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Thanks Zach!DRAFT RESULTSFigger ----------------> Greg SAM_Hard8 ---------> Kourtney hblask ---------------> Leif Serge ----------------> Alicia Governator ----------> Kim GWCGWC -----------> Colton gobears --------------> Matt dna4ever ------------> Nina FCP Bob -------------> Christina mercury69 -----------> Jonas Ottawa_Biatch -------> Jay FARGOpokerND ------> Michael FARGOpokerND #2 --> Bill Serge #2 -------------> Chelsea Ottawa_Biatch #2 ----> Monica ChicagoMike22 -------> Sabrina king_tanner ----------> Kat Tehtoe ----------------> Troy
Seriously? I get the midget? The only one I absolutely DON'T want? Sigh.
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shit it looks like I'm going to keep my streak of not cashing going with the good for nothing blond chick Kat. I hope she has the "she can't win so let's take her to the end" thing going for her.

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OK, my guy Leif... at least he won't get voted off for being the weakest guy, he could make the jury. I still see no way for him to make it to final, because everyone knows midget at final = $1 Million.It looks like they picked as many insane egotistical douchebags for this season as they could find, people who had never watched the show. It's like everyone is trying to be alpha leader and piss on everyone else. Really? How's that strategy ever worked?Monica seems like one of the few sane women, and Sabrina (the black woman) seems sane.Gay guy is too full of himself and a little too into his own stereotype. He's got no chance.All four of the macho guys in that strong guy alliance are people who I would absolutely hate in real life, and I hope gay guy can get rid of them quickly.It should be an interesting season, with plenty of people to hate.

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Good first episode!Things I liked:StealingCrazy peopleNo redemption islandNo "all stars"Everyone on one islandHaving to give immunity idol to someone in the other tribeThe asian lady flipping out at tribalThings I didn't like:Making alliances based on strength. I liked it back in the day when they got rid of the stronger people because they were threats. I actually like the stronger girls alliance, but I hate the douchebag guys. I hope the midget+old people+gay guy find a way to get the dbags off.

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I have Monica and Matt in a different 9 player pool. Sure hope I don't get either of those players in this one. Based on Bleachers take, I don't think either of those two players have a shot to win.
Monica could be a darkhorse except she's not in the current majority female alliance, though I'm not sure that will matter. I still think Matt will piss off enough people and be a physical threat. Could go around early jury time.
Colton - Doesn't care about being the bad guy, I love his attitude. But even though it doesn't say he is, he appears to be gay so I hope that doesn't hurt his social game with the other guys.This could really good!
Man, I hope we haven't seen the best of him, because I hated him tonight. Really dude? Not even trying to fit in with the guys. His great gameplay is planning to jump over to the women at a merge? He'll be long gone if things stay like this. (except he has the idol now, so......)
Seriously? I get the midget? The only one I absolutely DON'T want? Sigh.
I can think of one worse.Sorry SAM.
shit it looks like I'm going to keep my streak of not cashing going with the good for nothing blond chick Kat. I hope she has the "she can't win so let's take her to the end" thing going for her.
I think her social game will be strong. She seems to be almost in the middle of the fighting females.
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I've got Matt who seems to be in a strong early alliance although they only have four but who is also one of the egotistical d-bags. I could see all of the guys voting for Colton who plays the idol and votes out Matt who he hates.I like Chelsea, the country girl who caught the two chickens. She seems to have a great attitude and isn't pissing the other girls off.

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Interesting first episode. Though not exactly what I meant by Kourtney breaking down early, do I still get credit?I agree we got a handful of douchey guys and some bitchy women, could make for good tv. I think the social game may be really important this season with everyone in constant contact with each other. Almost like BB where the house divides into 2 alliances but you all still have to coexist and live in the same house.The women were typical women. Cut a deal to split the chickens they caught, then when Chelsea gets both they keep both. Then whining about no fire trying to trade a chicken that they'd already agreed to split.And the best was their complaint about not finishing the challenge. A) they would've lost anyway and B) they would've done the exact same thing. This isn't about being nice or chivalrous, it's a damn game show. You don't give up sure immunity.Girls seem to have their core alliance of 5, with Monica, Nina, and Christina on the outside looking in. And the guys alliance of Matt, Mike, Bill, and Jay seem to think they're running the show though there's only 4 of them.I honestly don't think any of this will hold or matter. I don't believe for a second we're keeping the tribes guys vs girls for more than another week or 2. Then when most of one gender hates the other, they're going to mix it up again. I almost think they have to or the guys will nearly sweep the challenges.As for individuals, I don't hate the black chick as much as I thought. I do hate Alicia the (half-black?) diva from Chicago. My favorites are probably Chelsea and Kim.Not sure about the guys. After the stealing stuff in the beginning, Mike might not be as boring as I thought. Still think the sushi chef could fly under the radar for awhile. Also could be a huge shake-up if they go to tribal and Colton uses the idol.

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Tough break for SAM_Hard with Kourtney. I liked the first ep and that people are a bit clueless, it's been a while since we've had an all new cast playing. I'm not yet sold on the guys vs girls tribes but the first thing that ticked me off was that the "hidden idol" was found in the "second place" the girl looked. These hidden idols need to be impossible to find without clues or added randomly in to the game. They shouldn't just place them in the obvious knot in a tree or hollow log. Tie the thing to a rock and put it underwater somewhere.Governator - Paidhblask - Paidgobears - Paiddna4ever - PaidGWCGWC - Paidking_tanner - PaidFARGOpokerND - PaidFARGOpokerND #2 - PaidTehtoe - PaidFCP Bob - PaidOttawa_Biatch - PaidOttawa_Biatch #2 - PaidSerge - PaidSerge #2 - PaidFigger - Paid/Pendingmercury69SAM_Hard8ChicagoMike22

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No question I am in, even though I got the sushi chef. Payment will be worked out over the weekend, as I've been to lazy and tired to do it after work and cooking dinner and whatnot. I'm good for it...Asian Girl snapped at Alicia (SlutBag) because AG knew she had made a mistake and acted unilaterally about the weaving deal (lol) and that it was too soon to panic about fire, but SB didn't stfu at all. Big boobs and thong-like shorts are not going to make many female friends around camp in the long run.Matt - Good lord, what a d-bagColton - Damn, dude, could you BE any gayer?Other men - Shame on your for not completing the challenge. What a bunch of pussies. And TWO guys named Tarzan 9or w/e). Should make for a real pissing contest.Bottom line appears to be that diplomacy has been completely cast aside and adversarial interactions will set the early tone. Should be fun to watch the fireworks.

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Thx Serge.With a $360 Prize Pool, the payout looks like this (We'll see what the final prize pool is in the account soon for anyone with fees):1st: $2002nd: $1003rd: $60*If 2nd/3rd place tie in votes it would be an $80/$80 split.

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Thanks Zach!DRAFT RESULTSFigger ----------------> Greg SAM_Hard8 ---------> Kourtney hblask ---------------> Leif Serge ----------------> Alicia Governator ----------> Kim GWCGWC -----------> Colton gobears --------------> Matt dna4ever ------------> Nina FCP Bob -------------> Christina mercury69 -----------> Jonas Ottawa_Biatch -------> Jay FARGOpokerND ------> Michael FARGOpokerND #2 --> Bill Serge #2 -------------> Chelsea Ottawa_Biatch #2 ----> Monica ChicagoMike22 -------> Sabrina king_tanner ----------> Kat Tehtoe ----------------> Troy
As if my girl's (nina) face wasn't fucked up enough she had to fuck it up even more so now she looks like a mentally challenged clown
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FUCK!So how do I do this Paypal thing without opening an account? Never saw that window in the screen cap.

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I get frustrated by seasons like this where really stupid tribe votes off their good people just because of some random connection early on. Monica is one of their best people, if not THE best, and has almost no chance, and cop lady tonight was probably in the top half anyway. I feel bad because these people have to give up a lot for this chance, and to just get eliminated out of sheer stupidity... it's frustrating to watch.Coulton was pretty cocky for someone who has no chance to go to the end....

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The women are just a train wreck right now.No surprise, I knew the 5 would stick together and vote out Nina. At tribal, Chelsea and Sabrina of kind admitted they're in a bad alliance, but all 5 of them have to be way too scared to switch now, especially since they keep losing.Agreed about Monica, she seems to be smart and a great competitor (and a heck of a nice body for early 40's) and she's in a terrible spot right now.Not sure what to make about Colton and his newly formed alliance. I don't ever think it's a great idea to tell numerous people you have an idol. And if it is truly the 5 misfits vs the 4 muscleheads, he really doesn't need to play the idol. Doesn't make much sense. I think some of them (Jonas in particular) are just playing along for now. They don't really care if he uses the idol as long as they're safe, then they can get Colton out whenever.Colton's been really frustrating to watch. It doesn't even seem like he's being picked on or mistreated, he's shunning his own tribe and not even trying. Then by lucky circumstance an idol falls into his lap.Still don't think guys vs girls is lasting much longer, otherwise it may be like the season where Stephanie was the sole member left on her tribe. the girls just don't seem to be able to win anything.

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I actually think Colton showing the idol was a good move. I think it is important to build an alliance before using the idol. If he didn't he would have used it and just got voted off the next week. I think all the guys noticed a divide between the "muscle" group and everyone else, showing the idol was really his only shot at building some kind of alliance, and I think it will work for a little bit.The only problem is that his plan to screw all the guys over and go with the girls isn't going to work for him now since the girls don't like him. They might make an alliance with him, then boot him after they have the numbers. So he is pretty much in the same position as Cochrane from last season.

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