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2012 Nhl Labour Troubles Thread

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I liked all of those above movies, plus Moneyball and The American President are great.


I didn't like Sports Night, but I think my tastes have changed a lot since it was on, so I wonder if I would like it now. I thought Studio 60 was decent; haven't seen Newsroom.



Edit: *sigh* "above"

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THe thing I'm worried about is how different I feel about this work stoppage as opposed to the last one. This one leaves me disgusted with both the players and the owners, although I don't have the s

McKenzie for commissioner.

I liked all the movies, really loved Social Network, Amer Pres.+Few Good Men.

I loved Sports Night.

I was very hyped for Studio 60 as it was a sort of amalgamation of my 2 fav things on tv, Sorkin+SNL. I really liked the show, but I could see how others would be bored. I felt like it needed a couple of years to grow, and it needed a couple of better casting jobs.

Love Newsroom, though there is room for improvement I think. Funny how he uses many of the same tricks/stroylines as in WW.

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Netflix Canada is crap compared to the choices you guys get in the US, and there's another reason why.


Americans say the same thing going the other way. They're just different. We have content they don't, and vice versa. I imagine for all the content we dream of, the fees would be pretty prohibitive and they'd certainly need to stop charging merely $8/mth. It's not particularly easy, apparently, to get the rights to put certain things on Netflix.

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A person, or in this case a representative of a company/organization, doesnt have to club a baby seal to have a bad impact on a company. Im sure you have patronized many establishments whose customer service turned you off, and you didnt frequent there again because of it. At that time, that person was the face of the organization and what they did matters. This is the guy who is public face of the NHLPA.

Honestly, I cant see your point on this one. To me, who I hire matters, and they all represent my company/org,




Most people dont see NHLPA as a seperate org? Who are these most people? You mean the hockey fans in Alabama? :)

Most hockey fans, especially these days, quite clearly see the NHLPA as a seperate organization, and Fehr as its head.


Also, I dont know why long term matters. This isnt an afternoon gig, its been years. He took over in 2010, so I think its gone long term in my opinion.

It doesnt matter how long someone is the President of the USA, they are still President, commander in chief.


The West Wing discussion is more interesting, so we'll stick on that. I've never watched it, but am very much looking forward to it. That and The Wire are on my list if at any point in the next few years my kid(s) are regularly going to bed early and there aren't interesting sports on.


I don't see any representative as 'the face' of the organization. If I get bad service at a restaurant, I'm probably able to discern whether it was someone bad or having a bad day, or an institutional problem. I don't see that one person as the "face" of the organization, even if they're the only face I see.


As for the NHLPA, how often do you use the term "NHLPA" when there is not a strike/lockout going on, compared to "NHL"? The NHL groups in the NHLPA is most of our minds, unless they are arguing about contracts.

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Fehr is a union head. His commitment and responsibility is 100% to the players, and getting them the best deal possible. His 'approval' rate with the players is astronomical, which is all that really matters, to him anyway.

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The West Wing discussion is more interesting, so we'll stick on that.




I don't see any representative as 'the face' of the organization. If I get bad service at a restaurant, I'm probably able to discern whether it was someone bad or having a bad day, or an institutional problem. I don't see that one person as the "face" of the organization, even if they're the only face I see.

As for the NHLPA, how often do you use the term "NHLPA" when there is not a strike/lockout going on, compared to "NHL"? The NHL groups in the NHLPA is most of our minds, unless they are arguing about contracts.



Ok, last word is yours.

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Ok, last word is yours.


heh, i'm bad at that. quelle surprise.


so, is West Wing a show that really goes from start to finish? Or are you pretty much getting everything out of it only by watchign the first X number of seasons? I know it continues to be a good show, but if I don't want to commit to the entire thing, am I still going to get enough out of it?

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so, is West Wing a show that really goes from start to finish? Or are you pretty much getting everything out of it only by watchign the first X number of seasons? I know it continues to be a good show, but if I don't want to commit to the entire thing, am I still going to get enough out of it?


Start with first 2-3 seasons. If you dont like it, you probably wont like anything after that either, but honestly, I think first 2 years are the best television I have ever seen.

Id rather watch WW episodes then 99% of tv I see, and that includes sports programming.

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Zach: Netflix did deliver discs thru mail in Canada. I (know someone who) signed up just to get a specific movie (to burn for someone).


Arp: Canadians are able to (fool Netflix and) signup for the American service.

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My favorite show ever as well, although I thought the series slipped a bit when Sorkin and Lowe left (I think to start season 4 or 5) and then slipped a little more when the focus went to the campaigns rather than the sitting presidency. Seasons 1 and 2 are simply the best TV ever, and Season 3-4 are also really, really good.

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My favorite show ever as well, although I thought the series slipped a bit when Sorkin and Lowe left (I think to start season 4 or 5) and then slipped a little more when the focus went to the campaigns rather than the sitting presidency. Seasons 1 and 2 are simply the best TV ever, and Season 3-4 are also really, really good.


I had to check to be sure, but for me, season 5 is where it goes a little sour. Things pick up for me at season 6 when they start the campaigns, I enjoyed the Santos/Vinick seasons quite a bit too.

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I have a hard time getting through season 6 but I actually enjoyed the campaign seasons. But yeah 1-3 are my fav.


I think the Bartlet hardcore MS storyline is what bugged me, I didn't like seeing him all debilitated.

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Watched the show occassionally but always seemed to enjoy it when I got the chance, especially in the early seasons. Lost some of my interest when Rob Lowe left. My last memory of the show is the episode when Mrs. Landingham died in a car accident immediately after she got a new car. Hated that episode and left a bad feeling in my mouth. Felt manipulated. Thought the storyline was so unneccasary and I thought the show was going strictly for shock value. Don't remember a single episode after that

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