornered the younger brother in Watertown, and that he could have escaped to another town. A lot of businesses lost money by being unable to open. I don't know of any other immediate negative effects of the shutdown, and I feel like that's a pretty minor price to pay for a safe resolution of this one-time extraordinary event. Link to post Share on other sites
colonel Feathers 5 Posted April 21, 2013 Share Posted April 21, 2013 They are just extremists, who "Happen to be muslims" Is a Bull crap position. Being muslim is the driving force. Just cause most muslims arent terorists,just like most priests arent pedophiles,doesnt excuse the fact that without worldwide condemnation by Imams, Islam is suspect.Look up the definition of tacit approval.Silence, can be as deafening as a standing ovation. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
aucu 3 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 They are just extremists, who "Happen to be muslims" Is a Bull crap position. Being muslim is the driving force. Just cause most muslims arent terorists,just like most priests arent pedophiles,doesnt excuse the fact that without worldwide condemnation by Imams, Islam is suspect.Look up the definition of tacit approval.Silence, can be as deafening as a standing ovation. Be careful, the thought police will come for you and the human rights tribunal will destroy you financially with no right of appeal, don't you know that this is just another conspiracy against the poor by evil while male capitalists that could care less about regulations that would have saved their fertilizer plant from blowing up. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 I think (hope) we can all agree that they were correct to shut down Watertown during the manhunt. ? They shut down the city, sent 10,000 cops to knock on doors, then when they were sure they had covered everything, they opened the city back up, allowing a citizen to find the bomber hiding in his boat. In other words, the shut down did nothing. The ability of the cops to shut down a large metropolis for a single nutcase shouldn't be allowed. It was a guy who wanted a smoke that was able to notice that something was different in the yard he knows, not the cop who knocked on his door hours before who had no reference to know that things were amiss. And how will we reward the smoker? Tax him for his addiction while making him an outcast from society and sue him for smoking on his own property. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 In the meant time, liberal women are getting hot thinking about how the poor bomber is just misunderstood. So they are beginning the dance of claiming his love by writing poems to him, because they want to smother his face in their bosom and stroke his hair while he gets their burka ready. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 Remember the first Saudi guy they were saying was a person of interest? The one they were questioning in the hospital, and went to his house and pulled out a couple garbage bags of stuff? The one they are now deporting after the Prince met with Sec State and the President? Looks like the story is getting out that he was on the terrorist watch list, and ends up in the middle of a bombing in the US? Link to post Share on other sites
mrdannyg 274 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 You misunderstood me. Take all terrorist attacks in the West, including mass shootings. Then look at similar attacks (against random citizens with explosives). Then make a prediction based on that. This is extremely different than only looking at similar attacks. It is the type of attack which helps give us our answer, not the other way around. I'm not sure why using history as a guide is "highly questionable" though. Recent history is what we're talking about, not 1925 or something. Strategies and ideals and modus operandis that were taught and subscribed to 10 years ago may well be taught and subscribed to today. To ignore the wealth of information we have about other attacks would be ridiculous. "Wealth of information" is such an f'ing joke. How many attacks like this have there been? Against random citizens, with explosives, in the West. Seriously, how many? And why can you logically restrict your search that way? Why not further restrict it to an explosion clearly designed to be minimally lethal and not against a government target. Now how many examples do we have? Now it's a conspiracy against these fine young boys. Toronto "news" paper http://www.thestar.c...g_suspects.html The aunt of the two Boston bombing suspects is calling for additional evidence showing they are behind the acts. “I am a lawyer and there are four of us in the family,” Maret Tsarnaev told reporters Friday at her Toronto home. “I can’t lightly accept this kind of accusations without supporting evidence. Forgive me, but I cannot. Crazy bitch. Wants to see evidence of someone's guilt before making a determination. I was following this whole thing most of the day, TV, reddit updates, etc.. I still have some questions, one main one about what went down. Not really conspiracy theory shit but kin of irks me. The cops go around he corner and someone yells, kind of a grunt, and then the cops open fire. The media constantly refer to this as the shootout. The police chief and others say he opened fire and the police returned fire. I don't believe that is close to what really happened. I don't believe the kid fired a shot. I think the police attempted to scare, jump, or freak the kid out with the gun fire, which was btw, rubber bullets. I haven't seen the rubber bullets mentioned anywhere. On the scanner, prior to the shooting they repeatedly kept notifying everyone to use non-lethal arms. Or, some numb nuts jumped the gun and fired and everyone else let loose a barrage as well. I suppose there is a possibility the kid looked out from under the boat cover, but there is no audio evidence of him shooting. No delay. No nothing. I think, given the intense noise and racket of the shooting, it would freak people out to think that the police opened fire without provocation and they are kind of covering that up. Especially given that the kid was layng in there for 20 hours half dead from blood loss. He never shot, moved, or said a word to the guy, owner that opened the cover of the boat. He stated that the guy was laying there covered in blood. I don't blame the police for being overly cautious and jumpy, but at least tell the truth. And shutting down the whole city seemed to be a huge error in judgement as well. And the irony that they close off a 20 block radius and search it, and he's a block from the reporters hiding in the boat all day. Hundreds of cruisers going back and forth all day, and no one thinks to look in the boat in the backyard? C'MON! I was very pleased and impressed with the use of rubber bullets. Sure, it was only to shut up the conspiracy theorists, but I was just discussing with my wife earlier that day what a joke it would be if they couldn't take him alive (assuming they didn't find him rigged with personal explosives or something), given the huge range of non-lethal weapons the FBI, Homeland Security, etc, would have at their disposal. Oh the **** it "is not Islam". Yes, a very meaningful segment of the Muslim population, in the name and under the guise of Islam explicitally, are doing this shit or supporting it, either openly, tacitly or in sentiment and spirit. While not all muslims are terrorists, a grossly disporportionate amount of terrorist acts targeted at innocent civilians can be attributed to agents of Islam. McVeigh blew up the Federal building because it had an ATF office and that particular agency was completely off the chain at that point in history, right after Waco and Ruby Ridge. He was 'striking back' against something he perceived to be a systemic injustice. His religion isn't mentioned because it isn't a relevant factor in what he did. Likewise, the religion of the movie theater shooter or other 'random killers' doesn't matter because they weren't comitting their acts of terrorism under a religions auspicies. When 19 douchebags fly hijacked airplanes into skyscrapers or two loser brothers blow up a bunch of people watching a marathon in the name of "Jihad", stop shucking and jiving about Islam and how it 'doesn't matter'. If you want to know why society is rapidly turning towards open and unapologetic disgust for the bullshit politically correct expectations and narratives that have defined our discourse for the past couple decades, it's because it demands we make unnatural and illogical assumptions that are just too ****ing unpalatable when people are being killed. I've agreed with most of what you've said in this thread, but you're spewing nonesense here. You say "blow up a bunch of people watching a marathon in the name of "Jihad"" - really? Have they said that? No. Nothing like that. From the very bare amount of evidence so far, they were more Chechnian than Muslim, and probably even more American than Muslim. It terrifies me that someone like yourself could even debase that this was "in the name of Jihad" based on absolutely nothing. They are just extremists, who "Happen to be muslims" Is a Bull crap position. Being muslim is the driving force. Just cause most muslims arent terorists,just like most priests arent pedophiles,doesnt excuse the fact that without worldwide condemnation by Imams, Islam is suspect.Look up the definition of tacit approval.Silence, can be as deafening as a standing ovation. This is my favourite argument. Take 10 f'ing seconds and look up some Islamist organizations and see what they've had to say about 9/11 and other bombings. I'll give you a hint - "worldwide condemnation" is the correct description. Maybe you think they're full of crap, but you're racist, so that's probably expected. But just because whatever piece of crap you read doesn't report it (not exactly "news" when top Islamic organizations condemn 9/11, obviously), and just because you don't know a single Muslim person doesn't mean they aren't saying it. You say silence is deafening - well, keeping your hands over your ears can also be deafening. I promise you that every significant organization (whether they meant it or not, and they did) has condemned every single one of these actions. Every single person (except Bob) has posted things in this thread that would qualify as a hate crime in any other first-world country in the world. Hope you guys sleep well at night, knowing that your hatred for them is worse than the hate that you think they have for you, and a hell of a lot less scary. Link to post Share on other sites
FCP Bob 1,321 Posted April 22, 2013 Author Share Posted April 22, 2013 Every single person (except Bob) has posted things in this thread that would qualify as a hate crime in any other first-world country in the world. Hope you guys sleep well at night, knowing that your hatred for them is worse than the hate that you think they have for you, and a hell of a lot less scary. You are so far off it is scary in your blindness to reality. A bomb goes off in London 30 years ago the first thought was IRA meaning Irish Catholics. If a bomb goes off in London today the first thought would be Jihad Terrorists. A bomb goes off in a major American city today the first thought should be Jihad Terrorist since it is the most likely. It isn't for sure by any means but it is the most likely followed up by Timmy McVeigh types and then other random crazies. The reports that are coming out now are that the older Brother turned into an extreme Jihadi willing to kill people. It isn't racist or a hate crime to deal in reality. Link to post Share on other sites
Roll the Bones 74 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 Well, if you read any story on the net (which has to be true!) they universally mention that after being found in the boat, "the police had a shoot out with the suspect" which isn't true. I don't believe there is any evidence that he fired at police as of yet. It's also funny how no one questions how the police can unload 200 bullets into the boat and the only (as now reported) injuries he has are a bullet wound in the leg (accounting for the bloody trail from the first encounter) and a bullet hole coming out the back of his neck where he presumably ate his gun in an attempt to off himself. So, it's sounds more reasonable that the kid, after being discovered, saw the police closing in and shot himself prompting the barage of rubber bullets from the police. Then they shoot a couple flashbangs into the boat and watch him lay there moaning for another hour before they finally realize he is more than happy to come the **** out and get help. I realize no one wants to rain on the feel good moment for the police, but I do wish they would report the facts. And I think eventually you will see a lot of people come out complaining about the city wide shut down which was a huge overreaction. There was no need to shut down areas 10 miles away from where they suspected he was. Hell, if cities did that we'd never have a major city remain open 24 hours. And it is amazing ther is still no outrage or conversation about the people responsible for the Texas bombing, loss of lives and homes, etc... Where's that manhunt? Link to post Share on other sites
FCP Bob 1,321 Posted April 22, 2013 Author Share Posted April 22, 2013 This is my favourite argument. Take 10 f'ing seconds and look up some Islamist organizations and see what they've had to say about 9/11 and other bombings. I'll give you a hint - "worldwide condemnation" is the correct description. Maybe you think they're full of crap, but you're racist, so that's probably expected. But just because whatever piece of crap you read doesn't report it (not exactly "news" when top Islamic organizations condemn 9/11, obviously), and just because you don't know a single Muslim person doesn't mean they aren't saying it. You say silence is deafening - well, keeping your hands over your ears can also be deafening. I promise you that every significant organization (whether they meant it or not, and they did) has condemned every single one of these actions. Most Arabs don't think that 9/11 was carried out by Arabs, they think "The Jews" or Americans did it to themselves. Link to post Share on other sites
mrdannyg 274 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 You are so far off it is scary in your blindness to reality. A bomb goes off in London 30 years ago the first thought was IRA meaning Irish Catholics. If a bomb goes off in London today the first thought would be Jihad Terrorists. A bomb goes off in a major American city today the first thought should be Jihad Terrorist since it is the most likely. It isn't for sure by any means but it is the most likely followed up by Timmy McVeigh types and then other random crazies. The reports that are coming out now are that the older Brother turned into an extreme Jihadi willing to kill people. It isn't racist or a hate crime to deal in reality. The older brother may well have been an extreme Jihadist, but no one knew that at the time, and other than the fact that a very few (extremely overstated in their relevance) examples of recent history, no one had any evidence to suggest that was his motive. How many bombs went off in London 30 years ago that were set off by Northern Irish for political reasons? More or less than the number of demonstrative explosions by extreme Islamists in the United States in the last 12 years? Now you're counting a bomb going off in London as Jihadist as well? Ridiculous. There are organizations (many of them government) committing similar acts all over the world every day. But a Muslim does something in the United States, and all of a sudden every Muslim is a terrorist. You're right, a Jihadi type attack is the most likely in this type of situation. But it isn't 100%. Not even close. And we're condemning an entire people because a hilariously tiny percentage of people with a purported similarity in belief system (that they would deny is similar) might have been the culprit. This was an attack that appears to have been not organized by a significant group, not backed by a political organization, not done to maximize damage or casualties, and not done with any stated purpose. The dissimilarities to 9/11 or any other attack (and there have been SO many, right Tim?) are significant. Maybe it was Jihadist, but it is nothing short of racism to suggest we could've known with any confidence it was someone with religious similarities to Al-Qaeda at the time. If, when this happened, you thought "wow, big explosion in a public event, an extremist Islamist seems most likely" - that is not racist. If, when it happened, you thought, "Another Muslim attack", then you are most assuredly racist, and more importantly, your racism is the kind of scary, dangerous racism that denies people their First Amendment rights. Most Arabs don't think that 9/11 was carried out by Arabs, they think "The Jews" or Americans did it to themselves. Irrelevant. Look at what the Muslims organizations have said. They condemned it. You can believe what they said or not, but the argument of "why haven't the Muslim organizations condemned it" is invalid. Link to post Share on other sites
FCP Bob 1,321 Posted April 22, 2013 Author Share Posted April 22, 2013 And it is amazing ther is still no outrage or conversation about the people responsible for the Texas bombing, loss of lives and homes, etc... Where's that manhunt? I think a conversation about that explosion will come but it should be more about poor regulation and oversight then finding an individual and throwing them in jail although if there is enough negligence found that should be the case. Society makes all sorts of decisions to allow "risks" and sometimes accidents happen. Link to post Share on other sites
Roll the Bones 74 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 You are so far off it is scary in your blindness to reality. A bomb goes off in London 30 years ago the first thought was IRA meaning Irish Catholics. If a bomb goes off in London today the first thought would be Jihad Terrorists. A bomb goes off in a major American city today the first thought should be Jihad Terrorist since it is the most likely. It isn't for sure by any means but it is the most likely followed up by Timmy McVeigh types and then other random crazies. The reports that are coming out now are that the older Brother turned into an extreme Jihadi willing to kill people. It isn't racist or a hate crime to deal in reality. Calling out the tribe isn't necessary in condmening the bombers. Calling them muslim serves no purpose since it isn't a relevant fact to the matter and only serves to distract from the issue. Anyone that bombs innocent people are wrong morally, ethically and legally. Ways to describe them that are morally relevant would be arrogant, barbaric, repugnant, evil etc.. By throwing in "muslim" it only distracts from the fact by opening the door to the secondary argument of "No True Muslim" would do such a thing, and that whole bag of worms. Any theistic ideology that promotes bombing innocent people is wrong and should be morally condemned. Look at a thread where an athiest complains about a Christians view on (take your pick) anti-women, abortion, creationism, and you'll immediately see a thread derailed with the complaint of "I'm a Christian, or not all Christians think that way". There are a lot of people out there right now wanting to exploit the bombings to promote their own whacked out ideologies.. there were tons of tweets and statements when they were searching for the bombers claiming that they were "Godless" as if athiesm was to blame for the attack. Link to post Share on other sites
FCP Bob 1,321 Posted April 22, 2013 Author Share Posted April 22, 2013 How many bombs went off in London 30 years ago that were set off by Northern Irish for political reasons? More or less than the number of demonstrative explosions by extreme Islamists in the United States in the last 12 years? Now you're counting a bomb going off in London as Jihadist as well? Ridiculous. There are organizations (many of them government) committing similar acts all over the world every day. But a Muslim does something in the United States, and all of a sudden every Muslim is a terrorist. Yes if a bomb goes off in London the most likely bomber will be a Jihadist Remember the London Subway Bombings ? Link to post Share on other sites
Roll the Bones 74 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 Most Arabs don't think that 9/11 was carried out by Arabs, they think "The Jews" or Americans did it to themselves. Well over half of Americans believe that the earth is less than 10K years old. A large portion of Americans believe that Bigfoot is real, Astrology is based on fact, vaccines cause autism, and global warming is a hoax. Being reprehensible or unethical relates to whether those beliefs actually harm other people. Link to post Share on other sites
timwakefield 68 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 ? They shut down the city, sent 10,000 cops to knock on doors, then when they were sure they had covered everything, they opened the city back up, allowing a citizen to find the bomber hiding in his boat. In other words, the shut down did nothing. The ability of the cops to shut down a large metropolis for a single nutcase shouldn't be allowed. It was a guy who wanted a smoke that was able to notice that something was different in the yard he knows, not the cop who knocked on his door hours before who had no reference to know that things were amiss. And how will we reward the smoker? Tax him for his addiction while making him an outcast from society and sue him for smoking on his own property. I can't tell if your whole post is a joke, or just some of it. They shut down the city because they believed there were other bombs waiting to go off. The shut down of Watertown absolutely cornered the suspect. "Wealth of information" is such an f'ing joke. How many attacks like this have there been? Against random citizens, with explosives, in the West. Seriously, how many? And why can you logically restrict your search that way? Why not further restrict it to an explosion clearly designed to be minimally lethal and not against a government target. Now how many examples do we have? I said nothing about restricting the search. You're inventing that. I said they were probably radical Islamists. You are now apparently trying to argue against the fact that they are probably radical Islamists, despite the fact that it has become clear that they are in fact radical Islamists. The bombs were not designed to be "minimally lethal." You're seriously fucking stupid if you think they were. Link to post Share on other sites
FCP Bob 1,321 Posted April 22, 2013 Author Share Posted April 22, 2013 The bombs were not designed to be "minimally lethal." You're seriously fucking stupid if you think they were. Yah, this is a very strange thing to say about a bomb that was packed with metal shrapnel and set off in a large crowd of people. If they wanted to make something go boom and be minimally lethal they would have blown up a mail box on an empty street. Link to post Share on other sites
Roll the Bones 74 Posted April 22, 2013 Share Posted April 22, 2013 I can't tell if your whole post is a joke, or just some of it. They shut down the city because they believed there were other bombs waiting to go off. The shut down of Watertown absolutely cornered the suspect. I said nothing about restricting the search. You're inventing that. I said they were probably radical Islamists. You are now apparently trying to argue against the fact that they are probably radical Islamists, despite the fact that it has become clear that they are in fact radical Islamists. The bombs were not designed to be "minimally lethal." You're seriously fucking stupid if you think they were. You have proof, as in fact, that they were radical Islamists? I think you have reason to believe, or a sneaky suspicion to be honest. Given what I have read about the older brother, his upbringing and his demeanor, I tend to think he was sociopathic. The way the boxing coach and others described his total lack of empathy and concern or interest in others while boxing, to me is a telling clue. The statements and evidence that he had no friends. He abused or at least had charges against him for battering his wife. He left a child behind. These are all clues to some issues going on. His father was reportedly strident and abusive which tends exacerbate the behavior. The younger brother is described as the "angel" but not the older one who presumably had issues. A sociopath could have latched on and been influenced by radical Islam, or he could have been influenced by the Westboro Church or an athiest anarchist group. We have no evidence that Islam caused the problem and came first. Link to post Share on other sites
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