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Cracked Appreciation

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Some of the very early ones seemed fake to me. But most seemed honest. Either way, funny as hell and that is all that matters to me.But yes, it does use your history to help with auto correct. But seriously, who is texting about promotional cat baskets?

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I have no idea if this has been discussed yet, but after scanning the site for a few minutes I discovered the one item that I can not longer be without....The penis copterhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?

"Surprised monkey" is a fun google image search.          

"I don't even know where to start. Are they on a Go-Go Barge? That was a thing, back in the day? Go-go parties delivered by water freight? And are those Go-Go Barge pirate ... beatniks? Soulful, poetr

Some of them are definitely fake. Still funny though. I LOL'd at a few. The SorryIatethelastwaffle one was classic, and probably real. Also the LMFAOPromotional kitten basket or whatever was hilarious.

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07234bf2-aa41-4f15-8182-1bb193ef1bf2.jpgIT MUST BE TRUE!"Dick in my vulva" is almost def for realz
and she kept posting vulva. God that is going in my favorites for bad days...And yes the killing in the woods was great.
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It all started with #8 and kept on going.
#18 and #22. I just lost it. Amazing.
14 is good too
I had to sop after 5# because I laughed out loud at work.
Merc's link changed, so these numbers don't correspond to the same ones anymore.
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GOD FUCKING DAMN IT GOD FUCKING DAMN IT GOD FUCKING DAMN ITedit: ok I watched further and saw the reference and we're still friends strat but jesus christ that guy is horrible come on bro
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