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I disagree. Dan has obviously outplayed him, but I would definitely consider Ian an all star, and he was the 2nd best player in the season. For weeks he was able to play both sides without one side informing the other (until Dan did). But he was able to be in that position for a long time. He was also able to win challenges when he had to. He has shown an ability to be strategic and be good at challenges. I wouldn't mind seeing him in another season.

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I think Frank stood out the most this season behind Dan and if there was another allstar show he'd probably get the call before Ian regardless of the results. I'm not saying he played the better game (It's obvious he didn't, he got played by Ian) but he's a strong, likable competitor, and the producers gave him all of air time which shows he was a factor in ratings.

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Dan will crush either Ian or Danielle "if" he's in the final two. It's not even close. Neither Danielle or Ian will be able to convincingly articulate what they did in the game to deserve to be in the final two much less actually win outright.

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I hope the Jury doesnt vote against Dan because he screwed all of them...The man is an amazing game player...Sure he lied and backstabbed but wow he made some epic moves..


The funeral and the eviction of Shane have to go down in the history of BB..


Great season so far..I am tired of Danielle and I dont think she deserves to win.


Its not a Mr Nice guy contest..Its Big Brother..Give Dan the money

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I know I'll be alone on this but I wasn't in love with last nights play by Dan. Of course if Shane had won the final HOH he would take Danielle to the end so of course he is a threat to Dan's game. But now lets say Ian wins final HOH and takes Dan to the end. I can see Dan easily losing 2 votes to both Shane and Danielle now from last night's play. Where if Ian went home last night Dan probably had his vote locked up and could try to get to the end with Danielle and only lose the 1 vote to Shane instead.


Right now he probably only has Britney and Jenn's vote locked up (and even then he must assume that Britney would be against him too). He has too much blood on his hands now to possibly explain his moves to win this game (except the big one sending Britney packing from his funeral, that was top notch). He'll never get Frank's vote, Ashley will vote however Frank tells her to and now Shane is out by another blindside. It's not looking good for him in my opinion.

I don't think the HGs can accurately predict the jury votes, but the move by Dan virtually assures him of a spot in the final 2.


If Danielle wins, she take him. If Ian wins, he takes him. If Dan wins, I think he still takes Danielle.


At least he's assured 50k.

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Pretty much what I figured was going to happen as I mentioned earlier.


I think he burnt his final bridge when he took Shane out and that was his ultimate downfall. He simply didn't have enough friends on the jury to sway votes for him.

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I was ok with the outcome, just not happy with how the jury acted which happens every season on this show. For someone to be offended by the way someone plays a stupid game like Big Brother is beyond me. So Dan swore on the bible, who gives a ****, get over it Shane and Frank you big pussies.

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Yeah I was pretty dissapointed with the result. Even though Ian is absolutely not an undeserving winner.


It's just that Dan was pretty much 'Dr. Will' Good this year. I think Superfan Frank is going to be dissapointed in himself for voting for Ian to win once he watches all of the episodes from this season.



Anyone else think Dan threw the final round of the final HoH? I think he didn't want to have to make the final decision and ruin another jury vote. Looks like he probably would have lost either way, since Ian would have probably voted for Danielle if Dan Backstabbed him at the end.



On another note, it was a very entertaining Finale. Ian had a surprisingly good final Speech. Dan's final speech was fantastic, which was no surprise, but it wasn't enought o sway the judges, unfortunately.


Dissapointing finish, but still one of the best season's of Big Brother ever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I was pretty dissapointed with the result. Even though Ian is absolutely not an undeserving winner.


It's just that Dan was pretty much 'Dr. Will' Good this year. I think Superfan Frank is going to be dissapointed in himself for voting for Ian to win once he watches all of the episodes from this season.



Anyone else think Dan threw the final round of the final HoH? I think he didn't want to have to make the final decision and ruin another jury vote. Looks like he probably would have lost either way, since Ian would have probably voted for Danielle if Dan Backstabbed him at the end.



On another note, it was a very entertaining Finale. Ian had a surprisingly good final Speech. Dan's final speech was fantastic, which was no surprise, but it wasn't enought o sway the judges, unfortunately.


Dissapointing finish, but still one of the best season's of Big Brother ever.

Agreed, excellent season.


I don't think Dan threw the final HOH. For one, those weird questions make it hard to throw even if you want to. And, he said in an interview that he didn't.


One thing I found very interesting (and surprising) - In his post-show interview with Jeff, Dan said that he would've taken Ian if he had won that final comp. He said he and Ian were both convinced that Danielle would slaughter them in the final 2 and they didn't realize the jury was actually pretty negative about her gameplay.


Plus after, being so loyal to him the entire game, Danielle seemed VERY salty towards Dan in her post-show interview. I think she learned from a few others how Dan was actually playing and that he wouldn't have taken her to the end.

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