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I have no idea if this has been discussed yet, but after scanning the site for a few minutes I discovered the one item that I can not longer be without....The penis copterhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?

"Surprised monkey" is a fun google image search.          

"I don't even know where to start. Are they on a Go-Go Barge? That was a thing, back in the day? Go-go parties delivered by water freight? And are those Go-Go Barge pirate ... beatniks? Soulful, poetr

You tell me, Mr. Animal Scientist.92249_v1.jpg92253_v1.jpg"Do NOT do a Google Images search of holoprosencephaly..."
Hm. I knew that cyclops defects existed, but that particular picture just looks so fake...the eye itself looks plastic.
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8 Hilariously Insane Examples of Vladimir Putin PropagandaBy: Luke McKinney

One man was allowed to grab a thousand breasts in a row because
. That was his entire strategy. Russian comedian Sam Nickel had a chance to shake hands with the Russian prime minister, wanted to pass on two kilotits of "positive energy and tactile experience" through his hands and kept a straight face while explaining that to a thousand women. He maintained a fierce scowl of concentration throughout the project, possibly to prevent himself from giggling, "It's working!"

(If that link doesn't work, you can find it embedded in the article.)I got to 106 before I started skipping ahead. The reactions are kind of mesmerizing though.Question: if you were watching this video and saw your girlfriend on it, what would you hope her reaction was?
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I made it to 336. Only stopped because I actually have to do work, I'll probably watch the rest later.Actually a pretty attractive group of girls, although many of them were definitely underage, but lol russia.Hilights,-He gets slapped around 120, looks legit-gets slapped/pushed a few other times-gets kissed around 280, and again around 320. must be nice.

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Seanbaby and Old Batman Comics"The fearless crusader only thought it would be awesome to spend his final moments fucking a church.""Was this written by someone on their first day of racism?"100573_v1.jpg"Gotham could cut down on its super crime by almost 90 percent if Batman punched pregnant women in the stomach every time they thought up a clever baby name.""If a man robbing the Indian food factory said, "I'm Rick Tallflame, better known as The Lava Colon!" Robin's first attack would be biting his asshole."
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I never enjoy at that stuff as much as I should, since I always feel like they are all faked. I mean, some of the autocorrects are being switched from common words to very uncommon words. It doesn't make sense.

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I never enjoy at that stuff as much as I should, since I always feel like they are all faked. I mean, some of the autocorrects are being switched from common words to very uncommon words. It doesn't make sense.
That occured to me, but doesn't AutoCorrect use the user's own texts as source material? I don't know how it works, as I do not have one of these devices.
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That occured to me, but doesn't AutoCorrect use the user's own texts as source material? I don't know how it works, as I do not have one of these devices.
That was my understanding, which makes it even funnier. Plus, it's not like it takes a real word and autocorrects it into something else. I'm sure the person mistyped something and then it autocorrected.
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That was my understanding, which makes it even funnier. Plus, it's not like it takes a real word and autocorrects it into something else. I'm sure the person mistyped something and then it autocorrected.
Given how people are, more and more, prone to spelling errors, using incorrect terms and phrases, etc, some of these are almost not surprising.It also makes me wonder exactly what these people were texting about previously...Anyway, even if some are faked, they are damn funny.
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