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  • 3 weeks later...

At no point tonight did I think they were getting eliminated.There hadn't been a non-elim leg yet, plus these guys had to be way too popular.And I really hated Art & JJ, but a little less now after splitting that money.

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that was a class move by the border agents. That whiny big brother chick was especially annoying ladt night
she is so great. I love train wrecks.overall I like this season. Obviously the fights between Brendan and Rachel are dumb as hell and they will get back together instantly. I feel like the tension between the army veteran and his wife is really genuine, and it is interesting to watch.
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she is so great. I love train wrecks.overall I like this season. Obviously the fights between Brendan and Rachel are dumb as hell and they will get back together instantly. I feel like the tension between the army veteran and his wife is really genuine, and it is interesting to watch.
I think it is really genuine. He's a complete dick. They're still together because he's not around and they don't actually spend a bunch of time together.
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I think it is really genuine. He's a complete dick. They're still together because he's not around and they don't actually spend a bunch of time together.
I dunno she seems like a bitch also.
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Best quote from this week's episode:"Fast forward is land a helicopter to a helipad. Hmm. Being a helicopter pilot, I could potentially be successful at that."Hahaha... so great. I hate that pilot 's wife. Huge bitch.

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Damn, tough leg for Jersey, and I was just starting to like them.Was a little surprised they couldn't beat Dave and Rachel with the hay bales. Rachel did great, but what really helped was Dave dropping a lot of the bales where she didn't have to move them a whole lot, just rearrange them into place. Their stack seemed to be closer to the truck where the Jersey boys dropped them all on the ground and they all had to be carried over further.Crazy amount of risk/reward revolving around the fast forward. The roadblock may have looked kind of cool, but it was ridiculously easy and no one ( Joey/Danny) could make up any time.I thought the detour was a bit of a trick. They tried to gross teams out with the oil challenge but it was probably quicker than the apples. Until you get there you don't realize how many apples are in the car. Though I don't blame Jersey for gambling with the apples, they had to know they were in last and had to try and get lucky. Plus I think it was smart of them to look through golden apples, easier to spot the red flag.The editing at the end was a little silly with the cab driver "disappearing". Joey/Danny didn't even start the apples until the douchey couple were gone. They had to be at least a half hour behind. Oh well, a little disappointing because I thought the guys were starting to come on stronger lately. Easily a better team than Nary/Jaime, and probably the douchey couple as well.

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Crazy amount of risk/reward revolving around the fast forward.
Yeah no shit, I don't feel sorry for the jersey guys at all. Both teams made a bad decision by going for that. Way too much risk when everyone finds out about the fast forward at the exact same time.lol loved the preview for next week. "Rachel next time get your nose done before your boobs." "Yeah I'm 38 and I still look younger than you."
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Sorry for the Jersey guys, but anyone with a nickname like "Fitness" shoudl have been eliminated in utero. OK, just a joke...they were decent guys, even if they did seem to be Jersey Shore rejects. Still too harsh? Anyway, point is, they were unlucky because of the ease of the challenges and the labour intensive Fast Forward.Looking forward to the bitchy comments next week in the Hottie vs Nottie clash of the titanically small brains.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Army general guy: <says something logical>Wife: "Stop yelling at me."Army general guy: "I'm not yelling at you."Wife: "You need to chill out."...and repeat over and over.I think the secret agent girls are stupid. This is amazing race not survivor, nobody cares what your profession is. The way you are treated on the show is based on how you treat others.I'm starting to really like the border patrol guys. Every decision they make is the most logical decision.Obvious lol at Rachel getting served.

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I don't understand the hate for the army wife. The dude's an ******* and has said some things on camera that shouldn't get a pass. It's no wonder she gets defensive and what some would call, bitchy. In Tanner's example above, dude had a tone that she interpreted as being combative and reacted in a pretty normal way. It's not a good dynamic when you're a team under stress and trying to accomplish a task in a race. Him being an ******* and her sticking up for herself is probably multiple times worse when off camera which means they're pretty much doomed as a couple. I don't think they hate each other but they are hateful towards each other. It's too bad they have kids. There's no surprise he acts this way as he's used to people doing exactly what he commands. He can dress them down if they don't do what he says, when he says and how he says. There's no talking back to a superior in the armed forces without pretty severe consequences. That hierarchy shit doesn't fly in the civilian word and especially in a marriage where the woman doesn't kowtow to her husband. So maybe he's not an ******* but he does come across like one on this show.edit: asshole is censored? really?

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I am solidly in the camp that lays most of the blame at the feet of the army wife. I think she's terrible.

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I am solidly in the camp that lays most of the blame at the feet of the army wife. I think she's terrible.
I am in the same camp. Let's not shower at the same time, though, please.
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I think it is obvious that they are both to blame. Even when the guy isn't negative she snaps back at him 100% of the time. They just are not good for each other.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If team Kentucky was so far behind that they couldn't catch up even with a fast forward, what was the point of giving them the non-elim leg?Go team border patrol, they seem to "want it" more than everyone else so I'm rooting for them.

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My guess:Last week Mark was going to quit the Bollywood dance scene but the producers told the camera man to get him to try one more time. Everyone else had finished and it was a non-elimination leg so the only thing left was to get the two of them back and have footage of Mark finishing. I think the cameraman also told the Bollywood director to pass him since Mark still didn't do the dance rightBecause of this collusion, they weren't going to be let through the next round. I think the other teams were done before Mark and Bopper finished painting the lion face. The cameraman told them to take the FF and they knew they were toast. orThey started really really really late because of Mark's heat stroke treatment from the previous day. Either way, I'm certain the Bollywood director was told to give them their next clue on Mark's final dance.

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Either way, I'm certain the Bollywood director was told to give them their next clue on Mark's final dance.
Yeah I thought this too. They were really rough with the judging in that by the way. There was a couple of times that Rachel did it where she looked pretty good, but they failed her. It seemed really really hard. If I was doing it, I would never be able to get it.
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