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So who's been watching this season so far? Anyone liking the coach idea? I haven't been a fan of it at all, I think it's silly for the contestants to listen to their "coach" and basically keep letting them make decisions for them. It's a shame they are likely going to end up coming back in the game, I really like the players this season. It's a good mix.I think Shane & Frank would make a solid alliance, especially if the coaches come in the game.

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the coaches idea is kind of dumb, but I still find myself really enjoying the season.Frank and Shane would/will be a strong alliance, especially if they can keep it a secret.

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LOVE the season and most of the cast so far. Not a fan of the coaches twist either though.It's basically forced them to play in "alliances" that won't last, but does stress the social game. Players who only talk to their own "teammates" are going to be screwed in the 2nd half of the game.I mainly don't like the coaches twist because A) I'm tired of CBS bringing back returning players (since it's not an all All-Star cast), B) Giving them a HUGE advantage - we all know they're coming into the game so CBS guaranteed them all safety these first 3 weeks because they were so afraid of losing popular past players.I think CBS was worried after last season that the newbies would be smart enough to stick together and get rid of the vets.I liked Willie, but he played too hard too fast.I like Shane but he has an uphill battle.Frank would be running the house if they're weren't vets in there.Ian's likable enough to root for in a Cochrane from Survivor way, but I don't think he can pull it off.I think Ashley's a real wild-card. I watch BBAD on Showtime all the time and you can usually tell when someone is being genuine or just blowing smoke up someone's ass. I can' tget much of a read on her. When she says something to anyone, she pretty much always sounds sincere. I thought she was going to vote out Frank week 1. And I think she might actually be faking being kind of dumb. She could slide pretty deep into this game without really making enemies.

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Well, this should be interesting at the very least. I have pretty mixed emotions.I love the chaos now in the house with everyone scrambling to form alliances. We knew the coaches were coming back (though Julie made it ridiculously easy). And yes, complete BS that there was no eviction. I think production wanted to save Frank because they think him and Boogie will become the new Chilltown. Shane's complete HOH was a waste.Frank and Boogie seem tight, though Frank is getting close to Wil, who is anti-coach. The closest initial alliance in this new game looks like Danielle, Dan, Shane, and Britney.

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Last night was the first mega move I think in the game. Pretty amazing job by Boogie to convince Dan to get Janelle put up and form an alliance after being on the total outs so far. By proving his loyalty to Frank, he's shown Dan & company that he can be trusted.Ian must feel like crap after thinking he was in the main group and then probably had no idea what was going down when Will was pulled off.

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Last night was the first mega move I think in the game. Pretty amazing job by Boogie to convince Dan to get Janelle put up and form an alliance after being on the total outs so far. By proving his loyalty to Frank, he's shown Dan & company that he can be trusted.Ian must feel like crap after thinking he was in the main group and then probably had no idea what was going down when Will was pulled off.
Weird that they didn't show it, but the "Quack Pack" alliance (Shane, Britney, Dan, Danielle, and Ian) had been formed on Saturday and the POV ceremony doesn't happen until Monday.I watch a lot of BBAD on Showtime and Ian was definitely part of the discussion to backdoor Janelle before Danielle used the Veto on Wil.I think Ian's still in a pretty good spot. I know there's the "Silent Six" alliance, but Britney trusts Ian more than Frank and Boogie and I think Dan does too. The Secret Six could be good for a couple more weeks/evictions but at some point I think Frank and Boogie will turn on Shane or vice versa. Sidenote: There has to be a fast forward or double eviction soon. There's way too many people in the house. 11 left and only like 5 weeks until the end of the season.
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Still enjoying the season.I don't know how seriously Frank was considering backdooring Dan, but surely he has to realize how terrible a move that would have been at this stage of the game.Britney is an insecure paranoid crackpot. "It's only been a week since we formed this alliance and already we can't trust them. How bad is that?" uhh Brit, that speaks more to your paranaoia than anything Frank or Boogie have done in the last week.Zingbot was awesome as usual. The look on Danielle's face was priceless.I'll be interested to see who gets nominated this week if/when another member of the silent six wins HoH. Also, on the off chance that Will/Jenn/Ashley/Joe/Ian wins HoH, I wonder who they'd put up.

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What a disaster of a week. I'm surprised Dan, Shane & Brittany are protecting Ian so much. Also, to me it was extremely obvious that Boogie was trying to play up Ian when he asked who he would put up if he won ("Shane? Brittany?"). It sounded to me like he was actually trying to hide the silent 6 and act to Ian like he was with him. It's also probably why he doesn't remember saying it to anyone because it was so harmless in his eyes at the time. All of this exploded just from that little snippet, at least Frank saved himself because he shouldn't take the fall for that.

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It's funny that Mike and Frank actually played pretty honestly for the entire game, yet constantly got trashed by pretty much everyone for being untrustworthy.Frank is in a tough spot now.. I don't see any path to the finale for him unless he just keeps winning vetos and/or manages to form some sort of alliance and/or the 'quack pack' completely falls apart. He's pretty alienated right now and would be an easy nomination for pretty much every player in the house.Ian made a pretty big mistake by outing himself to Boogie before he left.Joe saying "Yes sir" to Ian was hilarious.I like how Mike handled his exit interview, especially the 'tip of the cap' to Ian.I'm dissapointed that Ashley left, she was a special kind of special.Seems almost inevitable that somebody that I don't like is going to win the game. I'll be pulling for Frank, Dan, or Ian from here on out.

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I'm ok with anyone winning but Frank. I feel like production is giving him unfair advantages.
Agreed. I've never been on Team Frank this season. It started week 1 because I like Willie. Then after the blowup with Frank, Janelle's team decided to screw Willie and evict Kara.Then the obvious, in week 3 when they reset the game, there was no reason to cancel the eviction. If Joe had been the one leaving, production would not have saved him.He's good in competitions and is a fairly good strategist, he just rubs me the wrong way. Lately especially, he's been acting really self-entitled, like people are crapping on his dream of being on the show and winning Big Brother, and he wants to be there so much more than everyone else. I think he's frustrated because he sees people who were recruited (Shane, Jenn) or tried to get on another show (Ashley, Danielle) cruising through the house.Still don't like him, though I can't count him out. He wins so many comps, and not just physical. It would be hard not to vote for him if he makes it to the end.I'm rooting for Britney, Dan, and Ian.
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Yeah they always cater reality shows with comps and twists to specific players for ratings, Big Brother makes it more obvious than any othher though. I'm rooting for Dan at this point, he's likeaable and always knows what he's doing. I can't stand Brittany anymore, she whines and complains every second it seems, not how I remembered her.

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last night was one of the best episodes of Big Brother ever.



Dan put on an impressive display of social manipulation. Most of the time, 'big moves' and manipulation is just talk, and little action on BB. Dan's brilliant move, combined with some outstanding editing work, made for one of the more entertaining hours of Television that I've enjoyed in a long time.



I absolutely loved the look on Brit's face when it was all unfolding at the Veto ceremony, priceless.


It's amusing how butthurt everybody got about it. People like Shane, Ian, Britney, who have been flip flopping on Frank all summer, now get so offended when the tables are turned.


This twist makes the show much more enjoyable to me, since Frank and Dan are my two favourites from this season, and now they are working together, both with a decent shot of going far.



I'm looking forward to the rest of the season. This has been a really stellar season so far.

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Totally agree Dubey. I think it was the best episode of all time, it took balls of steel to pull off and I don't think anyone in their wildest dreams saw that coming. I'm fairly certain Dan screwed himself out of a few votes in the process but what a bold move. Total commitment from everyone involved really, including Jenn who was the real wildcard factor.

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Kind of dissapointed in Dan back-stabbing Frank.


Season gets a lot more boring now with Frank out. Dan is still playing a masterful game, as he now probably manages to keep Jenn on his good side, despite screwing over Frank. Dan is in a great spot now, as nobody is targetting him next week (for now), and he will be one competition win away from the final 3.


I still think Dan's best play would have been to throw the veto, let Frank take himself off, then convince the group to vote out Joe. leaving both of his alliances strong going into the second eviction last night. Then he could have thrown the HoH and just sided with whichever group won the HoH. it worked out for him anyway, but it took a lot more work, in my opinion.

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I don't think it will be boring. We just have 2 weeks left anyways. I think keeping Frank would be incredibly dumb, he has shown the ability to win the majority of challenges, he had to go. Dan never was in an alliance with him anyways, that was all an act to get him off the block.


It will be interesting to see how Dan manuevers his way through this. It sounds like Ian wants to take Dan to the end, but Dan wants to cut Ian's throat asap. It is also interesting to see what goes on with Shane and Dani since it is almost time for one of them to leave. I think Shane goes next, and that Dan's only genuine alliance in the house is with Dani.

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I don't think it will be boring. We just have 2 weeks left anyways. I think keeping Frank would be incredibly dumb, he has shown the ability to win the majority of challenges, he had to go. Dan never was in an alliance with him anyways, that was all an act to get him off the block.


It will be interesting to see how Dan manuevers his way through this. It sounds like Ian wants to take Dan to the end, but Dan wants to cut Ian's throat asap. It is also interesting to see what goes on with Shane and Dani since it is almost time for one of them to leave. I think Shane goes next, and that Dan's only genuine alliance in the house is with Dani.



Dan wants his final 2 to be with Danielle, and I think he wants them to take Jenn to the final 3 because she probably won't win anything.


Dan's also been trying to play Shane and Ian against each other a bit. If one of them is on the block, he might get the other to evict them.



Ian is all for the quack pack and wants Jenn out next. I think Shane is on board with that but would consider getting out Ian. He's a bit worried about Ian's smarts.


Dan and Danielle I think would definitely like to get Ian or Shane out this week.


Jenn has no strategy. She'll sleep most of the day and continue her awkward flirting with Danielle.

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Dan has pretty much single handedly made this one of, if not the best season of big brother ever. I'm worried he has too much blood on his hands now to actually win the game. Another really excellent episode tonight. I think he pretty much guaranteed himself 2nd place money tonight. I'm hoping Ian comes in third, just so he can talk some sense into the jury house and get Dan the win. Plus, they can't actually let Daniele win big brother, can they?

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Plus, they can't actually let Daniele win big brother, can they?

I hope not.


LOVED the reaction from Danielle when Dan evicted Shane tonight.


I'm a sucker for the Renegades. I want Ian to win the final HOH and take Dan. Could be an interesting jury vote.


I think Dan would deserve it based on gameplay, but maybe too much blood like you said. I could see Ian getting Britney, Shane, Frank, and maybe Ashley's votes.

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I know I'll be alone on this but I wasn't in love with last nights play by Dan. Of course if Shane had won the final HOH he would take Danielle to the end so of course he is a threat to Dan's game. But now lets say Ian wins final HOH and takes Dan to the end. I can see Dan easily losing 2 votes to both Shane and Danielle now from last night's play. Where if Ian went home last night Dan probably had his vote locked up and could try to get to the end with Danielle and only lose the 1 vote to Shane instead.


Right now he probably only has Britney and Jenn's vote locked up (and even then he must assume that Britney would be against him too). He has too much blood on his hands now to possibly explain his moves to win this game (except the big one sending Britney packing from his funeral, that was top notch). He'll never get Frank's vote, Ashley will vote however Frank tells her to and now Shane is out by another blindside. It's not looking good for him in my opinion.

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I think he can beat Danielle. Frank is too big of a fan of the game to vote for Danielle to win. Shane and jenn would be the only sure fire votes for Danielle IMO. Ian and Brit would vote for Dan, I think Ian could convince frank/Ashley to vote for Dan. Joe is a wildcard

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The reason I like the play by Dan is he guarantees himself a spot in the final 2 pretty much, where if ian went home he probably would have had to win the final hoh to get in the final.

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