DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Do you still use your golf simulator? If not what don't you like about it. I expected stories of major cash swaps between you and your cronies. Looked like a pretty cool toy. I have not been golfing much recently no, but now that the weather is better I'm sure I'll start using it again soon. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Daniel, at such a high level of success and knowledge of poker strategy that you have, how do you continue to learn and get better at poker, what's you favorite way to get better at the game? is it discussing strategy with other players, reading forums, experience, or something else, or maybe a combo of so many different ways? Also, when you are putting in 40 hours of poker every week, how do you not feel drained or do you, what are some ways to stay motivated in this kind of situation? I don't even play that often, so the only time I'm doing 40 hour weeks is during the WSOP where I do even more than that actually. Closer to 60. As for how I like to learn, doing videos for PokerVT actually helps me learn. That plus using tracking software for online play. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Ok since nothing is off limits.Daniel, preferred pregnancy prevention method: Pull out or Rain Coat? I've learned that rain coat is safest because it's hard to trust someone enough to go bareback. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Hi Daniel,Do you know anything about ielogic (UB) and Ms. Puke's involvement in building the site and/or software? From what I find she and Russ were pretty tight, and then she screwed him, at least figuratively.Her online resume...http://www.linkedin.com/pub/annie-duke/5/b2b/30aielogic2002 – 2006 (4 years)Consulted on feature development, promotions and game logic at ielogic, developer of online poker software. Ielogic approached me to invest way back then, but when I heard Russ Hamilton was involved I declined. I saw that one coming before it happened. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Ever been in a fight? If so, trip report? Man, I used to fight ALL the time in school since I've always had a big mouth, and still do. Haven't been in one in a long time though... Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 hey there DanielFirstly I would like to thankyou for uploading all the videos and blog that u have done. I love them all and it help me to enjoy poker a lot more. I have been playing poker for a few months and you are my fav poker player so far! U seem fun to have on the table lol :)Anyways I have 2 different poker hands I played and want to know if you would have played it differently.1) The first hand took place on the first few hands of a poker tourney.We started with 4000 chips if I remember correctly and it was a 1 rebuy tourney. The blinds were 10-20. IN the first few hands I had a pair of 9's. I was first to act so raised to 100. 1 person calls and another raises to 300. I call the 300 and so does the other guy.Flop wasQ 6 9 all unsuitedI checked and so did the middle player and the last one bet 1000, I raised to 2500 and the 3ed guys fold. The raisers instantly goes all in and I call. He shows QQ. So we both hits sets. I properly should have played the pot small but what would u have done?2) I was playing cash poker in this example. I had $400 with me and the blinds were 2-4. I was last to act (holding QQ) to raised the pot to 20 since everyone called the blinds. Sadly everyone called my raise :SThe flop was 4 6 6 all unsuitedWe all checked.turnQI checkedone guy bets $100, one guy calls and I go all in.Both the initial raisers go all in.One guy shows 44 and another shows Q6River4!:(If u were in my position would you have played it any differently? Or was this hand just bad luck for me?thanks for the helpand goood luck in Ireland! Nothing interesting about either hand really, I wouldn't have made it 100 UTG with 99, try 60 next time. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 What's with your vegan buddy Alicia Silverstone pre-chewing her food then spitting it into her child's mouth?Are all vegans wacko? Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Hi Daniel, Another question about your early days at fundtime.In limit calling the river is much more correct then in no limit because of the odds. When you were playing at fundtime did you fold the river more then most other pro's because of your superior hand reading skills or did you stick strictly to trying to make a positive EV call vs his range?I definitely folded more yesWhat other things did you feel contributed to your amazing win rate? Soft Games? Table image? Collecting fish from other charity casino's? Your personality making people give you more information or calling light against you and checking down the nuts vs you because people liked you so much?Combo of soft games and I had a great table image and always got paid off.Did you play looser then the recomended starting hand chart? Because of your superior post flop play?YesHow did you intially learn everything about limit, pot odds, starting hand chart? etcMostly listening to other pros talk at the table and a couple books.I'm sure you were much younger then most people playing limit at that time. Did people ever start to notice you more because of your age and because you "always seam to win"? Yeah, hence "KidPoker"If so, did you feel this image help or hurt you? Why?Helped. People underestimated me.How did you avoid card dead tilt not having a playable hand for 6+ hours?By chatting with people at the table and having fun as always'How did you deal with fish who verbally attacked other fish or new players for there questionable play, because these players don't care about winning money but winning pots and to be macho? These players hurt your expectations without understanding or caring what they did how do you deal with this?I call them outAt that time how loose were those 10/20 games on adverage? 1 or 2 limpers and a raise? 3 or 4 limpers rare raises? 5+ limpers with almost no raising preflopHow far did you have to travel on average to play?15-20 minDo you think travel time and waiting time should be included as part as your hourly rate?NahI know this is a million questions but I play 5/10 and 10/20 to pay for school and these are questions i'm dying to have a real professional answer.I love your blog, twitter and everything else you put on the internet.Thanks so MucH!Brian Try to keep posts and questions limited to 3 and you'll get more detailed answers. Link to post Share on other sites
StiffPickle 0 Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 How Would you rate your best game to worst game?If you could pick one celebrity, to take out for a night who would that be? Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Dear Daniel,I will be in Vegas April 17th - 21st. Which day are we getting drunk and what is our drink of choice?I'll be headed to Europe. Lately it has been:Belvedere cranberry with a splash of pineapple. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Sorry if I am over stepping my boundries ... I didn't even remember this site (or that I was a member) until DN mentioned it in his rant and I came her to check it out. I would certainly find it unlikely that anyone would only want one opinion on something that was posted in a forum, do you? If DN wants to anwer he will and he can take me to the cleaners as well if he disagrees with my thoughts ... My goal here is to learn as much as I can about what others are going through and I am not going to sit around and wait for DN to give a response (if he wants to) when we can talk about it while waiting. I'm actually REALLY glad you did answer and I thought your line of thinking was very good. Not sure why that guy had a problem with it, but feel free to post away! Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Hey Daniel,Big fan of yours. I'm glad I found this forum and appreciate the opportunity to post and to read your replies. I think you're one of the classier pro's and a great example of how to be successful and still be approachable. And while I'm piling on the accolades, let me say that I really respect your game and have tried to model my play after you. OK...enough with the props...I've been a member of PokerVT for a number of months and I know for a fact it has improved my game tremendously. I wasn't aware how much I didn't know. Now I am a committed small baller, both in tourneys and cash. I love the new found control of variance! I watch the videos over and over and pick up new things each time. My favorites are yours, Jon Turner, Jason, Adam and Bryan. I do have a request though. Since I've found the videos of your online MTT's and low limit cash games the most helpful, I wonder if you have any plans to add more. The private cash game commentary is very good, and I hope you continue adding to that, but a few new online MTT's would be great.So, thanks again for all the above, and I wish you tons of 'run good'.Joe Thanks for your kind words Joe and I'm glad PokerVT has helped you so much! I'm working on adding more content as we speak. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 DN don't you hate it when you take a girl home from the bar and all she wants to do is talkI like talking!If you had to be doing something else in your life to make a living what would it be? ScreenwriterDo you ever invest in stock market?NoWhat kind of retirement plan do you have?"Run Good" LOLDo you think the world will end on 12/12/12?I'm going to go with NO.When do you think online poker sites will start getting regulated in the states?Probably on. 12/13/12Sometime in 2013 Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 Screenwriter?Are you working on a screen play for a poker movie?Does it star Will Ferrell?Why not? Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 How good is top pair?I ask this, as an avowed donkament player, since it seems to me the median hand you should be willing to get all in with on the flop. That is, when I get all in with it it seems to be good about half the time and crushed the other half. In limit, obviously, I can just call down but in no limit it's a real problem.I lucked into an entry to Poker Maximus main event on Lock (sick brag) and went in totally intimidated and bled off my stack. Towards the end, I saw a couple hands that made me believe i was giving these guys too much credit, but by then it was too late and I lost a coin flip. That's completely stack sized dependent. The deeper you are the weaker the hand is in terms of going all in on the flop, the shorter stacked you are the more willing you should be to go with the hand. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Hello Daniel. First, thank you for talking to me for a bit at last years WSOP. When you found out that I got every penny back from PokerStars, you fist-bumped me. I'll never forget that moment.Now, two questions, one on strategy and one sort of fun one...On PokerTV, you made a little statement that I have followed when you said that if you are putting more that 25% of your stack in the pot as a single bet, you should shove it all in. I have been doing that...In tournaments. Was this statement meant for cash games only??My second question is...Have you ever been in a MTT when you were forced to be at the same table as Annie Duke and how do you think it would go down if it were to ever happen??(_)> Cheers! Alan Chiras. Yes for tournaments also. As for Annie, I have played at the same table with her. She is a pretty terrible player so in that sense it's good to have her at your table, so I don't really mind. When she gets chatty I just turn up the volume on my headphones and zone out. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Daniel,One brief follow up question about PokerVT. Are there any plans to modify the site so I can watch the videos on my Ipad? You know, flash doesn't run on the Ipad.Thanks,Joe I'm not too sure about that one, but I will ask and see if that's in the future plans. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 What's with your vegan buddy Alicia Silverstone pre-chewing her food then spitting it into her child's mouth?Are all vegans wacko? That is just freaking weird!!! Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 That is just freaking weird!!!I know...miso soup for breakfast? Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 How Would you rate your best game to worst game?If you could pick one celebrity, to take out for a night who would that be?Best to Worst in 8 game mix:Stud 8Omaha 8Limit Hold'em2-7 Triple DrawStudNLHRazzPLO As for a celeb... hmm.... to party with or like, a girl I'd like to "entertain?" I've met a few celebs that would have been on that list, so I'll go with a person I haven't met yet that I'd think would be fun to party with: Russell Brand. As for a girl I'd like to "entertain" hmm.... I guess I'd go with Ana Farris since she seems fun. Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted March 31, 2012 Author Share Posted March 31, 2012 Screenwriter?Are you working on a screen play for a poker movie?Does it star Will Ferrell?Why not? Not poker related at all but I have an idea I work on occasionally. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 Not poker related at all but I have an idea I work on occasionally.Does it have Zombies?Cause EL Guapo loves zombies.It isn't a coming of age movie is it? Cause it is really hard to work in explosions with a coming of age movie.And if you say its about Vampires...I am pretty sure I am going to ban myself.You still have any contact with Cfinnn? She was a professional screen writer I think. She was on your Head's Up League Team that I should have won. Link to post Share on other sites
Ottawa_Biatch 288 Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 What do you think about the Magically Delicious? Do you think they will contend next year? Link to post Share on other sites
bmoredolly3 0 Posted March 31, 2012 Share Posted March 31, 2012 Daniel-I must admit I respect you sticking up for Ivey. I understand you guys came up together and helped each other to where you are (and I mean two of the best and most respected players in the world.) That being said I just cannot understand how filing suit against FTP when a deal was on the table, and ruining that deal, cannot have hurt FTP players around the world who are still without their money. No I do not think he is the only person at fault and no where close to Bitar, Lederer, Fergusen, and maybe Furst (I just do not know much about him.) Doyle seemed to all but say this in his blogs, and it was not one of the issues you took issue with.From an interest standpoint who do you think are the top five NHL and PLO players in the world? Sorry if this has been asked before, and appreciate the attentions you pays to fans. Thanks! Link to post Share on other sites
DanielNegreanu 141 Posted April 1, 2012 Author Share Posted April 1, 2012 IPad issue with flash: download an app called iSwifter and you can watch flash on your IPad is what I'm being told. Link to post Share on other sites
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